About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
Well, isn't that a very left-style sentence? "Do not question the official numbers. Do not question the scientific-government sources, even though they just lied to us over the deaths from the vaccine."
What you are saying right here is that Trump made the "tough decision" to kill tens of thousands of non-combatant civilian Americans, and poison or chemically castrate untold numbers of others. This would make him guilty of crimes against humanity, and deserving of a firing squad.
No, he did not do that. Trump and the Patriots have done every single thing in this war LEGALLY. (It is why it is taking so long) From the E.O.'s, to the court systems, EVERYTHING was legal. Is this a war? OF COURSE, but it is an unconventional war. A war of the mind, a cyber war, an information war, a financial war, a legal war, and then finally, a special operations component.
To go and commit genocide - because let's not mince words, that is what you are saying - that Trump is guilty of willful genocide of a civilian population, is classic projection from the left.
THEY want the genocide, they had plans for genocide, we heard Gates in that TED-talk video say it. "If we do a really good job with vaccines, etc... we can reduce the world population by..."
I repeat: Trump is, and has, done everything legally. Under NO law, (US., DoD, or International) is it legal to injection 150 million civilians with poison "for the greater good". The means do not justify the ends.
The virus scare has been replaced by the vaccine scare. This is part of OUR awakening - that we are still getting played by their lies - their propaganda machine has us thinking OUR OWN LEADER is killing us. It is time to admit that we got played, yet again. Don't get the shot if you don't want - I am not getting it either - but DO realize that the vaccine-death hoax is the same as the virus-death hoax was.
Or, keep believing that Trump is guilty of crimes against humanity. Time will bear out which position is correct.
Please read the first paragraph of this:
So you'd be okay with getting the vaccine and not worry about anything? What of all the adverse reactions?
I have said I am not getting the shot, and my wife is not getting the shot. We would rather use therapeutics if we got Covid. (We also don't get the flu shot, normally.)
"What of all the adverse reactions?" You mean the stories you've seen distributed to you from the media and big tech? Or from anonymous people you've never met in person, and they all seemingly share the same or similar story?
I would say we are looking at a professional propaganda campaign: It is a combination of truth, lies, and well-intentioned misperception.
This is what makes this lie so good - our community has a natural fear of vaccines (for good reason, at times), and it is exploited. Now, anytime in the patriot family someone dies or is diagnosed with something, it reinforces this false narrative. We don't stop to consider that people do still get ill, and get cancer, and have heart attacks, and die - but now we have a new evil to blame. FIrst it was the virus, now it is the vaccine.
Bottom line: Trump would be truly guilty of genocide if this vaccine was poison. It is NOT the way to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
I know several people directly who were unwell for several days. Thankfully no deaths, but I firmly believe this isn't just saline being pumped.
I never said it was saline.
I said it wasn't the poison the Cabal would have liked it to be.
In my personal experience these aren't stories for me but these are real happenings for people I know who were perfectly healthy, got the double jabs, and are now having unexplained health issues a few weeks/months afterwards. I've noticed this primarily amongst some of my co-workers and one family friend.
Can I prove that their jabs are linked to their health conditions? No. Should I believe the 'science' that claims these jabs are safe when we know there are better alternative treatments available? No. One of the main challenges right now is the science can't be trusted, things are happening too fast, any contrary opinions to the mainstream medical opinions are being censored and shut down on main stream and social media platforms. Just this alone should raise many red flags since we should be allowed to discuss differing opinions. This is clearly not the case and I do agree that this works against us in some ways and helps reinforce the narrative that the conspiracy theorists are crazy loons who should be censored and their opinions disregarded.
In my mind there are some significant things going on that are contributing to side-effects, complications, and deaths for some people who get the jabs. One is there might be toxins, poisons, or chemicals in some (or all) of these jabs that cause people to react in ways that either make them sick, have no immediate short term impact, or kill them outright. If you don't believe my claims and if we can trust sources such as Open VAERS covid data (https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data) check for yourself. As of this posting there are slightly over 9k deaths just from the COVID jabs. It's generally understood among the community that these numbers are likely under reported and if we had 100% real transparent numbers and data, these figures might be much higher. Nonetheless, even with these numbers alone, under conventional vaccine development, these jabs are unfit for mass public consumption but were rushed out under emergency use authorization, aka warp speed. We think Trump did this to give us the choice/option to take or not take these shots and it couldn't be mandated on us with an FDA badge of approval as may have been the original plan. If this was the true motive for warp speed, it may have saved many more lives if Trump was between a rock and a hard place. But if this is true, it means the ending is inevitable and significant loss of life is coming no matter what choice was made in pushing that program out faster than it might have come out.
The bigger concern here in my opinion is if you listen to opinions of doctors who are calling out the main stream opinions then you will have heard these doctors claim that mass vaccination in the middle of a 'pandemic' is putting artificial pressures on the vaccine to mutate much faster then it normally would especially if the original jabs were built to protect against the original Wuhan spike protein which we know current strains of CVD19 floating around now have already mutated (i.e. delta variant and the other ones that will come). If the vaccines are accelerating the rate at which these variants may surface combined with a full fledged media propaganda machine that will never share this opinion then it's pretty obvious what is going to happen next over the next 1-2 years or sooner. If things play in this direction, both unjabbed + jabbed might drop off, but the unjabbed will be blamed as the source for causing the variant.
