LMAO, implying I gives a shit about Jews and Muslims propaganda.
Literally both side can fuck off. Greatest Ally my ass. Ask all the Wall Street banker of your people to give you money.
But you can fuck right off with my tax dollars.
The Jewish side did at least screenshot the Instagram post, which should be easily verifiable. Also, we know that the Palestinians have been faking deaths in Palestine on multiple occasions. I don’t like either side of this conflict, but it seems more likely that the Palestinian was lying here.
He is mad because he was planning on having her as a concubine
LMAO, implying I gives a shit about Jews and Muslims propaganda.
Literally both side can fuck off. Greatest Ally my ass. Ask all the Wall Street banker of your people to give you money. But you can fuck right off with my tax dollars.
Isn't that an awful lot of makeup and beauty aids to be applying to a small child?
Most likely he was attracted to the child in the picture and that's why he used it.
Haha f off pedo.
One word against the other. I dont particularly care tbh. Both states are as bad as each other and can wipe each other out as far as I'm concerned.
No surprise that a man with the name "Nazir Ahmed" was charged with attempted child rape
They would line up down the stairs in the rape houses (courts have heard) and this fella was involved allegedly.
Isn't the dude on the LEFT usually beheading little girls for wearing makeup?
The Jewish side did at least screenshot the Instagram post, which should be easily verifiable. Also, we know that the Palestinians have been faking deaths in Palestine on multiple occasions. I don’t like either side of this conflict, but it seems more likely that the Palestinian was lying here.
I'm convinced it's a fake war between both.
Talmudists versus Islam. Fuck 'em both.