MORE AWAKENINGS! Nobody trusts the Jibby-Jabs anymore - not even for flu!!
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Trust in the medical industry is at an all time low.
That is the thing about having been proven to be liars. Credibility is VERY difficult to keep once you've been shown to be dishonest.
Just talked to my uncle, he shared for 21 years his PCP had not been able to diagnose or resolve a small skin issue. New doc "you go to dr so and so" uncle "yes" New doc "he is one of the best.....but that is a small patch of psoriasis"
This is good to see. I recommend nobody takes any shots from our governments. It is lovely that they care so much about our health though isn't it?
For years I've been saying one day the left would push people too far and then their jig would be up. Looks like maybe they finally did it!
My clinic job requires a yearly flu jab. I got it the first few years and noticed it was hitting me harder year after year. I finally brought up my allergies and asked if there was anything in it I might be reacting to. They admitted the applicator used latex and switched me over to the allergy-friendly version. This one I had no reaction to and was fine with, but two years later they made me go back to the normal one, insisting they no longer used the latex applicator and I was right back to getting sicker each year.
My doctor kept blowing me off when I asked for a medical exemption, so I applied for a religious exemption instead and had it granted. No more flu shots, no clotshots, no nothing. Fuck them and their needle-rape.
Being high risk, I've been getting the flu shot for years....except for the last 2 yrs. Result? Not even a sniffle.
Flu shots are great, for the bottom line.
Cool but i wouldnt trust them going forward. Not when they already implied they will combine it with COVID shots.
Also have you had any other health problems that could be a side effect of the flu shots? Just because they work in preventing flu doesnt mean they dont affect people negatively in other ways...
Nothing new while getting the flu shots. Before I started them though, the flu would kick my ass for a week. But, I am now intrigued on how the last 2 years, without a flu shot, I've been fine.
My grandmother was in assisted living for the last four years. Just passed away a month ago. Debility. Not covid. The facility got the pfizer jabs in feb and I had POA. We read her the info and the side effects. Spouse recorded me and her as I read it.
She said "Hell No" after I was finished.
She is not taking it too far.
Last flu shot I took was 2002. Was sick for 2 weeks days after.
Never took a flu shot again. Never will take another shot again.
Willing to take things as far as they need to go for Freedom like the patriots before me.
Sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Pharma doesn’t want you healthy at all. Also trust in Doctors must be waning when they just seem like big pharma sales team.
Pharma literally has the word HARM in it, so it's not like they aren't warning us lol
I know a couple who takes the flu jab yearly, without fail. And they are always sick. Anecdotal. Yes.
I never take it. I've never had the flu.
Wash your hands like a maniac and don't touch your face until you are clean. If people washed their hands, almost all bouts with the cold and flu would disappear.
And when you go out of the house, don't touch stuff. People wear masks but then put their hands on door handles, atms etc etc. That's where the crap is. Not floating in the air.
Washing your face gently more often helps with allergies too.
My friend was talking to my Mom that had told her she never gets vaxed. She proudly told my Mom "I get the flu shot every year" and my Mom answered " Yep and you get sick every year, I have never had the Flu". My Mom was Based.
i've lived 29 years and never once contracted flu.
I have no intention of getting shots.
Pharma is all in. All 'jabs' have some shit or other, whether they have anything good or not.
"Those anti-vaxxers are so stupid. They deserve to get sick. Now watch me run up this stack of milk crates." -Some leftist, probably.
Video: Combine flu and covid vaccine annually