With the covid vaccine being 'mandated' for the military, many military personnel may presume they have no choice but to take it. Being that they each swore an oath to the Constitution, let's hope they consider their constitutional rights.
Consider this, if even half of the negative things we have heard about the vaccines are true, what would that do to our military? Can you spell - decimate? And what about all the doctors and other healthcare workers who supposedly took it? What about paramedics, fire fighters and other first responders?
What happens when all of the above are not available to do their jobs? No doctors, no soldiers, no paramedics. Let's pray there is an effective antidote for those when their eyes are finally opened.
I haven't heard of anybody coming to the aid of the military, but I sure hope somebody does soon. Keep us posted if you hear anything.
I hope something can be done soon. My youngest is active mil with 6yrs left to retirement and wants NOTHING to do with it. Real problem.
Agreed. Since we have information that employers can't mandate it, can we take the tack that in the case of the military, the government is the employer?
Multiple, and by multiple, I mean a lot of my unit are trying to figure out a way around it. It's going to be tough.
There's got to be a way to refuse it on Constitutional grounds. How can anybody (even government - especially government) require something you don't want? And what about all those who signed up before this? They didn't sign up for this shot, that's for sure! No, there has got to be a way to refuse it. We need Lin or Sidney or someone of their ilk to get involved and end this quickly and decisively. God speed and thank you and the others for your service and sacrifice.
Unfortunately when you are given a direct order, regardless if you believe it is constitutional or legal, is always upheld. Especially when the person giving that order is the president and sec def under that. We will he skewered. Lots of dishonorable discharges to come.
Why should an order trump the constitution? It shouldn't. Presidents change, generals die, even battle plans are adjusted, yet the constitution lives on and so does an OATH to the constitution. The constitution is the law of the land. End of story. Period. Old biden probably won't even finish out his term, so why should something he decides, particularly in his state of cognitive decline, have a permanent effect on millions of people. Obviously, morally, it shouldn't. Stand up and fight. That's what soldiers do.
I don't disagree with any of your statement, please believe me.
Having said that, reality is a soldier does what they're told. Soldiers are all the time told to get vaccinations, treatments, all kinds of medical support because of the operational theaters they will be in. They don't get a choice. It has always been this way since the 80s, and much further Beyond. Is it fair to soldiers? No and never has been. However, due to mandatory malaria pills, measles, chicken pox, other serums to protect our soldiers, we've been an effective fighting force.
Does that mean the situation should be thus considered the same? No of course not. However, I just want to point out that of all people in the US, the military, historically, are the least protected from mandatory vaccinations and treatments.
Thanks for the comment. I would of course say that the other treatments you mentioned have been properly tested and properly approved. I don't like anybody to be a guinea pig, and certainly not those who protect us.
The concept of having to follow orders makes some sense in a military setting, but it also causes huge problems (such as this.) When people agree that they won't think for themselves and will blindly follow orders, all sorts of evil happens. I'm not sure at all how to fix that, just commenting on the reality of it. Thanks for your service. It truly is appreciated.
Long story short: when you enlist in the military, you waive some of your Constitutional rights. The Uniformed Code of Military Justice governs the military as law, and does so very clearly. It has to be this way.
I don't agree with the forced vax and our troops should have the choice. However, once the FDA removes the "experimental" label from the vax, it will become an authorized inoculation for the troops and will be allowed as "mandatory."
They have the right to refuse an illegal/unconstitutional order. They have just been conditioned to follow command. I feel confident that there are free thinkers in our military, I just don't know the percentages.
I am going by the constitution because the constitution is what the military swears allegiance to. Furthermore, there are some rights that are signed away when joining the military, thus they have recently been the targets of medical experiments.
Fourth Amendment "The right of the people to be secure in their persons". This mainly is about your possessions, but one could argue that one's body belongs to oneself. Anyway, they cannot simply drag you off, under this amendment.
Also, First amendment, if you object to fetal cells on a religious basis, which I suggest you do. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the exercise thereof". This one is powerful. There is nothing about the military not being allowed to be religious.
Absolutely agree about the 4th amendment. Thanks. And your last point is valid. If people actually knew that, how many, military or civilians, would accept it?
If all our people take the vaccine and we start loosing too many of our military and first responders, and civilians of all types, our societal collapse would be complete and I'm sure China will waste no time rushing over here to "help".
It's not mandated yet. They are requesting it. It WILL get rejected...
I thought it was official as of today. I hope you're right about it being rejected.
Here is one thing of interest but you'll need to wait til he gets to that part about how to declare your sovereignty as a member of the military. This is the extremely formal way to do it. This guy is the one who designed the quantum financial system. And much more. He is the autist of all autists. Also someone posted a compilation of covid refusal legal references and support. I saved it. I hope. I will come post it in another comment. Stay strong, fren.
Wow! Guy makes my head spin. What an intellect. Thanks for this.
The military is part of our government. We, the people created the Constitution which set up our government. We, the people are not to be told what to do, especially forced medical crap. Are our military personnel not American people? Are they simply pin cushions to receive hundreds of needles delivering poison?
How about refusing the order under the rules for conscientious objector maybe?
I'm starting to feel we might be fucked. Trusting the plan has gotten us to madtaed vaccines for our oath keepers. And they GAVE IN.
It's a possibility. Either this show needs to get moving, ie the Arizona audit, Supreme Court, Military, etc need to enter into the show.
If not, it's hard to see how things ever turn around.
Biden can’t issue an executive order. He is NOT PRESIDENT, simply because of vote falsification. The military lawyers need to step up on this one on Constitutional grounds. We will have a weak military if this is allowed to stand. Either they step up, or they too are corrupt as hell and should face the death penalty. Generals and Admirals DO YOUR DAMN JOB and protect the men and women serving under you.
Any possibility they will be given saline? Does anyone know a service member who is suffering ill effects like we see in the civilian population?
If they have to make a choice and they don't not want to get kicked out, delay as long as possible and then opt for the J&J shot. It is the least problematic of the shots. Im on a large Navy ship now where the entire crew were given the J&J shot. Zero side effects laying more than one day. Over 1200 sailors on this ship alone.
Here is the post that had many many resources for you to ck out: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd0DvcUD/x/c/4JBxOlrI5Nl
Great. Appreciate it.
Better they ask for separation from the military then risk their lives. Where are the military lawyers and doctors in this? There must be a few brave souls who will grow some brass balls and step up to protect our men and women in the military. If not in the end they should be prosecuted. This Covid shot is EUA and not safe. It should have been halted long ago. I pray the men and women in the military band together, say NO to their superiors and the taking away of their Constitutional rights. This Covid shot will decimate our military and in turn make our country weak and unable to defend itself. Where is Congress in this. They too need to step in and say NO.
If the USPS can say no to forced vaxx, I for damn sure think the military can
The USPS is not governed by the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. HUGE difference. The military is not comparable to any other gov't agency because of the UCMJ.
One would think anybody could. But another poster made the point that when they sign up, they give up some of their Constitutional rights. First big mistake, imo.