Lets keep in mind that these people are the product of decades of policies meant to enslave a segment of our population. They are ignorant. Most of them have probably never seen the outside of the cesspool that they live in. They have been told for their entire lives that white people are to blame for their parasitic existence.
Lets hope in the coming months/years that as many of them as possible wake up... because the civil war that they "want" would not end well for them. They are the useful idiots.
HOOOO SHIT!!! I run five miles every day and have so for 20 years. I’m obviously doing something wrong because that one chick in the black t-shirt that has the words “The Marathon” printed on it... what marathon is she referring to? The buffet marathon, or does she do laps in the McDonald’s drive thru?
I pray for these individuals. I can only hope/pray that they don’t know any better and don’t have the means to get the real truth. Not to be calling any one out- but there’s certain people that will only ‘hear the truth’ from someone of their kind/background. But it’s possible! There’s so many patriots of all skin color, ages, religion, etc that I pray will go into these small towns to help these people see the truth.
He’ll just withhold another billion from Ukraine to give to his brown shirt friends.
As long as a billion gets funneled back to "the big guy"...
You can't 6uild 6ack 6etter unless you burn it all down first..
Racist gonna be racist. They are what they accuse others of. Ignorance is bliss.
Lets keep in mind that these people are the product of decades of policies meant to enslave a segment of our population. They are ignorant. Most of them have probably never seen the outside of the cesspool that they live in. They have been told for their entire lives that white people are to blame for their parasitic existence.
Lets hope in the coming months/years that as many of them as possible wake up... because the civil war that they "want" would not end well for them. They are the useful idiots.
Democrats have effectively segregated and quarantined segments of the minority populations so they can have a voting bloc.
That is the sad reality.
Fuck, these are some ignorant motherfuckers.
HOOOO SHIT!!! I run five miles every day and have so for 20 years. I’m obviously doing something wrong because that one chick in the black t-shirt that has the words “The Marathon” printed on it... what marathon is she referring to? The buffet marathon, or does she do laps in the McDonald’s drive thru?
Love the "I can't breathe" shirt on the other one. Ya, that will happen when you're morbidly obese.
Unbelievable. I'd say more.... but I don't want to "incriminate" myself.
America is uneducated....that is all
True for many, and sadly the rest are miseducated, deceived and misinformed. The results speak for themselves
While the black baby genocide is her body her choice right?
Thank you Ilhan Omar
Those 2 fat ones would be easy an easy target
These are ignorant racist people.
If you watch it thinking these are all actors being paid to have a particular opinion, it makes more sense.
I pray for these individuals. I can only hope/pray that they don’t know any better and don’t have the means to get the real truth. Not to be calling any one out- but there’s certain people that will only ‘hear the truth’ from someone of their kind/background. But it’s possible! There’s so many patriots of all skin color, ages, religion, etc that I pray will go into these small towns to help these people see the truth.
Somebody should fid out where these motherfuckers live and burn down their houses.
We don’t want to hurt their parents... cmon man!
Baby shot in face while in stroller:
Baby shot in face while in stroller: