I'd like to take you on a brief detour for a moment from the current audit and scamdemic. Along with these two on-going events I believe that the GME saga is the most important current scenario currently playing out, and yet I rarely see it discussed here. Now to be fair, I understand why since it seems to be unrelated to Q. Or is it?
Now I'm going to say upfront that I have no concrete evidence Q has their hand in this, yet there are some things that raise my eyebrow. Firstly, the timing of everything. Granted, it could be a complete coincidence, yet the fact that the mother of all short squeezes (henceforth referred to as the MOASS) is happening now of all times what with everything else going on, is highly suspect imo.
An event that will unravel our rigged financial system, including the FED, which in some peoples' opinions (mine included) is the root of elite control in this country at the same time that the DNC's fraud is priming to be exposed is interesting to say the least. I'm talking people who are otherwise asleep to what's going on suddenly learning the extent of corruption in the economy and are becoming angry and seeking justice for 2008. Don't believe me? Go to reddit's superstonk subreddit and check out what people are saying. I mean we're talking reddit of all places here, the bastion of blue-pilled myopia. Who's to say this event won't lead normies to start down a rabbit-hole of research which will lead them to other verboten truths?
The other thing that I find peculiar about this whole story is the Q-like cryptic posts being left by Keith Gill (aka roaring kitty) and Ryan Cohen, the man seen as the savior of Gamestop. Here's one such example: https://imgur.com/a/3eGoWql
That was a picture posted by Roaring Kitty on twitter some weeks back that show the date that Gamestop's stock closed at $164 dollars. Again, very specific. We're talking levels of fore-sight with very particular details that could only be exposed by someone that seemingly has access to future events. Project looking glass perhaps? Now, does that mean Roaring Kitty has access to project looking glass? Doubtful, but there's definitely something here that warrants further research imo. These types of posts have gotten redditors, the most blue-pilled of human beings, to start questioning how much of what we see playing it out is some sort of simulation.
Another topic often discussed on reddit has been the blatant news media manipulation that nobody can deny any longer. Lots of pictures have been circulating on there about the extent that the media is going to in order to get people to stop paying attention to gamestop, which is severely backfiring in their face.
Here's some examples that have been shared there: https://imgur.com/a/0pAmpFY https://imgur.com/a/dxSUYsp https://imgur.com/a/u6lMuEp
Etc, etc. Nobody doubts how the media is controlled there anymore. Again, this seems to be prime material to get many normies to start questioning the entire system. And this time there's a financial incentive to go against the narrative. A LARGE financial incentive.
Needless to say to anyone who's followed GME even only on a surface level, when the MOASS happens there's going to be a lot of newly-minted millionaires and billionaires who are outside the cabal's control. I mean, we're talking thousands of people who are going to be rich and without the system of blackmail to control them. People who will put the money to good use instead of financing subversive GMOs and buying up all of our resources for personal control. Sure, some of them will probably spend their money on some stupid things like yachts or whatever. But some of them will be patriots.
What might patriots be able to accomplish with 100's of millions or even billions of dollars at their disposal?
Thank you for making this post.
The number of attacks that the media consume to make tells me that we're over the target. I've personally shifted more funds into GME to hold shares.
It was by sheer luck that I looked at the Open Interest of GME for January 2022 options. There 128,000+ open interest for 0.50. That was insane to see. The hedge funds haven't covered and they are trying to hide everything that they can.
The reddit folks are so close. They now think, "the media just lies to us about GME. Nothing else." ???????
If this takedown of the Cabal happens, their financial connections need to be severed. And if any of those involved decide to take control over their own finances to get into GME at this point, they could unintentionally start the MOASS by trying to buy a bunch of GME to avoid a market crash.
Indeed! It was by sheer luck that I happened to discover the short squeeze situation through a small post made here back in January which got me involved. It's funny because the redditors roll their eyes when the media attempts to smear retail investors by likening them to "Qanons" (they've made the comparison a few times), yet the only reason I ever found out about the whole thing was because of Q.
I think this is a blatant case of media protesting too much which will cause the more curious amongst the redditors to perhaps investigate whether the media attacks reveal something deeper...
Yes, I am also with the GME movement.
I have been reading the "DD," and one of them has me concerned.
The idea that BlackRock holds a significant portion of GME, and a large asset allocation. Once the market bottoms, BlackRock could use their substantial liquidity to purchase the market's distressed assets. Since these distressed assets are US Treasury Bonds, it is possible the MOASS could lead to the collapse of the USD and the largest centralization of power.
There are some large financial institutions and MMs which will benefit from MOASS, I'm sure. However, a lot of what is happening between the audit and covid could possibly go one of 2 ways as well. One of which could be bad for us but on the other hand could be really good for us. I have faith that this will benefit patriots even if a handful of unsavory types manage to benefit as well.
Gamestop is ultimately just one more piece of the larger puzzle. Whether we get the great reset or NESARA, only time will tell. In the end the GA largely relies on sincere faith that everything will eventually work out.
