If you're talking about 2012 London Olympics, it was a summation of our country's history. That part was about overcoming the Black Plague if memory serves.
It was doctors and nurses with medical beds. Creepy imagery of babies in hospital beds being shushed by nurses. It was not plague doctors, there were no masks stuffed with cloves or whatever. If you associate that imagery with the bubonic plague you need a history lesson. The amount of planning that went into this was not depicting the plague.
Also semi side note they also played a song from the exorcist. Maybe it wasn’t alluding to coronavirus because they’ve also been pushing SARS, MERS, swine flu,bird flu, Zika, Ebola, hiv, aids. I think the general concept has been around for a while.
is this a picture for ants?
blindfag here, please enbiggenate :o
(translation: This is difficult for me to read and might be so for others. If you have a larger version of this could you please share it as well?)
I'm kind of thinking that the larger image you are seeing is the same one that I am seeing... and it's blurry to me XD but hey, good on you and your eyesight :)
And for our western Australian patriots the public health act of 2016 was issued. Section 158 allowing police officers to force administer vaccines… can even take your underwear off if the fancy takes them. Section 158 page 101/102
Nice find yes this was planned for many many years properly even many decades.
Section 158 is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.
OK this is important we need to get the word out to people in western Australia that if the police comes to forcefully vaccinate you.
You need to attack the police and try to kill one of these Gestapo fucks. Hide knives on you etc. Yes you going to get shot and die but you will be saving many lives.
Because if people start doing that the police will be put under extreme pressure and take massive precautions they will most likely also lose a lot of officers just to stress alone.
This give other people time. Time we really need right now
So I think it was 2017 that Fauci said no doubt Trump would have a surprise outbreak during his administration. So the point is correct but the year and the “within 2 years” part is not.
Thanks. I realize some of those are easily verifiable. And if I had to bet, I bet they are almost all accurate. My point was we should make sure these are confirmed and verified statements before we start bringing them up in debates or discussions.
The Olympics had a weird ass show with hospital beds and some large ghoul in the center. It didn't make sense at the time, but NOW it does.
i thought that was about the Black Death and England's history?
If you're talking about 2012 London Olympics, it was a summation of our country's history. That part was about overcoming the Black Plague if memory serves.
It was doctors and nurses with medical beds. Creepy imagery of babies in hospital beds being shushed by nurses. It was not plague doctors, there were no masks stuffed with cloves or whatever. If you associate that imagery with the bubonic plague you need a history lesson. The amount of planning that went into this was not depicting the plague.
Also semi side note they also played a song from the exorcist. Maybe it wasn’t alluding to coronavirus because they’ve also been pushing SARS, MERS, swine flu,bird flu, Zika, Ebola, hiv, aids. I think the general concept has been around for a while.
I don't think so.
is this a picture for ants? blindfag here, please enbiggenate :o (translation: This is difficult for me to read and might be so for others. If you have a larger version of this could you please share it as well?)
Pro tip click the title...
when i do i get the same micro image tho 0.o
Im using brave browser on Android. Works for me.
I'm kind of thinking that the larger image you are seeing is the same one that I am seeing... and it's blurry to me XD but hey, good on you and your eyesight :)
Thanks because i need the luck for my eyesight.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2RWmQQUYAECJwm?format=jpg&name=900x900 its from Twitter, but higher resolution.
Thank you :D
LOL just looked it up on Snopes, just for fun. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dr-creep-predict-coronavirus-2013/
They rate it as false because the artist said it was a coincidence. Classic Snopes!
No such thing as a coincidence. Maybe the artist wasn't consciously aware. Maybe he channeled the idea.
Here is the original. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P77bUdE4p4
He adds a description in the comment to clarify a few things
And for our western Australian patriots the public health act of 2016 was issued. Section 158 allowing police officers to force administer vaccines… can even take your underwear off if the fancy takes them. Section 158 page 101/102
Giving up your guns is giving up your political freedom.
The Australians allowed this to happen and now they are living under tyranny.
Same in Canada.
Tyranny always comes heavily armed.
America is the final hope of freedom for the world.
Nice find yes this was planned for many many years properly even many decades.
Section 158 is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.
OK this is important we need to get the word out to people in western Australia that if the police comes to forcefully vaccinate you.
You need to attack the police and try to kill one of these Gestapo fucks. Hide knives on you etc. Yes you going to get shot and die but you will be saving many lives.
Because if people start doing that the police will be put under extreme pressure and take massive precautions they will most likely also lose a lot of officers just to stress alone.
This give other people time. Time we really need right now
Are you from CNN? We are a non violent movement .
Don't forget a book written in 1983 talked about Wuhan flu
Does anyone have a link to the patent for Rothschilds Test Kit?
Im curious.
And then the unthinkable happened.......TRUMP
. . . and the American People.
Is any of this verified? The last thing you want is to bring these points up in a debate and find out these are not true statements.
So I think it was 2017 that Fauci said no doubt Trump would have a surprise outbreak during his administration. So the point is correct but the year and the “within 2 years” part is not.
Thanks. I realize some of those are easily verifiable. And if I had to bet, I bet they are almost all accurate. My point was we should make sure these are confirmed and verified statements before we start bringing them up in debates or discussions.
Is any of it not?
I’m not sure, that’s why I was asking if anyone has verified this. Not sure how your reply was a helpful response to my question. But hey, no worries.
and it bothers the fukk outta me that the new foo fighters single is "waiting on a war"...
Need more links to the "evidence" please Edit: got it... thanks anyway...
Are you my Mimi on FB? She to like infographics with no sources.