There has been some medical testimony to support what you’re saying.
However, we also know that one of the ways that parasites stay in your body is that they secrete chemicals which suppress your immune system so that it stops noticing or attacking the parasites.
That may be one reason why poor children in Africa who grew up in unhygienic areas almost never have problems with allergies. They are often infected with parasites and their immune systems are suppressed. Their immune systems are incapable of allergic overreactions to common things like pollen or dog hair.
My allergy doctor thinks it is because they have more 'strengthened' immune system from dealing with parasites, that little things like pollen and dog hair don't bother them.
If your doctor is using the word strengthen as in to develop a properly functioning immune system, then s/he is correct. Poor people in undeveloped countries live in an environment more similar to the archaic environment that humans evolved in. In that type of environment our immune systems are used to being trained by a constant barrage of bacteria, viruses and parasites. Third world immune systems are challenged, so despite other health problems at least the immune system can develop relatively normally. Of course, you don’t want children walking around with stomach parasites for 10 years as they tend to interfere with physical and mental development. That’s why Ivermectin won the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015, it kills Third World parasites dead dead dead.
When a human immune system is born into a modern civilization, that immune system is not assaulted by barrage of bacteria, viruses and parasites. Instead we try to train it with a limited number of select vaccines which are designed to stimulate an unnatural over-response to a weakened virus that normally would not elicit much of a response. However, instead what vaccines often do is train your immune system to over respond to things that are not deadly bacteria, viruses or parasites. So, in places like Europe, East Asia and North America a lot of kids end up with allergies (i.e. dysfunctional immune systems).
PS: All allergy doctors should take more than one class in Evolutionary Biology.
You certainly have the vaccine part right. We had a perfectly healthy baby and then we got the 3 month shots. Overnight our baby developed a bunch of problems. So now we have to make regular visits to an allergy doctor.
The doctor is great. We have brought IG levels of common foods down to safe levels by starting with micro doses and working up in volume. This was all done with him mixing just food and water and us administering the doses daily.
This is all confirmed with blood test of IG levels over the last years.
If germs caused disease, no one would be alive to discuss it. Germs have outnumbered us by the billions since before our species was born.
Impairment in the body's natural immune defense against pathogens (often caused by environtmental and physical/psychological stresses) causes most disease.
Brian Cates: How stupid have those pushing the vaccines become, when they try to transparently suppress information about drug treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin as valid prophylactics against COVID infection? It's now a matter of public record that at the very same time the AMA was claiming Ivermectin shouldn't be taken for COVID prevention, the CDC was telling Dr.'s treating incoming Afghan refugees to give them...Ivermectin. This is great. NONE OF THESE PEOPLE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE ANYMORE. Their coordination is SHIT. Events have overtaken them. The documentary record on Ivermectin was clear, just as it was with HCQ. The medical literature was already established. But when India wanted to use the far cheaper Ivermectin rather than vaccines to get their country's Delta surge under control, the WHO told them they were making a BIG MISTAKE. India did it anyway - and Ivermectin stopped the surge in it's tracks in less than 2 weeks. India's Dr.'s had seen the studies on Ivermectin like this one:
A: Viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat.
There are parasites in the jabs. They are nano sized but different than the mRNA and graphene oxide. Dr. Jane Ruby did a video on this with Stew Peters. There’s no practical reason for them to be in the jabs other than to sicken or kill people.
Maybe. Or perhaps covid can infect certain parasites within a human body, and multiply independently, inside of those parasites, outside of the realm of human immune system response? Maybe covid infected parasites are partly responsible for propagating the virus inside of humans? I am curious to know if covid can infect human parasites now.
It actually works on the virus directly.
There has been some medical testimony to support what you’re saying.
However, we also know that one of the ways that parasites stay in your body is that they secrete chemicals which suppress your immune system so that it stops noticing or attacking the parasites.
That may be one reason why poor children in Africa who grew up in unhygienic areas almost never have problems with allergies. They are often infected with parasites and their immune systems are suppressed. Their immune systems are incapable of allergic overreactions to common things like pollen or dog hair.
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article-NIH link
IVM is highly efficient at blocking viral entry, replication, signaling pathways, inflammatory reaction, cellular damage, and red blood cell clumping:
The role of Ivermectin against the SARS-CoV-2 virus
The targets of activity of Ivermectin can be divided into the following four groups:
A. Direct action on SARS-CoV-2
Level 1: Action on SARS-CoV-2 cell entry
Level 2: Action on Importin (IMP) superfamily
Level 3: Action as an Ionophore
B. Action on host targets important for viral replication
Level 4: Action as an antiviral
Level 5: Action on viral replication and assembly
Level 6: Action on post-translational processing of viral polyproteins
Level 7: Action on Karyopherin (KPNA/KPNB) receptors
C. Action on host targets important for inflammation
Level 8: Action on Interferon (INF) levels
Level 9: Action on Toll- like-Receptors (TLRs)
Level 10: Action on Nuclear Factor-κB (NF-κB) pathway
Level 11: Action on the JAK-STAT pathway, PAI-1 and COVID-19 sequalae
Level 12: Action on P21 activated Kinase 1 (PAK-1)
Level 13: Action on Interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels
Level 14: Action on allosteric modulation of P2X4 receptor
Level 15: Action on high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1),
Level 16: Action as an immunomodulator on Lung tissue and olfaction
Level 17: Action as an anti-inflammatory
D. Action on other host targets
Level 18: Action on Plasmin and Annexin A2
Level 19: Action on CD147 on the RBC
Level 20: Action on mitochondrial ATP under hypoxia on cardiac function
Good comment post.
