Help caption this picture - "This looks like a great place for a..."
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a tsunami.
Now that's what I'm talking about - wrath of God kind of thing.
I can picture it now..A gigantic wall of water forming behind them then "Whoosh" all you see are little suited turds floating face down.
Ditto from me too!
You really wanna cringe - go check out the "Fist bump" video of all these people arriving for the photo op - I wish I knew video editing so I could put a clown car for all of them to get out of as the arrived.
A Great Big Swawell Fart, followed by a puddle from Nadller's intestines.
Damn son, a fate worse than death.
furring squad?
Great place for... Holographic Projections!
"...couple of hand grenades"
"...giant banner that says "Whites Only!"
Edit 1: I missed Suga, sorry for not noticing the Asian guy...But at least they made him stand in the back of the group.
Edit 2: Just an observation 9 "World leaders" meet up at the "G7 summit" - can these clowns not even count or were there 2 that crashed the party and the signs were already printed so they just hoped we wouldn't notice the math?
Edit 3: Where's that guy that bitch-slapped Macron when you really need him?
RE Edit 1: You also missed the Cuban.
But...He's a White Hispanic,,,
A pede with better photoshop skills than mine should edit in some gallows with nooses
A well-placed mortar shell...
a puppet show.
Green screen
Pizza Party
Rod of God strike....
"It's one big club, and you ain't in it." And put the caption coming from Macron's mouth.
Neutron bomb.