With two more YT U/L from the same text. The text reads, HUMANITY IS SLOWLY AWAKENING…“to remove 17 people, 17” [play from beginning], pick a country any country EXCEPT our Sleeping Giant?
From the Home page of Ingersoll Lockwood, it wasn't there earlier, now links to a YT clip about cuck Trudy and his gestapo destroying a homeless camp, even with a Floyd type neck kneel:
Highlight just below the text at the top and move cursor until it links.
Interesting choice of vid, haven't worked out the text ref 17 yet?
that's actually really funny, I feel like i understand you more.
like, "he's not an asshole- he's just british!"
I just posted a video of protesters in England- check it out!
I LOVVVVEEEE Kate Middleton... I have mixed feelings on the Queen... I like her, she reminds me of my grandmother.... but I also think she's evil, and they abuse children
Q once mentioned fake dates being used so that the DS would exhaust resources into trying to block it from coming out, think about the timer last week and the DS using the emergency blackout system. Q also said no outside comms. I'm not ready to give up on the whole McAfee deadman's switch, I still have some hopium because if it is the smoking gun he makes it out to be, it would fit the Q narrative IMO. With that said I'm not getting overly spent on the McAfee situation, hoping for the best... but not having too much expectations.
Why do that? Its stupid. Why hide text? Its not even original text.
The Ingersoll Lockwood shit is lame and stupid. I was hopeful but then after looking at their “partners”/affiliates and THOSE links ... amateur/Junior Varsity level shit.
the funny thing is I think they brought down that building to try and stop the DMS but it was all based on misinformation, so they brought the building down for nothing, because OBVIOUSLY he wouldn't be like "i put it right here" but he said you loved to purposely lead people hunting him astray LOL
Just stahp with the McAfee utter bullshit please.
Go ahead, downvoat me into the basement. I don't care even a tiny bit about fake internet points.
Or if you call me names.
This whole thing is absolute shite.
I do what I want. Piss off. Dont read. Move on. Grow up.
A good PDF about election fraud in the USA, again linked from Ingersoll Lockwood at the bottom of the home page?
With two more YT U/L from the same text. The text reads, HUMANITY IS SLOWLY AWAKENING…“to remove 17 people, 17” [play from beginning], pick a country any country EXCEPT our Sleeping Giant?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7OqgVJxa3c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYEEBfgftxI&t=102s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3SE-BbfK8Q
More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAXgG7EaoMQ
From the Home page of Ingersoll Lockwood, it wasn't there earlier, now links to a YT clip about cuck Trudy and his gestapo destroying a homeless camp, even with a Floyd type neck kneel:
Highlight just below the text at the top and move cursor until it links. Interesting choice of vid, haven't worked out the text ref 17 yet?
https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYEEBfgftxI&t=102s
I check this site every few days for new treasures, but this morning all their former links are down. (?)
Yes, yes you do. Sadly, it degrades your reputation.
Eat a bag of shit
LOL. Nice. Stay Classy San Diego.
Oh no, I'm cut to the quick.
I will delete my account immediately.
How's that 31 TB of info working out for you?
lol, i've never heard the expression "cut the quick" lol, are you british?
im just here observing... reading q drops...and connecting the dots... there a lot these days...
Yup I'm British. I'm super British I love my Queen. God save.
that's actually really funny, I feel like i understand you more.
like, "he's not an asshole- he's just british!"
I just posted a video of protesters in England- check it out!
I LOVVVVEEEE Kate Middleton... I have mixed feelings on the Queen... I like her, she reminds me of my grandmother.... but I also think she's evil, and they abuse children
I have faith in William and Kate though.
Q once mentioned fake dates being used so that the DS would exhaust resources into trying to block it from coming out, think about the timer last week and the DS using the emergency blackout system. Q also said no outside comms. I'm not ready to give up on the whole McAfee deadman's switch, I still have some hopium because if it is the smoking gun he makes it out to be, it would fit the Q narrative IMO. With that said I'm not getting overly spent on the McAfee situation, hoping for the best... but not having too much expectations.
good point
And then he dropped some hints for shit 61 days out. The fuck?!
Hell yes
this literally made me LOL :)
The text was only visible by highlighting it. Make of it what you will.
(that's so only folks who are in the know actually see it)
Why do that? Its stupid. Why hide text? Its not even original text.
The Ingersoll Lockwood shit is lame and stupid. I was hopeful but then after looking at their “partners”/affiliates and THOSE links ... amateur/Junior Varsity level shit.
Wow they changed the font colour to white, amazing!
Quit being a twit
they think they are so clever...
The McAfee LARP has run it's course.
Nobody is buying it anymore. :>(
it's just beginning.
Has it? How are you certain? You follow Q but cant fathom another mystery? Dolt
you weren't kidding when you said they were "all over you"
its like a bee's nest in here.
Enough of McAfee please.
enough of your enoughs!
Stfu. Move on. Dont read. Fuck off. Why waste your time buffoon ? Act like an adult fuck face
building collapse in Miami killed the dead man switch.
the funny thing is I think they brought down that building to try and stop the DMS but it was all based on misinformation, so they brought the building down for nothing, because OBVIOUSLY he wouldn't be like "i put it right here" but he said you loved to purposely lead people hunting him astray LOL
You're probably correct... But I was just mocking the ingersol lockwood larp shit.
oh, you're just mocking the "great awakening" stuff? yeah, how dare they talk about red pilling the masses and saving America? how dumb...
HA... HA...
What you just did was conflate LARP with patriot.
the great awakening is the great awakening, red pill are red pills...
there is nothing more to conflate,
this was my intuition from the get go, so I was very excited to randomly see such a confirmation.
Everything about Ingersol Lockwood fascinates me, not just the websites... I have the books and have been studying them
Apparently this site is involved somehow:
Koidu Kimberlite Mine, Sierra Leone
yeah but is has sep 18 has nothing to do with the 31 TB
so who the fuck knows? they are just making moves.