And so mote it be, verily unto every American patriot and unto their offspring. And may it be in many calibers, Lord, from 9mm unto 5.56 and even unto .308.
No I don’t, but I can only imagine, thankfully we got our roof replaced before last year’s hurricanes that hit us and our roof was only one of a few in our whole neighborhood that didn’t need a new roof afterwards.?? That being said we’ve had to replace a lot of fencing & both gates. Which we still have one whole side fence to replace that’s hanging on by a thread. And we all know how wood prices have gone up. It would cost us more if my husband (who’s 57) wasn’t doing it all by himself. This last side he is hoping to have some help?but he will be working on it also. He’s just been so busy lately that he hasn’t gotten to it yet, probably a good thing because we are supposed to be getting some bad weather this weekend.
This happens more frequently than most would realize.
There's been whole homes destroyed by falling military hardware.
One time, back around 00-01, near the Joint Training Grounds in Yuma, AZ an IVER
(BRU-33) holding two 500lb MK-80 training bombs fell off a Marine F/A-18, crashed thru a house. It landed in some guys living room while he was watching tv. When the Ordnance Dept arrived to collect it, dude was using it as a coffee table/foot rest. Dude also got paid a very handsome check, courtesy of the Dept of The Navy for his house, etc.
And so mote it be, verily unto every American patriot and unto their offspring. And may it be in many calibers, Lord, from 9mm unto 5.56 and even unto .308.
This is some bullshit ... I live next to a military base almost my whole life and no ammo has dropped on me yet.
Kek ?
Careful what you wish for! That wish could have other context.
And this stupid fucker, if there is news story about it, he didn’t get to keep it ! But serious question, new roof might be worth more than the ammo?
It's funny 'cause shit's expensive.
That’s the truth, ammo prices have sky rocketed and that’s if you can even find it anywhere.
Have you seen shingle prices?
No I don’t, but I can only imagine, thankfully we got our roof replaced before last year’s hurricanes that hit us and our roof was only one of a few in our whole neighborhood that didn’t need a new roof afterwards.?? That being said we’ve had to replace a lot of fencing & both gates. Which we still have one whole side fence to replace that’s hanging on by a thread. And we all know how wood prices have gone up. It would cost us more if my husband (who’s 57) wasn’t doing it all by himself. This last side he is hoping to have some help?but he will be working on it also. He’s just been so busy lately that he hasn’t gotten to it yet, probably a good thing because we are supposed to be getting some bad weather this weekend.
This happens more frequently than most would realize.
There's been whole homes destroyed by falling military hardware.
One time, back around 00-01, near the Joint Training Grounds in Yuma, AZ an IVER (BRU-33) holding two 500lb MK-80 training bombs fell off a Marine F/A-18, crashed thru a house. It landed in some guys living room while he was watching tv. When the Ordnance Dept arrived to collect it, dude was using it as a coffee table/foot rest. Dude also got paid a very handsome check, courtesy of the Dept of The Navy for his house, etc.
I wonder what kind of ass-chewing you get for accidentally dropping ammo on people.
Yeah no shit! I’m sure it’s not a slap on the wrist and a “don’t let it happen again” speech.
Really depends on if it explodes.
The fact that he was just using it as a coffee table alone makes me love this country ?
Not gonna lie. I’d be giddy if boxes of unfired .308 rained onto my lawn.
165 grain please, and THANK YOU, JESUS!
Emphasis on "unfired".
Hahaha, you made me laugh. Ahem, I would also want this to happen..
This made me laugh. Thanks fellow Murican.
Wait so god is now shooting up school's??
Just dont put a hole in my roof...