Also, if Russia had just been consecrated like Our Lady of Fatima told us to do, then Russia would not have "spread her errors across the world" and we wouldn't be dealing with entitled, whiny, neo-commies here in America. Oh the headaches that could have been avoided...
I reaspect your opinion but I have to disagree. "The corrupt state requires the corruption of the masses in order to thrive." Is a good man truly good if he allows evil to overtake his homeland? Complacency is a form of corruption bought by the fear of hardship. The Russian situation parallels the American situation today, we allowed our politicians to lie and steal so long as our lives were "business as usual" to the point where the people were no longer in control, luckily we had Q and the military who created a plan. Only when we accept that we the American people are responsible for the corruption can we begin to work towards ending it. Leaders are only leaders if we follow them, and if we follow a leader out of fear we have corrupted our souls. Why do you think Adam and Eve were punished even though they were deceived? They knew that eating the apple was wrong, God told them so in person while emphasizing it, and even though they knew that it was wrong they still allowed themselves to be (arguably) willfully deceived. America would never have gotten to this point if our forefathers hadn't made mistakes, so we must learn from them, otherwise in 250 years or less the process is bound to repeat itself.
Take care of yourselves Anons and remember: ABSOLUTELY NO VIOLENCE
I was not blaming the Russian people. Don't know how you saw that. But Russia was meant to be consecrated by the Pope back around 1917, and one Pope, I think JP2, consecrated the whole world to the Blessed Mother, but that isn't what she wanted. Technically Russia was also consecrated, but Mary asked for Russia specifically and only to be consecrated. So far it never has been.
Okayyyy...listen I agree that the current Vatican is corrupt and everything, and the current Pope is not a true Pope, but the Pope still exists. Please refrain from your obvious hatred of the Catholic faith.
Does everything about the faith have to come directly from the Bible? It's called Divine Revelation. Also, the 1st Pope was St. Peter, Jesus' apostle. You can't get more direct to Jesus than that. Tell me how you think Mr. Luther-I'm-A-Fallen-Away-Priest-And-Seduced-A-Nun-To-Run-Away-And-Marry-Me is a more direct Christian than St. Peter was? I'll wait.
Also, your intense hatred of Catholicism is showing splendidly. I can see the Prots have taught you well.
The cabal created communism and fascists and played both sides. Cabalists in the USA brought thousands of nazis here through Operation Paper Clip. It’s all about control.
"Fascism" is a propaganda smear word because they couldn't smear "National Socialism" as it contained THEIR key word of deception. "Nazi" is also a smear word. The only people who used the word "nazi" was the establishment, propagandizing governments and media that won the war so as to protect their word, "socialism". The German "National Socialist German Worker's Party" never used the word "nazi".
The Fascist party arose in Italy under Mussolini to defend against the communists/socialists/marxists. Hence, why it is used as a smear word to this day. There's only been ONE "Fascist Party" anyway.
Don't fall for the smear regarding governments that represent a "fascist ideology" either. In short, every ideology that opposes communism/socialism/marxism is, according to "them", a "fascist ideology". Think it through. They accused Trump of being a fascist. You likely supported Trump. Do you consider yourself and Trump to be fascists? Hopefully you understand that they do....and they are in charge of all the academic and media institutions.
What group did BOTH Hitler and Mussolini kick out of Germany and Italy respectively? Tip, Mussolini didn't remove "jews" so that's not the correct answer.
Once you find the answer, you'll understand why both Hitler and Mussolini have been smeared into oblivion by mainstream academia and media. The deception runs deeper than most can begin to fathom.
Marxism/Socialism/Communism ALONE is the dark force of the cabal. Nothing else.
Not picking on you directly, I'm just trying to spread the wisdom. So many have been brainwashed by these decades-long smear campaigns. I can't listen to David Icke any longer because he can't stop saying the word "fascists". I think he's generally right about many things, but he's somehow programmed beyond his recognition to keep repeating the word endlessly.
So in your opinion Mussolini and Hitler were not fascist? They were socialist dictators? When Hitler met Mussolini in July 1934 in Lido, sent his Deusches Afrika Korp to help Duce flailing army, he was helping his own brand of dictatorship?
Read what I wrote again. Your question is utterly nonsensical in relation to it.
Unless of course you'd like to believe the indoctrination propaganda ingrained into us from the mainstream institutions. If you believe what they say, you'll find yourself unable to grasp what I've said.
The media, government and academic institutions didn't just start lying in 2016 when Trump was elected. They've been lying since time immemorial. If you don't realize you've been lied to MASSIVELY about WWI & WWII (and everything else for that matter) than we're worlds apart.
Neither were any worse than Churchill and FDR... probably better than both but it's likely arguable. Both of them sanctioned full scale UNNECESSARY slaughter of non-combatant civilians/women/children by the hundreds of thousands and refused to enter into any peaceful negotiations despite the many efforts by Hitler/Mussolini...all due to the fact that they were under total domination of their cabal handlers.
