It sounds like Trump is now beginning to publicly cast some doubt on the vaccines. He's starting cautiously, by questioning the booster shots, but I suspect (hope) that he will be slowly ramping up the questioning and criticism going forward, from here on out.
Thank you! I just watched it. Wow, just wow.
Yeah, she gave some really good info. Hopefully you can share it. Very disturbing but not surprising, sadly. Thanks.
How can you watch a video like that then be happy at all about how much Trump loves HIS vaccines like he just boasted about in this videos. Saying there are no side effects and that it IS effective doesn’t appear to be true.
You can't. Trump was misled and made the wrong call. He made a huge gamble and may have won the battle (less lockdown) but lost the war (billions of lives and bloodlines lost)
I’ve seen many people ask why Trump hasn’t simply revealed ALL the truth. Lay it all out there for us. Declassify everything.
The problem is, that would be like breaking the Japanese code, then letting everyone know you broke the Japanese code. What will the Japanese do? Change their code. Change their plans.
In chess, if you know what your opponent is about to do, you don’t want broadcast to everyone what you know. Also, sometimes you have to sacrifice pawns (some deaths) to win the game (avoid lots of deaths). This is the issue I see with our government’s approach to COVID - no cost-benefit analysis. ANY number of future deaths are justified if it means saving a couple of lives today - clown world.
Don’t you know Trump can do on wrong on this site? Do not question or you will be kicked off - no joke. Which is the opposite of what we should be doing here. Everything should be allowed to be questioned, even Trump. My 81-year-old mother got the jab because of Trump. I’m not a supporter of him anymore for that and other reasons i’m not going to go into right now although I had supported him since before he announced. I’m here because I believe the Q team was/is legit - everything they suggested we research with the questions they asked has turned out to be true. And now I want the world to know. We don’t need Trump to do this. If he is totally on our side and he’s going to be our white hat on a global scale, then that’s great. But I’m not completely convinced of that just yet. Right now, to me, it just seems like he’s keeping us placated with his proclamations and rallies, but nothing is happening that is dramatically having enough impact to change the dystopian lucifarian nightmare we are currently living in . But I still have hope… but not blind hope. I am preparing for the worst but hoping and praying for the best and that includes continuing to get the word out, get the truth out.
It's been an hour since you made this statement and nobody has so much as downvoted you. **Maybe get a little more knowledge about this site and the people who frequent it before making absurd claims like that, Handshake. **Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. Everything here IS allowed to be questioned. And keep in mind that Trump didn't develop the vaccine himself - he's not a scientist nor an epidemiologist. He just cut through a whole lot of red tape to get action and progress somewhere there wouldn't have been were it not for him, and was hopeful that this would be the end to the lockdowns. Nobody's perfect.