lol..what? America is lost. It has literally no family morality. Sad.
America has no concept at all of the idea of the village. It has cultivated a notion that kids must leave at a certain age. It's unsustainable and going to come crashing down on the heads of Americans who think this way.
This is why "minorities" outbreed whites. You guys have no idea of how to stick together.
They used that cohesion and trust in institutions like church and school/govt to destroy the family. They subverted the education system and the preacher's and twisted everything to their communist globalist ends. Note how getting along became more important than standing up for the ten commandments, truth, morality, justice. Not an accident.
I agree with this! I always point out how whites throw their grannies into a retirement home the moment they become a "burden"-you NEVER see minorities do that to their abuelitas! But then of course many of those same grannies didn't breastfeed their babies back when giving formula to your infant was the socially promoted thing to do among white mothers. You are a more empathic person if you've been breastfed and you have a greater bond with your mother. Then came along the "daycare generation" of the 80's and 90's. White mothers spent even less time with their young children by dropping them off in daycare (further severing their maternal connection).
Considering all this, I suppose throwing one's mother in a home is actually unsurprising.
A family that sticks together even with the expectation that you "have" to leave is better than a family that moves out, grows apart and becomes something else
Hard disagree.
"Do the right thing and move out"
lol..what? America is lost. It has literally no family morality. Sad. America has no concept at all of the idea of the village. It has cultivated a notion that kids must leave at a certain age. It's unsustainable and going to come crashing down on the heads of Americans who think this way.
This is why "minorities" outbreed whites. You guys have no idea of how to stick together.
The "fatherless" home are really that FATHER as in God the Father is absent. That is the core issue. The Trinity was absent from their lives.
So their parents did not raise them with knowing the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
This reaches deeper than the 1960's. But the Boomer generation was the first to be propagandized via television.
They used that cohesion and trust in institutions like church and school/govt to destroy the family. They subverted the education system and the preacher's and twisted everything to their communist globalist ends. Note how getting along became more important than standing up for the ten commandments, truth, morality, justice. Not an accident.
"America" - north, south, central? Lol
"You guys" - what do you know?
I'm surrounded by large families strongly connected to grands nearby, by the way, have you ever seen a homeschool conference?
I agree with this! I always point out how whites throw their grannies into a retirement home the moment they become a "burden"-you NEVER see minorities do that to their abuelitas! But then of course many of those same grannies didn't breastfeed their babies back when giving formula to your infant was the socially promoted thing to do among white mothers. You are a more empathic person if you've been breastfed and you have a greater bond with your mother. Then came along the "daycare generation" of the 80's and 90's. White mothers spent even less time with their young children by dropping them off in daycare (further severing their maternal connection).
Considering all this, I suppose throwing one's mother in a home is actually unsurprising.
A family that sticks together even with the expectation that you "have" to leave is better than a family that moves out, grows apart and becomes something else
It is NO ONE’s job to take care of an alcoholic step parent or parent. Re-read his post.