Yeah I'm not worried too much with the Blackrock thing, there will be time to deal with them afterwards assuming the Cabal doesn't find a away to unwind this without the MOASS occurring. That is my biggest concern because the counterpoint to "why wouldn't Biden admin want all the tax money from the capital gains" is "why would the powers that be want thousands or millions of new financially independent people whom they can't control since they don't have to rely on being employed or receiving welfare?"
I've had the same thoughts on them "letting" this happen. I think however this might be a once in a blue moon event where they don't really have any good option other than letting this happen and trying to stem the bleeding. From my research it seems they're simply going to have make a few sacrificial offerings to keep people placated.
Will this spell the entire end of the cabal? Unlikely since they've been transferring a lot of their assets around. It will be a severe blow however and also afford many people financial independence. I'm sure they will conjure up some machinations on how to limit our influence though.
Great post. Thank you.
Good post, thanks. As for media lies being exposed, interesting that Prince William has just trashed the BBC for telling lies about his mother. Seems a lot is starting to come together...
Vidoe here about Prince William.https://greatawakening.win/p/12igmMoUA1/i-am-not-sure-how-it-relates-to-/c/
One thing post-MOASS I think should be our top priority is starting up class action lawsuits. Powerful lawsuits, along with countless other patriotic options to choose from, will be the catalyst for a true American Renaissance. It's so close.
Strategic lawsuits and supporting patriots running for office are going to be very good uses for that money.
JFYI, once r/WSB got taken over by shills and counterintel, doggos and a couple others created wsbets.win as a new home. Think of it like patriot superstonk. It leaves this forum for Q, and I think many respect that delineation. Side note: WallStreetSilver is doing the same, approaching from a different direction.
Many of us from here and P.W lurk over a Superstonk and occasionally nudge an awakening conversation. But god forbid you bring up Q, your comment will get you downvoted to oblivion... despite the fact they are all doing the same things us anons and pedes have been doing, we just have a four-year head start. Half say they'd leave the sub if they brought Patrick Byrne in on an AMA on how he defeated short sellers, because they think he's a "QAnon".
Now... second half of that... I will tell you all some of what I plan to do should this all work out.
The end goal here is to gain support for a "Corporate Hatch Act" to remove corporation intrusions into our democratic process.
Very interesting, thanks for reply. I had a feeling some anons were posting in Superstonk because I keep seeing pretty overt references to the GA.
Buying and cancelling the debt of small businesses is a fantastic idea I hadn't considered yet. I may just have to do that. I'm going to be honest I don't have the faintest idea on how to do that or do security swaps since I'm pretty new to most of this, but if I get my huge payout then I'm going to do research in how to best use my money.
Definitely plan on paying off all family debts and making sure they're taken care of first. Then reinvest into hard assets like precious metals. Afterwards I'll start looking into the best ways to contribute my wealth to good patriotic causes.
I've been working on a "worst case" scenario. In this possibility, we will never see the ticker get to $20M, $10M or even $1M. The SEC may step in at some pre-set point, or after the SHF's are bankrupt, suspend GME trading, and force the shorts to unroll off-market under a settlement agreement with the DTCC.
Thus, we'll never know the "true" price per share, and DTCC lawyers will settle directly with investors. It could be a very good "divide and conquer" strategy, and would put retail investors in a bad position to negotiate.
Even though "all shorts must cover", there is no rule that says they have to cover in cash. As a matter of fact, the DTCC's clearing fund takes all different kinds of securities from banks as their share of the fund- which would be valued at 'X' dollars to satisfy a short share, but selling said security post-settlement for cash could net a drastically lower amount.
My advice is to have an exit strategy at hand that includes stocks, bonds, MBS and CMBS in trade.
It's a worst case scenario but it's also one that seems unlikely as it would also destroy the remaining confidence in the market especially as there are a lot of non-US investors involved by now. The hedgies screwed up big time as most of the original apes would have settled for $1k per share back in January had they allowed it to just run it's course then.
Yes, that cognitive dissonance is still strong there. While they're woken up to a lot of the MSM manipulation they still have rampant Trump Derangement Syndrome, Mask Derangement Syndrome, and some Vaccine Derangement Syndrome as well (another reason to remind them to have their beneficiaries in order.) They're finally losing confidence that Gary Gensler is going to save them though at least.
I had thought of that myself, wondering how many shares I need to actually have a voice when voting with my shares.
All you need is one share to vote. They changed the rules in December to require $25K in stock and a 1-year holding period to put something on the slate to be voted on, but one 10000-share holder has the same influence on the ballot items as 10000 one-share holders. The big problem is that most of us working stiffs don't really own stock outside of a 401k, IRA, or corp pension plan, and might not know we can vote. Some metric I saw earlier this year indicated only 37% of shareholders (on average) voted at all, across the whole Dow Jones.
