I was just thinking the same thing... we also saw the same pattern with other recent events that were planned to be a big deal but turned out to be nothingburgers in the recent past as well (best example of that is probably the Jan 6th "insurrection", with all the speeches describing how horrible it was, etc.). The Dims just keep doing the same stupid shit over and over again... sucks to be them.
Hey a pandemic happened that could have killed 50 million people, so federal agents are going to go out and weld everyone’s front and back doors shut. That way, no one can ever leave their homes again. Then we will all be safe.
Wow they had his speech all prepared in reaction to the mass shooting at the All-Star game that didn’t take place.
I mean shit, some dude working for Joe wrote a nice tweet, they can’t just ignore it.
His gun control plan is trying to manufacture gun crime, that's the problem. He wants to create a hundred million paper felons.
I was just thinking the same thing... we also saw the same pattern with other recent events that were planned to be a big deal but turned out to be nothingburgers in the recent past as well (best example of that is probably the Jan 6th "insurrection", with all the speeches describing how horrible it was, etc.). The Dims just keep doing the same stupid shit over and over again... sucks to be them.
Hey a pandemic happened that could have killed 50 million people, so federal agents are going to go out and weld everyone’s front and back doors shut. That way, no one can ever leave their homes again. Then we will all be safe.
98% of the “gun crimes” are in 2% of counties.
Should be easy, Joe.
Please do. People will form state by state local militias, and just remove you from office by force.
Have fun fighting 50 independent wars, without the backing of the US military.
"China will fight on my side." - Joe probably.
Sure they will
Molon Labe.
Hooray, Biden is going to ensure that all Americans are armed!
Guns for everyone! Problem solved. NEXT.
How about arresting antifa?
start, by arresting members and leaders of antifa and blm,
might be a good start.
black people can’t stop shooting each other so we better take guns away from White people