Rethinking Trudeau calling/talking to HRC about Afghanistan...
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
What was the actual nature of the call and topic of conversation?
In watching Fall of The Cabal again, episode 4 made this interesting news drop pop.
Check it out, mentions HRC/Clintons during Haiti, and then moves on to pedo symbols and brings up Trudeau and his ties. Not directly to HRC, but makes ya wonder...
Trudeau part starts about 5:36
My guess is he was getting his marching orders from the local witch matriarch.
Q said years that Hillary had been a puppet but her strings were cut (when the Saudi purge of the royal family went down), and she was on her own and fighting for her life. The conversation back then was that Bill wanted to cut a deal IIRC. So Trudeau making a big deal out of calling Hillary is pretty odd.
If you really want to have your mind blown, look into the Trudeau liberals fundraising events at Picktons Piggy Play Palace, owned by BC pig farmer/mass murderer, Robert Pickton and his brother.
Can you point me toward that info? It's nearly bedtime and my mind hasn't been blown yet today. Genuine intrigued.
Then there's the giant Pedo symbol on the Trudeau Foundation 2015-16 annual report (page 3 of the pdf below)
I just looked up the case and wow these people are sick.
But how was Trudeau involved?
Pigs remove EVIDENCE.
Then I hear the best thing to do ... is feed them to pigs.
I know, right? Unreal. 😞 Ever hear about the pig farm in Virginia...evidently (Wikileaks?) the Podesta’s buddy had a farm there where the child victims of their gruesome games ended-up. #thesepeoplearesick
It's the easiest means of removing all evidence.
Podesta slaughtered pigs as a job while in college.
What interest me is how did we find they talked at all? The media? Why would they report this? I just find anything Hillary doing going public interesting, mainly cause anyone ratting her out usually falls off fairly high places, accidentally of course.
Exactly fren. I really didn't think much about it when the tidbit dropped but seeing the linked episode again today made me wonder what's the real connection. Why? They were pushing why HRC is fielding calls, but I'd be surprised if wasn't deeper than that...
I didn't recognize Trudeau without his black face on.
I don't recognize him as PM regardless of what he's dressed as.
Only blind fools would consider him as such.
Fun fact
Canadas GDP is the same size as Texas.
Has anyone gotnthe part 2 in full? I started it a while back but remember i couldnt finish it due to not finding anything after, like, part 2.7 or aomething
Part 2. Checkout his list of videos;
Sorry if i Wasnt clear. I thought she released a FotC 2. With many parts like the first one
I'm not sure if it's full or not, but here's her channel on &
Nice catch!
POS - don't watch him.