My little parasite theories are fun but your posting is actually factual.
My allergy doctor thinks it is because they have more 'strengthened' immune system from dealing with parasites, that little things like pollen and dog hair don't bother them.
If your doctor is using the word strengthen as in to develop a properly functioning immune system, then s/he is correct. Poor people in undeveloped countries live in an environment more similar to the archaic environment that humans evolved in. In that type of environment our immune systems are used to being trained by a constant barrage of bacteria, viruses and parasites. Third world immune systems are challenged, so despite other health problems at least the immune system can develop relatively normally. Of course, you don’t want children walking around with stomach parasites for 10 years as they tend to interfere with physical and mental development. That’s why Ivermectin won the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015, it kills Third World parasites dead dead dead.
When a human immune system is born into a modern civilization, that immune system is not assaulted by barrage of bacteria, viruses and parasites. Instead we try to train it with a limited number of select vaccines which are designed to stimulate an unnatural over-response to a weakened virus that normally would not elicit much of a response. However, instead what vaccines often do is train your immune system to over respond to things that are not deadly bacteria, viruses or parasites. So, in places like Europe, East Asia and North America a lot of kids end up with allergies (i.e. dysfunctional immune systems).
PS: All allergy doctors should take more than one class in Evolutionary Biology.
You certainly have the vaccine part right. We had a perfectly healthy baby and then we got the 3 month shots. Overnight our baby developed a bunch of problems. So now we have to make regular visits to an allergy doctor.
The doctor is great. We have brought IG levels of common foods down to safe levels by starting with micro doses and working up in volume. This was all done with him mixing just food and water and us administering the doses daily.
This is all confirmed with blood test of IG levels over the last years.
Or… could it be… germ theory is all bullshit
If germs caused disease, no one would be alive to discuss it. Germs have outnumbered us by the billions since before our species was born.
Impairment in the body's natural immune defense against pathogens (often caused by environtmental and physical/psychological stresses) causes most disease.
Brian Cates: How stupid have those pushing the vaccines become, when they try to transparently suppress information about drug treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin as valid prophylactics against COVID infection? It's now a matter of public record that at the very same time the AMA was claiming Ivermectin shouldn't be taken for COVID prevention, the CDC was telling Dr.'s treating incoming Afghan refugees to give them...Ivermectin. This is great. NONE OF THESE PEOPLE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE ANYMORE. Their coordination is SHIT. Events have overtaken them. The documentary record on Ivermectin was clear, just as it was with HCQ. The medical literature was already established. But when India wanted to use the far cheaper Ivermectin rather than vaccines to get their country's Delta surge under control, the WHO told them they were making a BIG MISTAKE. India did it anyway - and Ivermectin stopped the surge in it's tracks in less than 2 weeks. India's Dr.'s had seen the studies on Ivermectin like this one:
viruses ARE parasites
Remember when they started talking about rectal swabs for testing? Starts to make sense.
Q: What are viruses?
A: Viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat.
Q: What does Ivermectin kill?
A: parasites
Mic drop
There are parasites in the jabs. They are nano sized but different than the mRNA and graphene oxide. Dr. Jane Ruby did a video on this with Stew Peters. There’s no practical reason for them to be in the jabs other than to sicken or kill people.
Maybe. Or perhaps covid can infect certain parasites within a human body, and multiply independently, inside of those parasites, outside of the realm of human immune system response? Maybe covid infected parasites are partly responsible for propagating the virus inside of humans? I am curious to know if covid can infect human parasites now.
I believe that it works as a zinc ionophore.
Check out "parasite pill" which takes you down this rabbit hole:
It's probably because viruses, as we have been told about them by the scientific community, don't exist.
Just like Black Holes and Dark Matter, they were invented by science to fill an explanation when typical treatments for diseases didn't work.
check to see if they ever isolated the Measlesl virus
Good theory! Also studies show it works as an anti viral also. Win win
take into consideration also how knife happy doctors are about removing your appendix, an organ most responsible for immune responses to parasites.
Docs hate tonsils too, another mechanism for controlling viruses from ending up in the lungs.
Has nothing to do with any of this. It inhibits the replication. It doesn’t actually kill it buts stops it from replicating.
Why have I seen no mention of ivermectin therapy for herpes or shingles or HIV
Did I simply miss it
Could it be that viruses aren't actually contagious and that all disease is due to parasites, bacteria, or fungal infections?
Yes, killing parasites boosts the immune system because the seat of our immunity is in our digestive system.
Most likely not since most people don't have parasitic worms. At least not in the USA.
Anons can't let it go.
There are several mechanisms of action.
A simple search for “ivermectin graphene” explains all.