Even if I'm completely wrong, you have to consider the mainstream/accepted opinions against the fringe theories combined with your own personal experience and observations and form your own intelligent opinion of what to do. Mis/dis-information is being used to justify centralizing and controlling the internet and patriots (including myself) fall into this trap way too easily and it's not helping our cause.
Bottom line is if you can critically think, read, learn, and try to connect the dots and project possibilities based on what is happening now, the answer for you should be obvious for what to do, especially if you didn't get the jab and your are still alive and healthy right now.
If the shots work as claimed by CDC, and as documented in medical journals, they are definitely harmful and the reports in VAERS are more or less what would be expected (undercounted by at least 10x of course).
Aside from the immediate and long term side effects, it also seems likely they set the recipient up for greater vulnerability to serious illness from similar viruses (e.g. colds) as the antibody levels reduce over time. If that is true then once you get the initial shot, you have to keep getting boosters or you have massively increased risk from what would be insignificant viruses to a non-vaxxed person. And every booster is rolling the dice on short/long term side effects, and incrementally destroying your remaining immune system. People will grow to hate those boosters.
This hasn't been proven to be the case yet, but it's a distinct possibility.
So, IMO we have to live with the unfortunate fact that better than 50% of our population is kind of fucked, including nearly everyone I know and care about. It's going to be tough but if it ushers in a new era of awakening and roots out the corruption in the process, I think we'll bounce back in a generation or two. Those of us remaining will need to start making kids though.
Imagine what WWII was like in Germany.. or any number of other massive calamities throughout history. The losses are incalculable, but somehow those remaining still create the future.
After all the lies from the CDC and the prominent medical authorities and organizations over the last 18 months, folks here are still quoting them as sources for their new fears.
Yes and not to mention..trump didn’t create the vaccine. He gave the vaccine companies the means to ultimately administer to the willing. It was the vaccine companies and the dems who rushed it to the market and now marketing and trying to enforce it on people. They didn’t have to roll it out but they pretty much backed themselves in a corner by constantly hounding Trump about it. If they knew it didn’t work or knew they were lacing it with shit..I’m pretty sure it’s malfeasance and absolutely crimes against humanity. He gave them the option to do the right thing. It definitely could be a lotttttt worse. I hope this shit takes down medical establishment, or at least expose the unnecessary treatments that hurt people.
So you're gonna start wit insults and a poorly researched one at that? Does any of what I said suggest I'm a lefty? No. Don't be an ass.
I personally know of 2 people that died shortly after getting vaxxed and another who had to be air rushed to the hospital withing 72 hours of his 2nd dose because his brain started bleeding. Totally normal right? I'm sure many others in here could share stories of persons they know that have died from the vax as well. If you think that vax deaths aren't real then you must not get out much or have many friends IRL. Even the VAERS data (which is underreported) shows we've had mor vax related deaths than the number of US soldiers that died in the middle east.
Are you seriously taking the position that the vax hasn't hurt or killed anyone? Since you are making an assertion contrary to what we have data for (and many of us know of people personally that have died or been harmed) you need to prove that assertion that goes against all data points.
Ah the classic straw man. Crutch of the dishonest and those with poor argumentation. No, that is not my position, so quit attacking it and quit misrepresenting me. It's dishonest.
You also failed to answer the question of what option did Trump have in that situation. This is a war. He is the commander in chief. Sacrifices have to be made sadly. People die in war. Sometimes there's no choice and there's no avoiding it. Claiming that making a tough call that involves some people dying (when he did his best to point people the other direction) is illegal. What law specifically did Trump break by releasing a vax Fauci and all the Drs / scientists said was safe? None. The blame will fall on them and they can be removed from the chessboard soon.
You are also making the assertion that Trump forcing the DS and big pharma to push out the vax that they already had ready (and claimed worked) would somehow be illegal and implicate Trump with murder. Neither is true. If he mandated it then we'd be having a different conversation but he didn't. If he didn't release the vax when he did then the next admin would have delayed it and lockdowns and then made the vax mandatory. That was the original plan. Trump disrupted that.
No one I know is afraid of the virus or the vaccine. We know they are both bullshit. One is the flu and the other is trash that we won't put in our bodies. No fear, only freedom.
Okay. Thank you for your thoughts.
So you're going to make (pretty wild) assertions and not prove or defend those positions? Do you really believe people aren't being harmed by the vax or have died from it? Do you live in a rural area or something and just not know alot of people that got the jab? Maybe get out in the field and ask some people if they've lost any friends of fam after getting vaxxed because you are very wrong.
You keep avoiding my question "what option did Trump have in that situation?" which appears to be a gaping hole in your argument and you should address it.
I don't need an answer. You do.