Gotta have more time to indoctrinate. 12 years is not enough. (Link in comments)
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Fucking boomers did what now? ..survive their circumstances the best they could? Make you? They were victims too, and it wouldn't take you very long to go through previous posts on GA that detail cabal fuckery and population control going back centuries..
GTFOH with that Maoist cultural revolution bullshit
Thank you.
Generational rivalry and blame is a cabal construct. It’s another divide and conquer tactic, keeping us separated and conflicted. My boomer mother and father told me about Q, my dad who was a hardcore republican my whole life was able to swallow that the Bushes were evil and behind the Kennedy assignation and 911. He found Q a month after he started posting. He’s still a doomer because he’s impatient, but boomers are awakening probably more so than the other generations.
Dude your anger is misplaced. Boomers raised Gen X. Anecdotally, I can tell you that every millennial I know is a mask-wearing anxiety ridden idiot who blindly follows Fauci.
You’re just buying into the generational divide that the people that be want you to. This is a human problem, NOT a generational age-divide problem.
That's a bingo
Bitter much? Have you successfully red pilled anyone, and happy watched as they red pilled more?
Great for you, you are awake. Sounds like you resent your parents a LOT for being asleep, we get it. Been there. But even my church-indoctrinated socialist MIL woke up, I was able to help that happen.
Make kids that are also awake and armed for this spiritual war (hint, not easy). But first, find your joy and your contentment. Might be different things. Bring in Jesus and get to know Mary, this helps a great deal too. God bless you, sincerely, with His Spirit and all the strength and gifts that come with it. Forgive, let go of the bad feelings, but not the lessons. Be a happy warrior.
how does a guy find someone like you, everybody i meet my age (24) is a complete libtard and i couldnt stand being with any of them. Too bad im not in VA lol
you give me hope that more like you are out there and i just need to be patient
Boomers are salty, but they laid down like bitches and left the mess for us to clean up while simultaneously pointing the finger at us. They will get what they deserve when the markets crash and they have to labor their way to survival until they die.
Look at the bullshit kind of attitude of "move out and do the right thing".
This is why Indians and Chinese will out breed whites. All whites have in mind is a life full of what they want. Get the kids out of the hair and "retire", spend all the money and die early.
Unsustainable stupidity.
I'm chasing my kids out not because I don't want them living with me (they would be enormously useful as my wife and I get older) but because they need to create families and lives of their own.
Birds have to fly the nest eventually.
I've given my kids every advantage I can give them, and I've promised to be here to help them if they should stumble. But they have to fly and be free.
My girlfriend 's dad used to say 'the point of the exercise is to raise an adult.'
AHEM, hispanics are much more likely to stick together as a family, especially the more faithful they are. Marian households and extended families are absolutely magical in their intensity, unity, and sheer strength to overcome problems and help others in need. Indians and Chinese who stick together are strong as well, but they never seem as happy.
Boomers should stop laying it all on the younger generation if they don't want it laid on theirs.
Where do I even fucking begin...