Sez the Big Girl "professor" Jabba the Oaf. Yes, I'm fat shaming her, cuz she's FAT! How do you let yourself go to that degree? And how does she really have anything to offer in a classroom? ...or is she one of those "research professors" who never teach, they just study? ...and opine. And brother do they EVER OPINE! All the time, blah blah platitude after another...blah blah blah.
No, she was "adultified" because she was actively stabbing someone...
Sez the Big Girl "professor" Jabba the Oaf. Yes, I'm fat shaming her, cuz she's FAT! How do you let yourself go to that degree? And how does she really have anything to offer in a classroom? ...or is she one of those "research professors" who never teach, they just study? ...and opine. And brother do they EVER OPINE! All the time, blah blah platitude after another...blah blah blah.
There now, I feel better!
I read her comments and felt my IQ decline.
However, while reading the article's comment section it came back up.
Adultified = Goodified
No one dares to ask the questio .....Why would a 15 year old think that stabbing someone to death would be a good solution to her problems.
Assimilating this ‘professor’s’ rationale into your decision making paradigm = stupidified
No, she was killed because she was about to stab someone. Her age is immaterial.
"Adultified" is exactly the kind of plebeian vocabulary I would expect from a professor at rutgers.
This must be the head of the English department.
Rutger professor was childified because she is a fucking idiot.
Well obesity does shorten your life span so by using fat people years she probably was an adult.
Coming from another rotund, kek
Holy fuck is that a memeable picture.
walks like a duck, quacks like a quack
Play stupid games win stupid prizes lol
Even kids can kill. And she was in th process of attempting to kill someone when she herself was killed, so...
When SHTF the fat ones will be the first to go.