Agree with most of this however, they are not really anti-white racists, just racist.
They, same as the blm and crt are racist against ANYONE, no matter color, who do not join them. If you are black but, do not agree with any of them, they toss racist at you, if you are ANYONE who disagrees with them, they toss you under the same blanket.
Groups that discriminate based on race - Klan. If enough people start calling them this. Perhaps they will get the idea. Most likely not, but labeling is a powerful tactic.
Pogroms have been around for a long, long time. "Pogrom" is an English Loanword borrowed from Russian, which in turn borrowed it from Slavic Yiddish ("פאָגראָם"). Pogroms large and small were common in Russia and Europe. They mostly involved Jews as the targets; there is a saying in Russian "Know the Jew in Everything - Beware" ( "Во всем знай еврея и берегись!" )
Interesting that the Russian word for "Beware" (beregis in English spelling) has the root "Regis" or Emperor in Latin. So, inquiring minds will know that the Russians first confabulated "Emperor or Tsar of whom they should fear and be wary with the Jews also of whom they are historically fearful and wary.
Simple solution, when these things get together take out the phones they can’t live without their phones, no cell service to show social media they go home... I was saying this all last year when they were rioting TAKE OUT The cell service!
It's like they're looking in the mirror when writing this. I had to look up pogrom as I have never heard that word before. How many of those pantifa scum knows what it means? Probably 0 beyond the person writing this.
Did they really try to print a rainbow with black and white ink?
They talk about history but they seem to skim the part where the party whose symbol they literally have plastered on their pamphlet has been objectively guilty of everything they criticize us for, including nationalism.
They also call us fungi, but isn’t it mushrooms that have thousands of different sexes?
This shit reads like something taken out of a comic book. Those guys are idiots and retarded. People should start standing up to them and fucking them up.
Someone point out to thes lunatics that the genocidal ideas are passed by the likes of a Fauci, Bill Gates and other scientists at the CDC. And who supports them, the Democrat Leftists. Hope these lunatics got their Covid shots.
You know they're dumbing down schools when they write "themto".
Imagine printing out a paper to hand out in public but to give it as much attention as a 5 minute text message.
Can't wait!!
I love how antifa use soup cans as weapons shown flier. Big cuckbags.
They dont understand how much firepower the rural silent majority has.
And a frappe!
Milkshakes lol
Exactly! Bolsheviks
Agree with most of this however, they are not really anti-white racists, just racist. They, same as the blm and crt are racist against ANYONE, no matter color, who do not join them. If you are black but, do not agree with any of them, they toss racist at you, if you are ANYONE who disagrees with them, they toss you under the same blanket.
Groups that discriminate based on race - Klan. If enough people start calling them this. Perhaps they will get the idea. Most likely not, but labeling is a powerful tactic.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't pogroms originate in communist Russia?
Yes indeed.
Pogroms have been around for a long, long time. "Pogrom" is an English Loanword borrowed from Russian, which in turn borrowed it from Slavic Yiddish ("פאָגראָם"). Pogroms large and small were common in Russia and Europe. They mostly involved Jews as the targets; there is a saying in Russian "Know the Jew in Everything - Beware" ( "Во всем знай еврея и берегись!" )
Interesting that the Russian word for "Beware" (beregis in English spelling) has the root "Regis" or Emperor in Latin. So, inquiring minds will know that the Russians first confabulated "Emperor or Tsar of whom they should fear and be wary with the Jews also of whom they are historically fearful and wary.
I like the name, "Klantifa!"
It fits as well as "Pantyfa"
Ref the last paragraph.
"Some fungi, like many types of mushrooms, are edible."
Some you can smoke. I thought left types like mushrooms.
the suggestion of beverage cups being thrown, it's one of their favorite weapons, ice or concrete .
Works better than pantifa
so.... let's fight the bad guys with the stuff we say, but can't really prove, they are doing?
yep, makes 100% sense if you're a mental deficient.
They literally argument for stamping out the right for their intolerance.
The cognitive dissonance is incredible.
They will hide behind the police when the time comes
Simple solution, when these things get together take out the phones they can’t live without their phones, no cell service to show social media they go home... I was saying this all last year when they were rioting TAKE OUT The cell service!
Why are they buying food items just to throw at the White House? Are they really that dense- oh wait yes they are.
It's like they're looking in the mirror when writing this. I had to look up pogrom as I have never heard that word before. How many of those pantifa scum knows what it means? Probably 0 beyond the person writing this.
Disgusting my guess this is the very scum we ran into last year when we had our back the blue rallies last year.
Did they really try to print a rainbow with black and white ink?
They talk about history but they seem to skim the part where the party whose symbol they literally have plastered on their pamphlet has been objectively guilty of everything they criticize us for, including nationalism.
They also call us fungi, but isn’t it mushrooms that have thousands of different sexes?
This shit reads like something taken out of a comic book. Those guys are idiots and retarded. People should start standing up to them and fucking them up.
Last I checked the Dems are limiting your rights also "themto".
"These groups seek to limit our freedom of expression..."
People actually believe this shit? Total zombies, and that''s being kind.
As they are fighting to stop a peaceful conservative conference.
Someone point out to thes lunatics that the genocidal ideas are passed by the likes of a Fauci, Bill Gates and other scientists at the CDC. And who supports them, the Democrat Leftists. Hope these lunatics got their Covid shots.
Must be the same group of feds mocking everyone on both sides with ridiculous typos.
In Denver? God damn... home isnt home anymore
They were protesting Andy Ngo. I doubt it's an every day occurance, but still shocking to see.
this pamphlet clearly written by a jew
Haha great idea! It'll be the first useful thing those stupid fucks ever contributed to!