posted ago by MagaMan1776 ago by MagaMan1776 +74 / -0

RADICALIZED LEFTIST posts a picture on instagram painting Mah'Kia Bryant as some kind of angel.

8pm my time (relevant later) I respond: So this one confuses me. She was literally stabbing a person when she got shot.

This morning, Leftist responds: [my name], I really can’t right now. You have your set of beliefs and you are going to want to see this child as someone that deserves to get shot 4 TIMES then I’m not sure we can have this conversation. You clearly are on the side that wants to support every fucking cop that can somehow apprehend white people in a calm matter without KILLING THEM but not understand that this cop showed up and 4 seconds later used his MOST LETHAL form to subdue this child??? Honestly I would rather that the Fucking cop in all their gear got stabbed a little bit then a child get killed. I watched the video and honestly I don’t think there is enough known about what happened for you to make your judgments. The fucking cop wasn’t even there long enough to do that but instead of blinding making judgments on who’s lives are more valuable from the safety of your white male privilege instead of seeing the systemic issues that are literally making us desensitized to mass shootings and serial cop killings

I’ve chosen to spend my last 8 years living in a place that I am the minority, I live in a state with 50th in education, where there are oil camps and indigenous women (and men) go missing, MURDERED, raped, and the police do nothing. We had APD officers MURDERING homeless people so badly they sent in the FBI YEARS ago to try and “reform” the police

The thing about these issues is they have layers and it’s not as easy as “oh she had a knife in her hand”. There are layers and layers on these issues and I have friends and family that are 5-10 times more likely to die than you and I from just LIVING and existing. Normally I might have more time to discuss this or try and level with you but right now and today I don’t have that energy. But that photo you have as a “cowboy” as a white male also represents a culture and identity you don’t even have but like to pretend and play “cowboys and Indians” while actual peoples lives are destroyed over the same manifest destiny and white supremacy that keeps the USA capitalism running.

Me: I mean, if I was being actively stabbed by a person I’d want the cop to shoot them. Also, just for reference, I support the officer in the Daunte Wright incident being arrested and charged/convicted. And I also live in a place where I’m a minority, [my city] is like 80% black and all of my neighbors are black. But I’m not going to virtue signal about it. All I’m saying is that she was actively stabbing another person when she was shot. She didn’t just “have a knife in her hand.” She was swinging it at a human being she had pinned against a car with the intent to stab her. Did you not see that part?

Leftist: I saw ALL THE FUCKING PARTS! We don’t agree on this, GET OVER IT! I didn’t message you, you messaged me. I saw all the videos, I watch everyone of them. I don’t care about your white male privileged opinion on topics you don’t understand and clearly aren’t trying to. Buy all the fucking guns you want to “protect yourself from your dangerous neighborhood”. See I don’t comment on things I don’t agree with on your shit at 8 am in the fucking morning? Why don’t you go talk to your black neighbors about her death and see what they think.

she's in New Mexico, I'm on the East Coast

Me: I sent that message at 8pm EST. My apologies for trying to open a dialogue. Won’t make that mistake with you again.

Leftist: You know some days I have all the energy in the world to tell you why and how your beliefs are rooted in a systemic racism system that I guess are aren’t aware of, or more realistically don’t want to acknowledge, because then the system you benefit from could come crashing down and your conscious might make you have to change some of you precious opinions.

I don’t have the energy today for this. You want to understand more about where you are positioned in comparison to that sweet baby angel that was murdered? Read about the caste system in the US

Me: Let me just ask you this and then we can both be done with this conversation. Had Mah’Kia succeeded in stabbing the girl in the pink jump suit, would you still be calling her a sweet baby angel?

She hasn't responded.