My prediction is the fake alien thing will work very very well on just about everyone,
many patriots and anons alike will fall for it and lay down arms.
So let's say "Aliens" are a thing. Let's say that the angels and demons and all those spiritual beings in the Bible are aliens, some serving God and some not.
Just for sake of discussion.
That means there is a whole universe full of other sentient life forms out there, just like there is a whole planet of sentient life forms here.
Some good, some bad, some who tell you the truth, some who lie.
Some want to help you, some want to rob you, some want to kill you, some want to take you for slavery or experimentation or ransom.
So, Let's say galactically us here on Earth are like country bumpkins from the hills of kentucky and never left the county in our life, let alone the state.
Somehow we wander all the way to the middle of New York city.
Who do you trust? Do you trust the pan handler claiming he's stranded without gas money? Do you trust the movie producer spotting the next big star and it's you? Do you trust the guy selling watches out of an alleyway? How about the friendly stranger who comes up to you and says he can tell you're lost and just wants to help you, because he's a nice guy and all those other people are out to get you?
If they come out with the alien "narrative" this summer, and I am now at 75/25 they will, it doesn't matter if it's the DS lying, or telling the truth. It doesn't matter if they are real or not. You CANT TRUST THE ALIENS, REAL OR FAKE, PERIOD.
My guess is they'll link alien visitors with climate change somehow and probably fake some kind of natural disaster. Or do an EMP or take down the grid and say it's the aliens and they did it for our own good because the Earth is alive and the aliens can hear it's cries for mercy and they want us to live in harmony with the planet so that's why 90% of us have to die, but that's ok because we'll ascend and join the aliens in the higher densities.
Whitley Strieber in his Communion books always emphasizes that we don't know what the hell is going on with the abduction phenomenon, and encourages intense caution and avoiding jumping to conclusions at all costs. His own experiences just got weirder and weirder the more he learned.
Paraphrasing, he said something like, Imagine if we were the ones doing the contacting, and our “visitors” included a cross-section of our own world, such as traders, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mossad, and assorted tourists all working toward their own ends. Are they trustworthy or not? The answer of course is, how the hell is anybody supposed to know?
If they exist, at the very least they have technologies and social patterns that we have no clue about, so the only sane response is to a) learn what we can, and b) be cautious as fuck.
A few more Aliens, at this point what difference does it make? Kek
COVID was just a warm up for this event.
My prediction is the fake alien thing will work very very well on just about everyone, many patriots and anons alike will fall for it and lay down arms.
The Galactic Federation GA types will line up to board the mother ship.
Naw. Same people who took the Vax will probably believe it.
So let's say "Aliens" are a thing. Let's say that the angels and demons and all those spiritual beings in the Bible are aliens, some serving God and some not.
Just for sake of discussion.
That means there is a whole universe full of other sentient life forms out there, just like there is a whole planet of sentient life forms here.
Some good, some bad, some who tell you the truth, some who lie.
Some want to help you, some want to rob you, some want to kill you, some want to take you for slavery or experimentation or ransom.
So, Let's say galactically us here on Earth are like country bumpkins from the hills of kentucky and never left the county in our life, let alone the state.
Somehow we wander all the way to the middle of New York city.
Who do you trust? Do you trust the pan handler claiming he's stranded without gas money? Do you trust the movie producer spotting the next big star and it's you? Do you trust the guy selling watches out of an alleyway? How about the friendly stranger who comes up to you and says he can tell you're lost and just wants to help you, because he's a nice guy and all those other people are out to get you?
If they come out with the alien "narrative" this summer, and I am now at 75/25 they will, it doesn't matter if it's the DS lying, or telling the truth. It doesn't matter if they are real or not. You CANT TRUST THE ALIENS, REAL OR FAKE, PERIOD.
My guess is they'll link alien visitors with climate change somehow and probably fake some kind of natural disaster. Or do an EMP or take down the grid and say it's the aliens and they did it for our own good because the Earth is alive and the aliens can hear it's cries for mercy and they want us to live in harmony with the planet so that's why 90% of us have to die, but that's ok because we'll ascend and join the aliens in the higher densities.
Trust is earned, I don't care if its white hats, gods, aliens, governments, or anons.
You will know them by their fruits.
Wise words.
Well put. The DS will spin their narrative regardless of the legitimacy of aliens. Thats why you always need to have your cordless hole puncher handy.
why do we care what the government says? the aliens can wait.
Tell the space joggers we are full, they can chill ok the moon though.
I never needed to government to tell me they existed. I figured it out on my own.
The Government admitted UFOs existed 3-4 times already. ?
It's a distraction tactic, designed to appeal to our tabloid sensibilities. Focus on the audits and saving the children. Nothing else matters.
No doubt, the UFOs are sexist!
Can't just leave it there. You certain that wasn't a dream?
It's if them finally saying they are real actually makes it so...when we have known they are real for centuries. Morons. smdh
That’s awesome!
Whitley Strieber in his Communion books always emphasizes that we don't know what the hell is going on with the abduction phenomenon, and encourages intense caution and avoiding jumping to conclusions at all costs. His own experiences just got weirder and weirder the more he learned.
Paraphrasing, he said something like, Imagine if we were the ones doing the contacting, and our “visitors” included a cross-section of our own world, such as traders, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mossad, and assorted tourists all working toward their own ends. Are they trustworthy or not? The answer of course is, how the hell is anybody supposed to know?
If they exist, at the very least they have technologies and social patterns that we have no clue about, so the only sane response is to a) learn what we can, and b) be cautious as fuck.
Libs 2020: "Coronavirus a hoax? Fuck off conspiracy theorist!"
Libs 2021: "You don't believe in the aliens?! Conspiracy theorist!"
It depends ds on the source Nd a ufo is something UNIDENTIFIED. Yet we all want to tell the world we know what the fuck it is. Deep state blew it.
Who's behind the UFOs? Good guys or bad guys?