There have been several stories floating around the internet alleging the Covid Vaccines are shedding. Each of our health experiences with the vaccinated vary. Some say they got sick, others don't notice a thing.
I do not believe there have been any conclusive scientific evidence or studies proving one way or the other with this vaccine shedding claim (at least not enough to be 110% convinced.) Any professional sources who weigh in on the possibility seem anecdotal at best. Which brings me to my point: Do not fall for division tactics.
Until it's proven beyond a doubt, this "Vaccine Shedding" story is in itself an attack on us to further divide us from our families. Remember, the Deep State bastards want to do whatever they can to inject an ounce of fear into you. That's how they manipulate you to act in their favor. And they're desparate.
Thank you. It's a little too early for the shills to be asserting that all the talk of "shedding" is divisive bullshit. There are very serious doctors raising very serious questions based on people's real life experiences. They're not claiming that they know for sure what is going on; they're raising questions because some of the symptoms ppl have been experiencing are pretty alarming. If it's not proven beyond a doubt to shills' satisfaction yet, that is because this is all unprecedented and nobody knows for sure what is going on. If you ask me, given who the players are, it's far better to be cautious, and really reckless to declare that it's all BS just because it isn't scientifically proven yet. I smell shills when this kind of post happens, as it's been happening a fair amount. PS: I would add that it's not technically "shedding" which as I understand it refers to shedding an entire virus. It is better described (according to Dr. Tenpenny) as "transmitting" because it looks like what is being transmitted are the synthetically produced spike proteins. I.e, the ones that scientist recently said they "made a mistake about" and it turns out they are "toxic." That's enough information for me to want to stay away from vaxxed as much as possible.
That was a great paper, thanks for sharing it.
All that paper says is that it's a possibility. It doesn't say conclusively that it's currently happening.
I described my experience of suspected shedding in a post here:
I may or may not be right, but I'm not going to apologize.
We need to talk about it to figure out whether it's real. Without the anecdotes, we won't have the statistics. It's only when people describe what they experience that we will be able to see if a pattern emerges.
We can't wait for the pharma companies to do studies which would implicate themselves. You might as well ask them if HCQ works!.
I don't doubt it. A couple guys I work with in the same small office area got vaccines a couple months ago, and I've had some fatigue and a few headaches that started shortly afterwards. For me, a headache is memorable, because they happen so rarely (on the order of twice a year, not counting something like the flu).
Also, my employer has had flu vaccines done onsite for at least the last 4 years, typically late summer/early fall. I've noticed that within a week or two of those onsite vaccine clinics, I'll have a couple days of feeling like I might be getting the flu - fatigue and usually a headache. The first couple years I wasn't sure what to make of it, but it's been like clockwork every time.
Rant on/ I don't care if it's real or not, I'm going to be spouting off about it to the vaxxed and mask nazi's every chance I get. Insisting on distancing, they wear a mask, etc. As far as division goes? A whole lot of people that weren't bamboozeled by the lies and were actively voting FOR communism, all they've earned from me is millstone chained around their neck and marched into the low tide at bayonet point. /rant off ... and may everyone go with Jesus and in Peace.
I appreciate it. Thank you!
The doctors that I listen to (Tenpenny, Merrick, Northrup, Mikovits, and more) all talk about shedding/transmission. The reason some people feel the effects from those that are vaccinated and others don't is because some of the vaccines given were placebos and/or saline. We each have to do what we feel is right, but as for me I'm taking supplements and getting HCQ and Ivermectin and anything else these doctors recommend that might help.
I’m surrounded by vaccinated people- sleep with one & I haven’t experienced anything. Not all got the same shots or at the same time either?♀️ I don’t discredit it- but it just hasn’t been my experience so far.
I think we can't know so we should stop feeding this bullshit. You will cause fear Nd fear is the disease.
Don't hold your breath waiting for conclusive studies. If the cabal knows the shedding is real, they won't want it investigated because then there would be conclusive proof, and if they don't know it's real they won't want it investigated for fear of proving it true. Either way, any efforts to prove it will be dismissed as disinformation.
We're not even sure the CDC's VAERs report is an accurate compilation of deaths and side effects, but there's plenty enough of them to indicate the injections are a problem.
Just take pine needle extract - easy and no conspiracy theory. If it is nothing the extract improves circulation.
I'm having a hellofa time finding Norway Spruce essential oil as they are sold out everywhere I look except in a foreign country where the shipping costs is too much.
How much is your health worth...?
Luigi Warren, one of the creators of the mRNA technology, confirmed on Twitter a week ago that shedding is real. The vaccinated will shed spike proteins and he thinks it's probably not enough to make someone else sick.
I use Amazon even though they suck. Search on suramin
thx! i too have been waiting to read conclusive scientific evidence or studies seems that there is way too much bs out there, fear-mongers, rumors....
What about this guy?? Surely THIS would be evidence for you... I mean, he only INVENTED IT