Posted this on fb. Everyone gets a red pill
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Although the media likes to portray us all as pussies, that would mainly be in the major cities. Most of us who live in the north are pissed off and biding our time. Waiting to see what the outcome of the jab will be.
City bro here. At least where I'm at we have No New Normal protests every Sunday and not as Draconian as Ontario or Quebec, but its scary to see people give their rights away one at a time. It's even scarier to be told you're a science denier when you point out we're being slow-boiled by communists.
Yeah, problem is our 'opposition' to the Liberals isn't exactly 'opposition'.
The only opposition just got arrested for anti masking freedom rally or something like that. Bernier got screwed by the machines in the conservative leadership race against Sheer. Only time the freaking machines were used in Comida.
Not in my experience. Most i know are complete write-offs- including most of my family and friends. I'm rural, though near the capital, and it's a shitshow here.
Well anecdotal experience is a liar. Look at the numbers. Lefties rely on experience, and feelings. I guess the proof will be in the pudding.
The MSM attacks us because we're right and they're terrified of us.
It’s horrible in Canada. Such pussys. People want to be scared
First, at least where I'm at, most people are getting fed up. Very few are really scared, more just simply minimal required compliance.
Also, there are alot more guns and owners than most Americans would expect. Probably even more illegal guns than legal.
However, Canada is definitely only a short trip to very dangerous territory. There's no outcome that will not end in Canada being reconstituted from the ground up disconnected from the crown.
Build the wall!
It’s absolutely terrible here. I’m the only one I have seen around town that doesn’t have a mask on. In the office I work in I was told to not share my opinion on covid or politics. My family out east in Ontario isn’t as brain washed as my wife’s family here in BC who have completely stopped inviting us to family functions because we won’t vaccinate, due to the ‘internet people’. Get sent to woke training all the time where I have to listen about all the minorities and LBJGTY people talk about how great Biden is and how bad Trump is. Isn’t work supposed to be a place that doesn’t have political leaning? I guess not. Just shut up, listen and. Tow the company line I’m told. Comida is gone and only God can save us here. I have high hopes that Q is real or else I know it won’t end well for any conservative here. Got myself banned from posting in CBC for saying the rate is less than 1% and that God was coming. Some bitch replied I was fake news and got an email saying I can’t post anymore.
Sorry to hear man. I've just taken this opportunity to solidify friendships with Conservatives and Libertarians and ignore the liberals. I live in BC. Fucking sucks. Pansy ass town here.
I had to escape communism just to MOVE INTO Communism. Garbage.
Right! I was picking up a dresser from a guy in Burnaby from Portugal. he said he was heading back there because of the communism rule of Trudeau. He was vax proud so even the fooled see what is happening. C10 has a revision in it where if you get found guilty of hate speech they can take any and all your firearms. This is getting absolutely horrible. Lucky I have started to make friends with a couple local conservatives and it seems like a lot of people are afraid to just talk about it for fear of persecution or being the minority. It’s crazy the smiles and relief i receive from some just to hear a similar opinion. I’m not afraid so hopefully I can continue to grow this group of like minded people. It’s frustrating though seeing all the maskers and people pushing the vax. Probably a cabal film but I will not go out quietly in the night, I will fight for my right to live. Independence Day.
...internet people? Wow. Your family banned you for making a personal health decision and they blame internet people? There must be absolutely nothing to do in Canada except watch TV programming.
I think we should create a synchronized International Throw Out Your Television Day, where everyone throws their TV's out into the streets all at once.
Absolutely right. Prior to them all getting vaxed, I sent them a bunch of information from America’s first line doctors and they called it fake news. I told my in laws I was thinking about transitioning and they said why would you want to leave your job? I replied Job? No a woman. Would that make your daughter gay? Or do you believe I would be a woman? Their response was of course not. I said, okay, Why you keep watching the bullshit in TV? No response, I said come to me when you have seen enough for the truth. Don’t see them really at all now.
I live on the island !! What about you !?
I live in Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast. Can see Nanaimo side of the island from our main beach.
That’s my town !! Nanaimo
If we ever need to escape we can take an island in between!
If you thought that free speech just died in Canada, you apparently have not heard of hate speech laws. America has been the last bastion of free speech for a long time.
Front butt, I believe…hehe.
Not to be confused with front hole
A buddy of mine was telling me this the other day, un freaking believable. It was basically like "they want to silence political dissent"
I was asking him why they don't rise up? And then he said something about some kind of house hearing needs to be done on it first. He said it's his last hope it wouldn't pass, or for some reason or another an election is called and it will just die? idk
Anyway hoping for the best for you guys.. we fought in the wars, i know a lot of good anons up in canada.
People call you pansies, but i know better: do not mess with a mad canadian anons.
Well we can't rise up....
No 2A here.
It's literally illegal to even defend ourselves, we are the most emasculated cucked society on earth. There are literal cases of people getting charged because they assaulted/killed a home invader.
There is a rule about that which I read on another site a long time ago: Shoot, shovel, and shut up. You can't get charged if they don't know that anything happened at your house.
You've just described Britain mate.
I love it. Keep living that based lifestyle, my fren up north.
Nice post. I love Canada, but it would be nice if they let me drive through it again. WTF?!
Ha! We can’t even drive through it!
Can you keep us updated on how many FB friends you lose from this? (fuck 'em if it does happen...I'm just interested in those numbers)
I second this. As well the likes! And if you get the ban hammer. Lost my account for a couple weeks posting about that Italian video about election fraud. I haven’t activated it again because I’m waiting for that undeniable proof. I will get banned in no time if I don’t wait. I need that pill that can’t be denied.
Me too. I'm saving "my last bullet".
Maybe take a redpill yourself and delete your account from the enemy's honeypot.
God bless you u/canadianpatriot13! Stay safe.
Love this! So tell me how long was your ac punt suspended for? It’s seriously rediculous how fakebook is hiding things. I hope they get their asses handed to them when it’s all done.
I love it when you post like this! ?
Well done!
Love it!
Kappy offed himself but the rest is good
Sure, except that video he put out a couple days before he died where he states very clearly that he is not suicidal.
Or the hanx tweet. Where is Hanx anyways? ?
wasnt there a video of his death site where the body was clearly a dummy and wearing different clothes tot he dashcam image of Kappy at the TOP of the bridge?
I feel he got Epsteined, i.e. rescued by white hats and put in witness protection; death fakes to get the DS off his back
...while simultaneously red pilling a few normies.
The fuck he did.
He was chucked from an overpass.
Someone chucked him or he was a victim of remote neural monitoring
whats that last bit aboutt?
Here's a really really good short video on remote neural monitoring..
Basically, They build a profile of your dna by contracting with labs like labcore, quest diagnostics "Once theyve got your dna sequence they can then go to a supercomputer and they can biocode directed energy attacks that will only bio resonate to your body"
holy crap - how do these people come up with this shit
It's for sure being used too, I cant remember which ivy league school published a paper on it in 2006