The "bad guys" are always the cabal controllers. Presidents are muppets of the cabal and the population of a nation is always gaslit, propagandized sheeple at the mercy of their dominant media sources. The game was the same in 1900, 1950, 2000 as it is today in 2021. We're just seeing it more clearly now as the "great awakening" picks up steam.
The global population has been sleeping through the lies for thousands of years. Seeing as how the cabal always "wins", their deeds are well hidden and disguised, primarily through them projecting their deeds onto others and then incessantly repeating the lies...until they become the apparent "truth".
And that's exactly what they did to primarily Germany. They committed the holodomor and then invented the holohoax via global propaganda dominance. It's a perfect inversion projected directly onto Germany. Almost nobody knows about the former (8-10 million Ukrainians starved to death over many cold months in 1932-33) but we can't stop hearing about the latter, which is easily proven false due to a complete lack of any evidence.
We've been lied to about virtually everything. The bigger the event/story, the bigger the lies, strangely enough.
It's very difficult to find any reliable information out there. David Irving is probably the place to start if you're interested. He was once widely regarded as the greatest historian of WWII all over the western world in the 1970s and 1980s. The moment he questioned the gas chambers, his life was destroyed, attacked from all angles, books banned worldwide, and walked-over in a kangaroo court. That's the price you pay for uttering the truth in a world of inverted propaganda masquerading as truth.
I vastly .....grossly ....atrociously underestimated the depgromming required for the masses. Shock therapy is coming looks like whether they want it or not. Keep on fighting JulesW
We should have destroyed the Soviet Union in 45. We could have steam rolled the commies. There would have been no cold war, Russia would be more of a republic, and I would not be sitting here typing any of this.
Thanks, but I find Douglas Bazata and Stephen Skubik more credible than your one-word unbacked refutation.
Just saying “false” with no attempt to prove your point, and ignoring the ties forged between the NKVD and OSS over the course of the war, along with the calls for war against Russia, many obscenities with questionable morals, and rampant anti-Semitic commentary by Patton that would, even to “good” governance, make him a liability, all paint him with a very large target on his back.
If we would have only bombed Moscow when we could have, it was actually a plan in ‘45 but Truman shot it down.
Also, if Russia had just been consecrated like Our Lady of Fatima told us to do, then Russia would not have "spread her errors across the world" and we wouldn't be dealing with entitled, whiny, neo-commies here in America. Oh the headaches that could have been avoided...
I reaspect your opinion but I have to disagree. "The corrupt state requires the corruption of the masses in order to thrive." Is a good man truly good if he allows evil to overtake his homeland? Complacency is a form of corruption bought by the fear of hardship. The Russian situation parallels the American situation today, we allowed our politicians to lie and steal so long as our lives were "business as usual" to the point where the people were no longer in control, luckily we had Q and the military who created a plan. Only when we accept that we the American people are responsible for the corruption can we begin to work towards ending it. Leaders are only leaders if we follow them, and if we follow a leader out of fear we have corrupted our souls. Why do you think Adam and Eve were punished even though they were deceived? They knew that eating the apple was wrong, God told them so in person while emphasizing it, and even though they knew that it was wrong they still allowed themselves to be (arguably) willfully deceived. America would never have gotten to this point if our forefathers hadn't made mistakes, so we must learn from them, otherwise in 250 years or less the process is bound to repeat itself.
Take care of yourselves Anons and remember: ABSOLUTELY NO VIOLENCE
I was not blaming the Russian people. Don't know how you saw that. But Russia was meant to be consecrated by the Pope back around 1917, and one Pope, I think JP2, consecrated the whole world to the Blessed Mother, but that isn't what she wanted. Technically Russia was also consecrated, but Mary asked for Russia specifically and only to be consecrated. So far it never has been.
Okayyyy...listen I agree that the current Vatican is corrupt and everything, and the current Pope is not a true Pope, but the Pope still exists. Please refrain from your obvious hatred of the Catholic faith.
Does everything about the faith have to come directly from the Bible? It's called Divine Revelation. Also, the 1st Pope was St. Peter, Jesus' apostle. You can't get more direct to Jesus than that. Tell me how you think Mr. Luther-I'm-A-Fallen-Away-Priest-And-Seduced-A-Nun-To-Run-Away-And-Marry-Me is a more direct Christian than St. Peter was? I'll wait.
Also, your intense hatred of Catholicism is showing splendidly. I can see the Prots have taught you well.
Trump is Patton reincarnated. Look into it.
Wasn't Trump born within the next six months following Patton's death? So the timeline aligns pretty well.
They look so alike
The cabal created communism and fascists and played both sides. Cabalists in the USA brought thousands of nazis here through Operation Paper Clip. It’s all about control.
"Fascism" is a propaganda smear word because they couldn't smear "National Socialism" as it contained THEIR key word of deception. "Nazi" is also a smear word. The only people who used the word "nazi" was the establishment, propagandizing governments and media that won the war so as to protect their word, "socialism". The German "National Socialist German Worker's Party" never used the word "nazi".
