posted ago by Hilltopperpete ago by Hilltopperpete +7 / -1

Remember the chicken fire at the Maricopa County Supervisor’s farm?

What if they weren’t burning damning evidence- but instead burning legitimate Trump ballots?

What if they knew precisely how many fake ballots they added and they burned just enough Trump ballots to make sure that even if 254,000 Biden ballots were fraudulent, that Biden would still be confirmed as the winner?

They NEED Biden in office and they NEED their narrative intact, and it wouldn’t make a lick of sense for criminals to burn fake ballots because there’s a chance many would slip through the cracks- they couldn’t identify the fake Biden votes anyways. But they could pick out Trump ballots.

If the Board of Supervisors are going to prison for certifying a fake election with fake ballots, it stands to reason they would also going to prison for certifying a fake election with missing ballots. BUT, would the Soros Sheriff and District Attorney and Governor be able to plausibly step in and save the Board of Supervisors if they “technically” certified the correct winner despite all the ridiculous and obvious nonsense that occurred?

Imagine if the media got the story “Arizona Audit confirms Biden victory” in any form- they would just completely ignore the 508,000 missing+fraudulent ballots and social media would do the next purge on anyone who dared mention it, and the FBI might even get involved in hunting down “insurrectionists” who insisted there may have been “fowl play” involved.

I don’t want to be giving too much Nopium in a community full of Hopium, but these puppet masters very well may have been deceiving the world for millennia, and it isn’t their first rodeo. And they have had 7 months to cover up their “alleged” crimes.

Maybe these people really are stupid and everyman patriots are about to open the floodgates of truth and drown all the lies. But they are wildly dangerous and the worst of them literally worship the father of lies, and I wouldn’t put anything past the same people who artificially create poverty and push promiscuity in order to create a thriving human sacrifice industry.

Temper your expectations- we might have to take this country back the old-fashioned way: through local elections, school boards, community organization, and even by joining government agencies and police to clean everything up from the inside and above board. We may have to actually get off our butts and (shudder)... protest. Peacefully of course. Actually peacefully.

I am praying regardless.