It's absolutely fake. Still blaming COVID for flu cases with a PCR test that can't differentiate and is an ineffective tool to measure COVID.
Just more of the same from our CDC and its power over the medical field.
It's absolutely fake. Still blaming COVID for flu cases with a PCR test that can't differentiate and is an ineffective tool to measure COVID.
Just more of the same from our CDC and its power over the medical field.
ive been asking everyone "where did the seasonal flu go ?"
havent got an answer yet
on a side note usually by this time of year the news is trying to scare us with the insect bourn viruses like west nile , EEE and Lyme but so far no hype.
All three people I've spoken to about this actually believe that masks and social distancing stopped the flu.
I’ve heard that bs also
My response : why didn’t masks stop COVID ?
Masks weren't intended to stop the spread. The whole point was to slow the spread, so that hospitals weren't overrun. That was accomplished within the first month or so... when we realized that it wasn't nearly as dangerous as China made it out to be.
Now that we have plenty of capacity, all we're doing is selecting for a worse strain / training the virus to spread even easier (and hurting the economy / tanking the dollar / allowing communist takeover, etc).
But in terms of the virus: It's just like stopping antibiotics too early, or stopping their HIV meds. All infections (and species) evolve to be resistant. Life finds a way. Either you contain and eliminate it, or you learn to live with it and mitigate the consequences.
It's time to grow up and live with it the same way we learned to live with Influenza, and other viruses before that. It's no big deal. So long as there are people to be infected, they will be infected with something. Just wash your hands, exercise, eat healthy, don't drink / smoke, etc. and pray your heart gives out first? I mean, we're all going to die from something sometime.
But, Covid IS the Flu! They just renamed it and hyped it up as something it's not.
Okay, so we will live with it until at some point, a new strain / Covid variant hits (or is released) that's potentially way worse. Look at India right now; some believe they have a more dangerous variant goes around.
IF it's possible to more or less eradicate Covid here and & now, like the way Polio is now - basically non-existant - that would be more ideal than just living with it. And hoping for the best.
Yep! I asked my grandmother the same thing, and as smart as she is, the media still got to her and told her that it's because we're sanitizing everything and social distancing.
Then why is there "Covid" cases?
Which does not explain why states and communities that have not had mask restrictions still don’t have the flu.
"Just because there wasn't a mask mandate it doesn't mean people weren't wearing them."
Genuine response. I can't keep my temper with these people, it's impossible.
I love when they tell me "there is no cold/flu because masks/social distancing which is total b.s.. I work in a large metro Detoilet hospital too and these idiots are medical professionals. So now, after 14 months, I have to mask outside the entrance and where goggles around every patient. Too little too late, and I have yet to see a patient wearing goggles...
No flu shot in 20 years--NO Flu only a single cold every year. WILL NOT be getting Kung Flu shots so kiss my BIG FAT ASS u/#pleaseclap
Old Low Energy Jeb ????
Same here. I NEVER get the flu shots and I haven’t had the flu in 6+ years. And also like you, I get a cold yearly lol. Right now with the weather being back and forth I’ve gotten some sinus issues which libtards at work have freaked out saying “that’s how Covid starts, wear your mask” to which I reply “no” and carry on working lol.
I never get flu vaccines, but I took my chance and already got this one. Been fine. Have a large handful of friends and gamily who work in the medical system. They're not exactly red-pilled, but these are people I know and trust and I've decided to take their word for it when it comes to the Covid vaccine. Wish me luck. I wish you the same.
I definitely wish you luck, fren. I personally can’t bring myself to get it when I’m hearing so many bad things. Now there’s information circulating on this site about the vaccinated “shedding” and idk what to think anymore. But I absolutely wish you the best, and stay safe plz
It's staggering the ease at which these Bolsheviks can make the world believe in their holocaust hoaxes.
Did you see that the estimated global death toll of COVID is expected to reach six million by 2022?
What will the Covid "vaccine" death toll be by 2022?
Its not so much the vaccine killing people with side effects. It's the unknowns when an entire generation of children get it. Has any lab done long term tests to see if there are any unforseen side effects like oh I don't know infertility? That death toll could easily outstrip the death toll from abortions.
We went from "kids don't get covid and don't spread it" to "all kids will have this vaccine" in less than a few months.
Parents if you are out there (or if you know some) please for everything that is holy in this world don't let your children be experiemental lab mice.
Don't worry, my two boys will not be lab mice. Only problem is trying to find women for my boys who weren't lab mice. Sad state of the world.
Well, over 300,000 have died not too long after taking the "Covid" """Vaccine""" so there's that. But I don't believe the media has a huge red number on the corner of the screen counting.
Where can I find this? Please
they had flu, they just called it covid
The common cold has disappeared too.
