Notice they are using the word "shed" and using it in quotes - so that is technically a true statement. The correct terminology, since only a virus can shed, is "transmit"
again, it's terminology trickery - it's not shedding, it's transmission - from the article you linked above:
Another important point made by the medical panel is that the vaxxed are not “shedding” as we earlier thought. Shedding is a phenomenon which happens after vaccination but these are not vaccines. Covid shots are a form of gene therapy however the “therapy” part has been inverted because the messenger RNA technology is not programmed for healing but for cell destruction. Therefore, we are dealing not with “shedding” but with bioweapons transmission, the panel makes clear.
That's funny, because when you click on the trend button to check what they're saying, they said specifically that the pfizer shot does NOT shed, and it's impossible that it could. Hm, they don't seem to be listening to pfizer.
I can't help but think this their way to turn us into covidiots freaking out about the vaxxed the same way as the vaxxed freaks out about us. This fits way too well in their goal of genociding one of the two groups.
The average person sheds 8 lbs of dead skin cells every year.
If you do the math... you are shedding 1/3rd of an ounce of dead skin cells every day.
Most of those dead skin cells can be seen as dust around our homes, or they get washed out of clothing in the washing machine.
When you shake hands with someone, or touch their arm... you are both transferring some skin cells between you. If you sit on an airplane seat, or a restaurant chair... you are sitting in a place where someone else had shed their skin cells earlier that day. Since you constantly shed skin cells... then yes, you can shed proteins.
This video was posted to GA yesterday. I suggest y'all watch it if you haven't already. The Dr's in this video discuss "vaccine shedding" vs transmission. Which is what this really is.
If covid "vacc" sheds the same way other vaccs can, then 94 days after the last vacc shot has been given on Earth (let's dream and believe that can be so) all shedding will be over. Everywhere.
Notice they are using the word "shed" and using it in quotes - so that is technically a true statement. The correct terminology, since only a virus can shed, is "transmit"
again, it's terminology trickery - it's not shedding, it's transmission - from the article you linked above:
That's funny, because when you click on the trend button to check what they're saying, they said specifically that the pfizer shot does NOT shed, and it's impossible that it could. Hm, they don't seem to be listening to pfizer.
How will this fit into their "segregate vaccinated and unvaccinated peoples" narrative?
Technically, this is accurate... Since there is not a live virus in the vaccine it's not called, "shedding" it's called "Transmission."
I'm not a doctor but I hunt and kill things in Oklahoma with a compound bow.
So I know what I'm talking about.
And, you could have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once?
That too!
I can't help but think this their way to turn us into covidiots freaking out about the vaxxed the same way as the vaxxed freaks out about us. This fits way too well in their goal of genociding one of the two groups.
More divide and conquer, am i rite :)
The average person sheds 8 lbs of dead skin cells every year. If you do the math... you are shedding 1/3rd of an ounce of dead skin cells every day.
Most of those dead skin cells can be seen as dust around our homes, or they get washed out of clothing in the washing machine.
When you shake hands with someone, or touch their arm... you are both transferring some skin cells between you. If you sit on an airplane seat, or a restaurant chair... you are sitting in a place where someone else had shed their skin cells earlier that day. Since you constantly shed skin cells... then yes, you can shed proteins.
Ew, I guess I forgot about that. Makes me want to get an air purifier.
or a hazmat suit!
Locard's principle!
Synthetic mRNA injections are not vaccines.
And yes, they're wrong.
This video was posted to GA yesterday. I suggest y'all watch it if you haven't already. The Dr's in this video discuss "vaccine shedding" vs transmission. Which is what this really is.
It's actually called "viral shedding" in the virology world
If covid "vacc" sheds the same way other vaccs can, then 94 days after the last vacc shot has been given on Earth (let's dream and believe that can be so) all shedding will be over. Everywhere.
I read medical professionals who say It does shed. So shedders beware, dont come knocking round my back door