Normies who have watched the bogus HBO series about Q claim that “they did an IP address search and know that Ron Watkins is Q”. Obviously this is not true, and purely speculative. Even the cuck [MR] said it was “assumed” that Ron was Q on the cuckit AMA yesterday. What do you say in response to this or is it just kinda something you just let go because it’s not worth the frustration?
Comments (16)
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The “no shit sherlock. He was an admin and son of the founder of 8chan” response is the best I think. Thanks pede
The best evidence that Q is real is the hundreds of articles MSM has published claiming he's not. The HBO series just proves this point further.
If Q were not real, and if the MSM had half a brain (two false assumptions) they would laugh and ignore it.
Best point ever
actually, they've done the smartest thing. Your logic only applies to those of us on the other side of the curtain. Their strategy works perfectly for the majority and they know it. They're a lot fucken smarter than y'all give them credit for and they've been doing it for a long time.
Trump wouldn't be working with a LARP. He's all but confirmed working with the Q Team.
Same freaks that “explain” why God doesn’t exist
And, just for the record, they're wrong about that, too.
How would people who consistently try to disprove something know who the "author" is? Why should they care who it is if they don't believe it's true? If it is a larp or complacency tool, why do they keep need to self-validate the entire endeavor? Why do they keep bringing it up, as if they know anything about it when they haven't gone into it with an open mind and a sense of the bigger picture?
I firmly believe God is leading this. It is far beyond our scope and that is one reason people scoff at it. They fancy themselves to be god-level. Pfffft.
They've done their 'research' and their minds are now closed to further information. You can argue with a closed mind if you want, but it's a pointless endeavor.
He has released a statement on his telegram account, perhaps you can send them there, it's something to the effect of, I am not Q, I have never met Q, I don't know who Q is. Maybe keep it as a screenshot , it's on there around the time frame of the HBO release.
Great, but, I mean, what else was he gonna say?
Link to statement on the page, also an explanation in the post above on the HBO documentary.
"IP addresses can be changed and most ISPs give you a random address every few weeks. That's how a lot of copyright infringement cases got thrown out during the Napster and BitTorrent era."
Say this. “Q isn’t Ron, Q is the Russians.”
“What!! What evidence it’s the Russians.”
“About the same amount of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia”
Perhaps you need new sources.
What about all the drops which happen just before Trumps tweets? These delta proofs are easy to understand. Trump must be very connected to Q, yes?