What a Sight...✨✨
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Looks like he's conducting a symphony.
How appropriate.
(Actually I'd never heard this band before but the photo inspired me and I did a search and found these lyrics. Seemed appropriate).
A thousand points of light is a luciferian term, fwiw
I don’t think that means what you think it means. https://youtu.be/SQhbEh8AeSA
Dark to light.
Like they are stars in the sky. Fantastic!!
Went to click on Scavino's tweet. Until today I could click a twitter link and read the tweet and comments. All of a sudden not anymore. What's Dorsey censoring this time? I got a gut feeling it has something to do with #AustraliaHasFallen
That remiinds me of two singularities you can put in an old truck to fold space time so you get get that IBM machine with a debugger in it.
Roll Tide!
It's all just one
Respect for a true leader and commander of the Free Republic ..done more to bring this country back out of a NWO recession and power back to the People -> imo - no worship ..Respect NCSWIC
I do not put any man or faith in over God - Period
LOL It's a zoomed-out shot from BEHIND (usually when idolizing it's a close-up frontal shot unless you're into buttporn or something :)....
Thousands of glittering raindrops shimmering, the guy puts "What a sight", and here comes Karen to jump on him
Low energy...I say why not ease up and let people express themselves, even when it's positive