For my job i need to be in a car with someone all day.Three weeks ago i was with this old guy who had had the AZ vaccine, felt fine start of day.Sore throad by end of day, developed into flu, was sick for a week, quite ill.
Now yesterday, back with this guy, throat is sore by the end of the day.Feeling tired, slight runny nose.OK by evening, fine by next morning.Today same deal, fine at start of day now end of day sore throat, runny nose.What is going on exactly? This has never happened to me before.
yes,, they are unbearable,
worse than ex-smokers with their deluded smugness.
Keep in mind that we live in a world where almost every aspect of modern human life has been designed to turn people into insufferable faggots that are easily enslaved.
Haven’t experienced anything at all. My wife and I haven’t taken the vaccine but both our immediate families have and we see them all the time. Not living in fear of the virus, not living in fear of the vaccinated.
Stop living in fear, they want you to feel divided and weak.
I agree that we should not live in fear. But it isn't fear to question and try to educate yourself. That is just being smart.
Your last sentence sounds more smug than helpful.
It’s from a q drop. It’s fucking stupid to get the vaccine in my mind, there is no point in doing it and I believe that the many that have taken it will eventually regret it. That being said, no one I know has had any issues with yet, and it’s going on 8 months or so for some of them.
We’re weeks away from our first baby and aren’t creating division in our families by keeping away from them just because they chose to get vaccinated against a stupid virus that the media/medical community had to prop up for anyone to even know it existed.
Pray, drink 100 oz. of water a day, eat vitamin C like candy, D, Zinc and magnesium! And avoid your co-workers when possible! Every one of mine, who’ve been injected, look tired all the time, have no energy and are getting angrier by the day!
Shedding is real, know of unvaxxed friend who has had irregular periods due to being around these scum.
I wrote a post about my experience of contact with my vaxxed wife a while back:
I'm fine now.
My wife spent a couple weeks visiting her family who are all vaxxd this summer, a week after she gets back she developed a blood clot in her leg. On blood thinners now.
I have not, only once had a minor and brief headache that I attribute that to the usual dehydration due to me not always drinking as much as I should.
None of my friends that are around the jabbed appear to have had any issues either.
On the other hand, I now know more people with (persistent) jab side effects directly than I've heard of friends' relatives and acquaintances have issues with Covid-19.
Note: I have not spend extended periods of time around people in general. So the utility of my experience is obviously limited.
Yeah, the smug level is off the fucking charts with these cultists.
I did. I have a very regular/predictable cycle... spent 2 hours with my vaccinated sister - and 2 days bleeding after. About a month later, we spent the day with another vaxxed person (and out and about in a crowded museum - with lots more of 'em)... and I bled for over 10 days straight, lots of clots. Both times were weeks away from my usual period. There is definitely something to this.
Everything I have in the subject
Shedding Or transmission
Apr 22 2021: “Nurse warns -- stay away from vaxxed people” Her web page with reports of bruising, allergic type reactions, women having unusual heavy bleeding with clotting, just from being in contact with the vaxxed --
Twitter suspended mrna inventor for saying they can shed.
Phizer knows. In the testing documents they anticipate shedding potential: Lots in this one. Also includes dna and shedding info. “She believes this may be due to exosomes being released from the lungs. “If you are a person who’s producing these exosomes from your spleen and shipping them out, there’s no reason why you can’t ship them out to the lungs. In fact, they’ve shown experimentally that those exosomes do get released from the lungs,” Seneff says. So, to be clear, what’s being “shed” or spread by vaccinated individuals is the spike protein — which is itself toxic — not the SARS-CoV-2. So, it’s not an infection but rather the shedding of a toxic protein. “If you’re breathing it in, you could be getting an increased risk, it seems to me. I mean, it sounds really farfetched, but it looks like it could happen, just from the logic of what goes on in biology. It could happen that you would breathe in these exosomes containing these misfolded prion proteins, which are not good for you, and exactly what happens when they go into the lungs, I don’t know. I have no idea.” “in summary, mRNA can be reverse transcribed and converted back to DNA by LINEs and SINEs in your body. This cloned DNA can then be integrated into your genome. In this way, it truly is genetic editing.” Prion protein?! “It’s (the spike protein) basically a toxic molecule, and I think it’s toxic possibly because of it being a prion protein”
Anecdotal: They know they shed and do it on purpose. Like a calling. As if they save others getting vaccinated then shedding on people.