When is the last time anyone caught a "cold"?
I have one now; got it from my son who had it for the last few days. The cold is definitely still out there and circulating. Oh and we're in a mask nazi state. There is no such thing as a circulating cold in humans we just have detoxes at the same time especially if living in the same house the environmental conditions are very similar.
Sorry I can't get behind this one. And your evidence for supporting this claim is the same youtube video over and over. Anyone can make a youtube video to claim anything they want.
Im not here to convince you I just drop the red pill moabs for those who want to learn the truth I have no interest in arguing with you at all. The video I posted is a concise and easy to digest red pill for anyone interested in viruses big pharma etc but if you want the actual evidence I suggest you research Aajonus Vonderplanitz's work he has 40 years of empirical research to prove everything he claims so in a way he is the evidence and me pointing you to him is the point of my comment so that you can have access to the evidence. Im not allowed to post his work without permission obviously.
It's the new virtue signal to proudly announce you either have or had Covid. The same goes for telling everyone you are fully vaccinated. No adoring looks from your peer group to say you had the flu or got the flu vax. Twisted world we live in.
No. No I don't think it's real. All flu stats show under covid now.
I give many vaccines and this is the first time in my career of over 23 years that the flu just disappeared. It's all a lie and hoax and all designed from the outset to prevent Trump from stopping the steal of America
Covid killed the flu. It's the only explanation. It was a battle between the viruses and Covid won. It actually eats the flu for breakfast. Or something like that.
Me too! When I bring it up that I have not seen anyone who has been sick in months, people just stare at me. Then I say "where is the pandemic?"" They continue to stare. There is no common sense anymore.
Trump cured the flu!
You racist! No clue, but sounds like something a far left Karen would say.
When the CDC owns the virus and the testing modality they can call it whatever they want. COVID-19 is a FLU VARIANT that's packaged in a Corona virus. That's a bio weapon not a virus.
Pretty sure I had the flu last week. So false.
It's definitely out there. My whole family caught the flu from a snot nosed kid who's mom couldn't be bothered to keep them home while sick. 100% it was the flu based on symptoms. Even tested negative for Covid (surprisingly). When I spoke to our pediatrician she said she was wondering if there was something wrong with the flu test this year that it's not picking up flu cases.
Or colds...
I had the flu in October, then I got COVID in December. The regular Flu was 100x worse than COVID for me. I kicked COVID in about 4 hours. The Flu kicked my ass for a week.
And how do you know this?
It's definitely out there. My whole family caught the flu from a snot nosed kid who's mom couldn't be bothered to keep them home while sick. 100% it was the flu based on symptoms. Even tested negative for Covid (surprisingly). When I spoke to our pediatrician she said she was wondering if there was something wrong with the flu test this year that it's not picking up flu cases.
I think they just released the flu on purpose or it's caused by the vaccines just like kovid is spreading from the vaccines.
MaSks CuRed ThE FLu reeeeeeee!!
No one I know had the flu but I live in a community where most of the residents are over 55.
We have had at least one person die from COVID (as far as I know that is what he died from - was put on a vent in Jan ... died in Feb or early March)
Others have had it supposedly but have recovered. Others have told me they had friends or relatives who were sick or have died from COVID.
At my church there are still prayer chains going out for those who have COVID. (I have no idea if they got their shots or not)
The majority of the people here have all taken the shot. Even those who voted for Trump
I know of only three other couples who have not succumbed to the shot. (I don't know everyone in my development of over 250 homes)
Yep. The modus operandi of every Communist tactic: blatantly lie in a way that creates fear in the sheep, labels the free thinkers as "conspiracy theorists", leads to distrust, infighting, and invariably leads to more government control.
I had it twice, but I didn't want to get marked Covid...
Isn't it also interesting that the CDC's own numbers show that over 257,000 people that died "of COVID" also had the flu/pneumonia as a's at the top of the list even!
I showed these stats to a super normie. They legit replied with, "Well, they most likely had covid-19 along with the flu at the same time."
Remember when the msm tried to scare us with that very same notion.
COVID + flu = super duper bad
Went to the doctor with flu symptoms. Was offered Covid test but not flu test.
relevant article:
The statistics, the science, all expose the obvious fraud.
Normies still choose to embrace the irrational fear.
This is why the Cabalists believe they're winning.
I had a 24hr flu. I tested neg for the scam before going back to work.
Seasonal flu hasn't gone anywhere. It's called Covid-19 this year.
The PCR test is a complete joke. It’s only about 70% accurate and even if it’s positive it does not mean you actually have it, could transmit it or will get sick. All these people running out and sitting in line for hours because they sneezed is complete nonsense. It’s just a fear tactic! I wish people would wake the eff up.
We know it's all bullshit. The problem is that only the people that look for this specific information will find it.