80% fraud is a huge stretch. There is definitely a solid 25%-35% at least that is either ignorant or brainwashed. I think trump won big but not THAT big
I was just bumping up the numbers like our enemies do all the time. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers or give you the wrong impression. Some people don't believe the election was stolen-I'm trying to get them to at least pay attention and investigate for themselves. Or make them think I am crazy.
I think most of them are oblivious to current events. All they knew before was Orange Man Bad and still believe it. They stopped paying attention after the election and now consumed with COVID/Vax
I would say that represents about 75% of his voter base. The missing 25% are nervously spying in Chinese
I would say 80%, maybe a little less, were fraudulent votes. But I'm just guessing-it may have been more.
80% fraud is a huge stretch. There is definitely a solid 25%-35% at least that is either ignorant or brainwashed. I think trump won big but not THAT big
I was just bumping up the numbers like our enemies do all the time. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers or give you the wrong impression. Some people don't believe the election was stolen-I'm trying to get them to at least pay attention and investigate for themselves. Or make them think I am crazy.
Oh gotcha lol nothing wrong with that. It wouldn't surprise me if it is close to 80% but I run into to many real liberals that are just ignorant.
from everything weve seen there isnt much of a base in the first place
I’d say at least a quarter are unaware they even voted for Biden since their Trump vote was flipped.
I think most of them are oblivious to current events. All they knew before was Orange Man Bad and still believe it. They stopped paying attention after the election and now consumed with COVID/Vax
Yeah a good 40% of the "votes" are from Dominion & fake anyways
Are we at 4-6% yet?
The last quarter are spinning in their grove.
The last part of that, is absolute truth!!
30 million legit Biden votes 50 million fake, phony & false votes
Top kek on that last group!!
That is just the 0.001 percent of Biden "voters" that actually exist in real space.
I’m sorry... All I can think about is the “3 7s” you know they wanted a fourth... but realized... it’s not the climate.
Why am I surrounded by people who are in the quarter who believe the fake news media spin. That's right, I'm living in Los Angeles!