March 14 2021: Covid Vaccines are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & Could Wipe Out the Human Race (Dr Vernon Coleman) “What a lot of tragic coincidences there have been”
Apr 19, 2021: “Shedding Woo,” Clif High talking about some reports of problems that women are experiencing, and the long-term implications, Long term anecdotal evidence of shedding issues.
What do you tell people. This is a highly suggested listen: I'm listening to The Tenpenny Files Podcast | FILES - Celeste Solum: The Truth About What We Really Face Today on Podbean, check it out! Dhs has admitted the Transmission of the disease in January.
Potential treatments:
Ivermectin Docks to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-binding Domain Attached to ACE2
New info to look at The shedding appears to be real. Some of the GA community have noticed symptoms too. The spike proteins are known to cause damage in the body. Scroll down to listen to the audio. Pine needle tea may offer some protection from blood clots caused by the shedded spike proteins - Ivermectin may also offer protection from the blood clotting by interfering with the attachment of the spike protein to the human cell membrane - But the spike proteins will still be doing other damage to your body. I don't know if spike proteins shedded from others could cause infertility. With the reproductive issues mentioned above, it's a possibility.
u/ making_upvotes
A) SOURCES OF SHIKIMIC ACID (3) Pine needle tea Fennel tea (you know, the seeds they put in Italian sausage) Anise tea (the star-like things they use in Chinese cooking, taste like liquorice) B) Bromelain (an extract made from pineapples) – often sold in 10mg tabs C) Acetylcysteine (also called N-Acetylcysteine or NAC) – an amino acid often sold as 200mg tabs that the FDA suddenly wants to regulate now. Academic research on why these things are thought to be effective against spike proteins: “Bromelain Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Infection...” “Properties and Therapeutic Application of Bromelain: A Review” “N-Acetylcysteine: A Potential Therapeutive Agent for SARS-CoV-2” “The Functional Medicine Approach to Covid 19: Virus-Specific Nutraceutical and Botanical Agents” “Thrombotic Complications of Covid-19...” “Molecular Docking Studies of N-Acetylcysteine... on SARS-CoV-2 Protease...” “Content Analysis of Shikimic Acid... and Antiplatelet-Aggregating Acvitity” “Total quantification and extraction of shikimic acid from star anise (llicium verum) using solid-state NMR...” “New Method for Rapid Extractions... Efficient Isolation of Shikimic Acid...”,%20Shikimic%20acid%20extraction%20from%20anise%20using%20espresso%20machine.pdf
Yes. All co-workers vaxxed, I am not. Aunt flo visited 3 times in six weeks. I'm just eating extra healthy making sure I take vitamins. WTF. We have to live. Work to keep your immune system up.
And two of my co-workers called in sick after their vax and I work in office of like 5 ppl. I pray they'll all be ok.
Might be time to do some research on how to combat the shedding as they seem to call it, especially if this could potentially knock you around as it has been.
Yes. You just got the spike protein that the guy was shedding. Happened to everyone at my work.
I don't generally get headaches and I generally also am not around other people outside of my household.
In the last few months I have noticed that after being near a vaxxed person for a few hours, I get a really bad headache that lasts several hours. Since I am so seldom in contact with others it has been easy for me to identify a correlation between my headaches and my exposure to a vaxxed person but I would really like to see more research in this area so we know what level of health risk, if any, we are actually exposing ourselves to by being around the vaxxed.
What about people living with a vaxxed person in their household? What about people married to a vaxxed person? Is it safe to be sexually involved with a vaxxed partner when you are unvaxxed? Do spike protein materials and/graphene oxide from the vax transfer between people from proximity or more direct exposure?
I imagine a lot of people would like some answers to these questions.
Yes. It can transfer from skin to skin contact and or through sex.
I work with a few. I havent noticed anything in myself. But my gf monthly visitor has been a bit strange. Niether of us are vaxxed.
If tge shedding is true. I often wonder if im bringing the shit home to her on my clothes
I'm pregnant and have hung out with vaxxed people in close quarters. My immune system is lowered by the pregnancy but I've never had any problems. Not sure if it affects people differently but I've never had any problems with "shedding."
Not at all. Vax shedding is total bullshit. Not to mention impossible.
False. Read the Pfizer disclaimer. They admit it’s real.
Here is something for you. Hope it helps you to stop spreading misinformation. Go to CNN for that shit.
Btw you’re a shill on purpose or not.