462 Hold My Beer (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Dogsoldier2 3 years ago by Dogsoldier2 +462 / -0 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
now that's a good meme.
Faucism is real.
No one, no one that has taken this shot did it uncoerced
Pithy. But so on target.
May their fate be the same.
Better hope not. That many people croaking all at one time will boot us back to the Stone Age. “I shit you not”.
I meant Fauci and Jone’s. Not the injected peeps.
Faucci cannot walk the streets.
just looking at Fauci he looks sneaky AF. not to be trusted.
From one murderous, Napoleonic psycho to another . . . .
So many similarities. Too bad most people don't learn from history.
Grape flavoraid! Also heard this was a CIA op to see how far they could take people.
Damn straight.