I appreciate this remembrance to those who who were KIA in the AO.
I knew Duane Wolf, peripherally, as I was a relatively-speaking low-on-the-totem-pole-guy at the time when I first joined his unit. However… he knew who I was because from to time when we’d pass each other in a hallway or sidewalk and he’d say “Hi” to me and use my first name. I remember asking myself, “Who’s this guy?” and it took some time before I found out that he was our (civilian) Deputy Group Commander.
As time passed along and I got promoted a couple of times and was “lucky” enough to have to sit in on meetings with him in attendance, I found him to be a quiet, smart, thoughtful man with a good sense of humor. A leader I’d have no problem following because I trusted his thinking and judgment.
When we received news of his death I remember some of my co-workers breaking down and crying, as they had worked closely with Duane and knew him and his family for years. That was a tough break for us. Some guys are not replaceable. He was one of them.
Thank you for sharing your story about Commander Wolf. I appreciate you letting us into your personal space, these kind of memories are hard to relive. God bless you and thank you for keeping us safe here at home...
Clear Skies and Seas Commander Wolfe, RIP.
Hooah ??
He is not forgotten.
Rest in peace hero ?
Sick how many good lives have been sacrificed for the pedophiles.
The warriors who give all for our freedom do so under their sence of duty and sacrifice for country and their fellow man...
I salute you sir and pray your souls rests in eternal peace in Gods heaven he has created for all who seek Him...You may be gone but not forgotten...
Blessings fren...
Rest In Peace and may God Give you eternal life in Heaven Duane. Thank you for your sacrifice and God Bless your family.
God bless his family. WWG1WGA ????????
S A L U T E ! ! !
Thank you Patriot for your ultimate sacrifice for our nation. May God comfort your family until you are reunited. ?
We are grateful beyond measure.
We build, we fight!! ???
Rest in peace. Thank you.
Bless you, Duane.
We’re unworthy of your sacrifice, but in your honor, we have cause to forever strive to be so.
God Bless You Commander. Rest In Peace.
FWIW - long time lurker and first time posting.
I appreciate this remembrance to those who who were KIA in the AO.
I knew Duane Wolf, peripherally, as I was a relatively-speaking low-on-the-totem-pole-guy at the time when I first joined his unit. However… he knew who I was because from to time when we’d pass each other in a hallway or sidewalk and he’d say “Hi” to me and use my first name. I remember asking myself, “Who’s this guy?” and it took some time before I found out that he was our (civilian) Deputy Group Commander.
As time passed along and I got promoted a couple of times and was “lucky” enough to have to sit in on meetings with him in attendance, I found him to be a quiet, smart, thoughtful man with a good sense of humor. A leader I’d have no problem following because I trusted his thinking and judgment.
When we received news of his death I remember some of my co-workers breaking down and crying, as they had worked closely with Duane and knew him and his family for years. That was a tough break for us. Some guys are not replaceable. He was one of them.
Thank you for sharing your story about Commander Wolf. I appreciate you letting us into your personal space, these kind of memories are hard to relive. God bless you and thank you for keeping us safe here at home...
Thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country.??❤️
Thank you. sir. I hope you're resting in God. You did way more for our country than I ever have.
God bless and keep you Commander Wolfe. Rest in Peace.
Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmate.
God Bless our soldiers for all they do. May he rest in peace in God's arms.
Perhaps Xiden should honor HIS children at the WH!
Thank you for your sacrifice, Commander. May we continue to hold the line you helped make possible.
RIP sir. I'm sorry you were tricked into fighting wars for crimes of the elite and control of the global assets our Lord gave all men.