My thought would be to use my cash to get the ballot item and a "ticket" to the in-person meeting, then organize here and with Joshua Arnold at the Family Research Council to get as many one-share holders on board as possible just before the record date so they can vote by proxy, then sell before moving on to the next company.
It is an annoying cognitive dissonance but you also have to remember that 1) it's Reddit after all and 2) a very large percentage of them never even played the stock market before the GME craze began and many don't own anything other than GME and just FOMO'd in. You're looking at people who just got a tiny taste of the redpill and some are nibbling at it more than others but those who actually are pilled like us have to keep a low profile there.
I think the big behind the scenes war right now, and something that needs to happen before proceeding, is the switch to the new financial system and the deep state's attempts to sabotage it. I'm sure the whole GME saga fits in somewhere along with what's been going on with bitcoin, but I'm not smart enough to know how.
Yes the economic warfare aspect of the Great Awakening between patriots and the elite is largely overlooked in my humble opinion. My biggest question is what the future of crypto will be and who benefits from it more?
All I know is I'm buying some crypto on the dips just in case and have been trading in profits for more silver when it peaks.
You should listen to X22’s night my financial report. He discusses this type of financial stuff as well.
Speaking of X22 he had this interview the other night that was all about crypto: https://rumble.com/vhg0vx-bix-weir-the-cb-great-reset-has-failed-good-guys-provided-an-alternative-cu.html
I have no confidence of the idea of shares getting into the millions but assuming it gets above $1k or even to $10k or $100k I would be looking at early retirement and that frees up a lot of time for activism and volunteer work.
They would call you a “paper-handed bitch” over there on Reddit friend ?
Which is why I don't bother having an account there, I don't need one to just read. Also yeah they even turned on one of their best DD writers when he asked people to be more realistic than "20 MILLION PER SHARE"!
Someone here posted about GameStop after the January hijinks. As a result all 4 of us in my immediate family have bought on AMC and GME stock. I let the rest of my family know about the opportunity but they declined. AMC looks poised to hit also - they are shorted just as badly as GME and their annual meeting is one week before GME.
I’ve done a LOT of reading since I bought GME stock and I have a theory about Blackrock being involved in the liquidation. They are involved with Dept of Treasury now. What if DOT is backstopped with wealth (gold) seized from Vatican? I am an engineer and this financial stuff is busting my brain, but I just have a gut feeling that they are setting this up so the wealth definitely transfers to the little people this time.
They say over there that AMC isn’t even in the ballpark with GME, but hey I got 3 shares of that too just in case ?
Back in January AMC already diluted their shares plus they used the money raised to give bonuses to executives while most employees are still laid off which rubbed a lot of Plebbits the wrong way. I've made some profits off of AMC calls a few times but I have no confidence in AMC itself, the fundamentals are nothing like GME.
Yep. I actually sold when the chairman (?) announced he was creating more shares. Then he decided not to a which was a giant head fake to the hedgies. My husband read a discussion that AMC is heavily shorted too (probably not to the extent of GME) and the same thing could happen. Since the meeting is before GME’s, we hedged by buying some AMC also.
I've got a fair amount of both. More emphasis on GME but I bought AMC back in January when I admittedly FOMO'd.
What's your take on the cryptocurrency debacle?
Which debacle are you referring to? If you're referring to the current crashing of the crypto market then I suspect that the reason why it's dumping so hard is because the large financial institutions caught with their cookie hand in the jar are dumping their assets to cover their short positions.
Yep and that conclusion was already reached on r/SuperStonk a few weeks ago when the first big dips happened to occur on days when a lot of stock manipulation also took place.
Check out this link hidden on GameStop's new NFT site. The game begins with "Game On Anon".
I didn't mean "taking out" the FED so much as I meant exposing the extent of their manipulation of the market to the point that people start questioning the entire system. Perhaps ridding ourselves of the central bank system will come in due time.
But no, I don't believe the dollar will become worthless overnight, but rather start a process of shifting away from the current fiat model to something more sustainable. Maybe something like NESARA?
I'm of the opinion that whatever economic model the white hats want to replace the current central one with will go back to using precious metals as a way of backing the replacement currency. That's the only feasible way I see of avoiding the nightmare of a FED-issued fiat crypto currency they want to usher in for the Great Reset.
I personally plan on rolling much of my profits over in to gold/silver when the MOASS happens as a means of preserving my newly acquired wealth.
I've already seen some redditors saying that their post-MOASS plans involve buying a shit-ton of precious metals, they of course tend to get mocked by the "that's boomer nonsense" crowd but I've already seen some familiar names on r/WallStreetSilver asking for advice (that place annoys me as well as they too have that "our way is the only way" attitude.)
Reddit seemed to be very much against the push to invest in SLV a little while back because it was (rightfully, imo) seen as a distraction from MOASS. Solid, physical metals on the other hand seemed to be well received. I haven't been on there as much lately though so take that with a grain of salt.