I was always hoping to see President Trump and Military take a page right out of 1980s action flick and conduct a very public arrest operation. The more I think about it the more I realize we were never going to see any of this happen in public. Now I know most people are going to say yea no shit. We all know trials have been rumored to be taking place in Guantanamo for years. You see I don't think every trial was legally permitted to be tried in Guantanamo. For the rest of the trials that needed to take place I think those are happening right now as we speak. Part of the reason Trump is using Biden is for the optics but the other reason is to use Bidens "term" instead of using any time from President Trump's 2nd term. Basically he can use Biden without having to worry about optics.
I hope not. Trials need to be public. There's been generations of closed door shenanigans and I'm sick of it. Any justice meted out must be our responsibility. All who want to see must be able to watch the trial, see the evidence, and witness any punishment. No exceptions. No substitutions.
You know they still have John Gotti's last trial records under seal. None of the jurors are known. I saw that on a show I was watching and that's when it hit me. How would you need your be willing to participate in the trial if they were named in public. They would be terrified and could be influenced. Before President Trump left Washington he signed an executive order I believe for the protection of law enforcement judges and prosecutors. I think the only way they can guarantee a fair trial is to offer protection for everyone involved and for it to be under seal during the process.
You have such a way with words, tendie. Kek!
But not if you're on trial for Chauvin?
Cool how that works...
I agree the trials MUST be public but it’s not inconceivable that they are filmed and only shown at a later time. This keeps the MSM out of it. Coming to a theater near you but only after ALL the dominoes have fallen.
100% agreed. The trials and evidence need to be 1000000% public and transparent. Only the FULL truth. Everything from 9/11, OKC, Mass shootings, Pedophilia etc. needs to be declassified and broadcast.
As much as I agree with you, I think we as a country just aren't there yet. I do believe the realizations from the left leaning folks are coming soon that they've made a horrible decision with Bidet/Kumholla.
Agreed! Tired of the "we MUST do this in secret" narrative. At some point everything hidden really does need to be exposed. Going forward, there should be no more hidden.
I hope we're not stuck with this dildo for much longer.
Pete Buttigieg has entered the chat
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I hope so but I’ll believe that when I see it
Yes, the trials are being "filmed" on real "film" (not digital recordings) so that there's no question of faking them.
To summarize some prophecies from Kim Clement:
Spring will bring joy. The Democrats and Republicans will be shaken and embarrassed. So very soon.
July will be "strange."
Fall is when many shall fall. So expect mass arrests in the fall. Republicans to be shaken even more.
Trump is expect to return in the fall.
November will be "hypnotic."
Winter will be "happy."
Jesus we pray, Amen.
Pleeeeeeeease be true.
I think it's something like ^. we're being eased into the truth, a layer at a time. so of course it will take awhile because we're dealing with a lot of brainwashed people. So not something that could be done in one term, will take two and Biden's presidency is the nemesis to Trump's...think mirror.
doubt it.
While I agree that trials should be public at some point I just don't know how they would be able to seek Justice if everybody involved with these cases are doxed by the media and subjected to threats and coercion in order to interfere with the trials. I mean look at what's happening just with the audits and anybody involved what a nightmare it is dealing with the system of harassment and abuse from the left. Jurors would be terrified and render verdicts based on things other than evidence. Look at what happened with the trial involving the George Floyd incident.
If the media crumbles too, then?
It's a good theory. I like it.
I think some of the bigger trials should be public, let the world see what evil these people have done
I always think that movie the imitation game. When they got the enigma code they had to let people die. We are at war. I believe that. Most effective dead mans switch? Kill innocent civilians. How do you keep the civilians safe? Keep them separate. No gatherings. No movie shootings. No concert shootings or bombs. No school shootings. All casualties kept to a minimum. Dead mans switches cut.
All that's gonna do is give the puppet undue credit for Trump's actions behind the scenes.
I think if arrests were really happening at this point, someone would've spilled the beans. There's no way everyone in congress could keep their mouths shut. Some loudmouthed idiot would've flapped their lips about something. Definitely could happen, but it hasn't happened yet
Nothing is leak proof!
The Manhattan project was leak-proof. If you compromise people enough, they won't talk, that's how the whole cabal operates.
Indeed and the Manhattan project employed thousands - in fact tens of thousands - and not a single person leaked.
If mass arrests took place very publicly that would give lawyers the chance to argue difficulty in receiving a fair trial because of the tainted public perception. Now I can't say for certain what's happening right at this moment but what I do know is whenever trials are taking place we're not going to know about it until after they're all done. I suspect when President Trump and them are finished that's when everything's going to be made public. If the process were to take place publicly with all the media spinning everybody around nobody would know what the hell the truth is. This way once everything is done the media can't sabotage and interfere. The public can be rightfully angry but the people they would be angry at the most will have already been sentenced to lengthy prison sentences and even death in extreme cases.
What about muh PPV hangings?!!