The Fascist party arose in Italy under Mussolini to defend against the communists/socialists/marxists. Hence, why it is used as a smear word to this day. There's only been ONE "Fascist Party" anyway.
Don't fall for the smear regarding governments that represent a "fascist ideology" either. In short, every ideology that opposes communism/socialism/marxism is, according to "them", a "fascist ideology". Think it through. They accused Trump of being a fascist. You likely supported Trump. Do you consider yourself and Trump to be fascists? Hopefully you understand that they do....and they are in charge of all the academic and media institutions.
What group did BOTH Hitler and Mussolini kick out of Germany and Italy respectively? Tip, Mussolini didn't remove "jews" so that's not the correct answer.
Once you find the answer, you'll understand why both Hitler and Mussolini have been smeared into oblivion by mainstream academia and media. The deception runs deeper than most can begin to fathom.
Marxism/Socialism/Communism ALONE is the dark force of the cabal. Nothing else.
Not picking on you directly, I'm just trying to spread the wisdom. So many have been brainwashed by these decades-long smear campaigns. I can't listen to David Icke any longer because he can't stop saying the word "fascists". I think he's generally right about many things, but he's somehow programmed beyond his recognition to keep repeating the word endlessly.
So in your opinion Mussolini and Hitler were not fascist? They were socialist dictators? When Hitler met Mussolini in July 1934 in Lido, sent his Deusches Afrika Korp to help Duce flailing army, he was helping his own brand of dictatorship?
Read what I wrote again. Your question is utterly nonsensical in relation to it.
Unless of course you'd like to believe the indoctrination propaganda ingrained into us from the mainstream institutions. If you believe what they say, you'll find yourself unable to grasp what I've said.
The media, government and academic institutions didn't just start lying in 2016 when Trump was elected. They've been lying since time immemorial. If you don't realize you've been lied to MASSIVELY about WWI & WWII (and everything else for that matter) than we're worlds apart.
Oh I realize they’ve been lying, but I’m not to where Hitler and Mussolini are the good guys.
Neither were any worse than Churchill and FDR... probably better than both but it's likely arguable. Both of them sanctioned full scale UNNECESSARY slaughter of non-combatant civilians/women/children by the hundreds of thousands and refused to enter into any peaceful negotiations despite the many efforts by Hitler/Mussolini...all due to the fact that they were under total domination of their cabal handlers.
The "bad guys" are always the cabal controllers. Presidents are muppets of the cabal and the population of a nation is always gaslit, propagandized sheeple at the mercy of their dominant media sources. The game was the same in 1900, 1950, 2000 as it is today in 2021. We're just seeing it more clearly now as the "great awakening" picks up steam.
The global population has been sleeping through the lies for thousands of years. Seeing as how the cabal always "wins", their deeds are well hidden and disguised, primarily through them projecting their deeds onto others and then incessantly repeating the lies...until they become the apparent "truth".
And that's exactly what they did to primarily Germany. They committed the holodomor and then invented the holohoax via global propaganda dominance. It's a perfect inversion projected directly onto Germany. Almost nobody knows about the former (8-10 million Ukrainians starved to death over many cold months in 1932-33) but we can't stop hearing about the latter, which is easily proven false due to a complete lack of any evidence.
We've been lied to about virtually everything. The bigger the event/story, the bigger the lies, strangely enough.
It's very difficult to find any reliable information out there. David Irving is probably the place to start if you're interested. He was once widely regarded as the greatest historian of WWII all over the western world in the 1970s and 1980s. The moment he questioned the gas chambers, his life was destroyed, attacked from all angles, books banned worldwide, and walked-over in a kangaroo court. That's the price you pay for uttering the truth in a world of inverted propaganda masquerading as truth.
I appreciate all the effort you put in your replies. Thanks for the reference. All I ever want is the truth.
this could be more fleshed out.. is it possible anon?
I'd say about 90%+ on this site are fast asleep. At least they wake up for breakfast waffles.
But muh Holocaust......haha. The truth will shock their souls.
I vastly .....grossly ....atrociously underestimated the depgromming required for the masses. Shock therapy is coming looks like whether they want it or not. Keep on fighting JulesW
We should have destroyed the Soviet Union in 45. We could have steam rolled the commies. There would have been no cold war, Russia would be more of a republic, and I would not be sitting here typing any of this.
Didn't he lead the currently serving Army against the Bonus Army?
Wasn't it in a letter to his wife?
Thanks, but I find Douglas Bazata and Stephen Skubik more credible than your one-word unbacked refutation.
Just saying “false” with no attempt to prove your point, and ignoring the ties forged between the NKVD and OSS over the course of the war, along with the calls for war against Russia, many obscenities with questionable morals, and rampant anti-Semitic commentary by Patton that would, even to “good” governance, make him a liability, all paint him with a very large target on his back.
At least put some effort in.