She "fell" from the 17th floor, they say..,
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Swedish diplomat did not Epstein herself.
Just to clarify. She's from Switzerland, not Sweden. Dammit people! xD
Ooops, my bad!
Swiss diplomat did not Epstein herself.
Anyone know how many gunshot wounds to the back of the head?
I wish I would have saved every article or post that used the number 17 is it with everything being 17 ...pretty cool
Better than everything being 33.
They can't suicide EVERYBODY by hanging them from the doorknob. It would look suspicious.
Dr McCoy ..that was a laugh out loud moment thank you
Shizzle...get the Tricorder back out.
Yes! My Tricorder. I'll scan her brain and see what the Hell happened during the last 60 seconds of her life. In fact, I might be able to change the outcome. At the very least, I will know who are the perps and hide in their house before they come home and "take care" of them with mRNA plasma laser beams.’re a Precog too? ?
yes :)
This might actually be a good way to covertly obtain witnesses.. I bet there's not much to identify after that kind of fall
Gas them under the door, then toss them. Works every time.
Was there a scarf and a door knob beside her?
The fact that they only "heard" an explosion but no witnesses saw any actual explosion or felt the building move leads me to believe she was shot and they just heard the gunshot.
murder hornets chased her. That's the story I got.
What was that footprint on her back??