Jimmy Kimmel deserves a spot in hell
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Many of these people who have found success in Hollywood have sold their souls to the Devil. Life is temporary. They will have to answer in the end for their eternity.
Only bad thing is i wish i could hear their tortuous screams while they burn so i can laugh in joy
absolutely my thoughts.
screaming clapping normies
Vaccine casualties in a year.
Don't worry..... it's already reserved for him.
He's running out of time to avert disaster for all of eternity.
What happened to the Jimmy that was crying on tv every night. Where is your compassion now?
I wonder what these late night talking heads would be saying about the vaccine if Trump was president? Hmmm...
Yea now anytime i see that fag bitch in pain imma ha e joy in my heart. Heres lookin at u jimmy ;)
I don’t think he was always a cuck. IMO, it was when he and Adam Corolla were on The Man Show. I believe the popularity of the show allowed Jimmy and Adam to choose their destiny. Adam took the high road, and, we know where Jimmy went. There is a video on YouTube with Adam being interviewed about this. Don’t have the link.
Jimmy was always a bit creepy to me but sometime after "The Man Show" he definitely sold his soul as his rise from second stringer just seemed to come out of nowhere.
Judgement will be an unexpected moment for this clown...will all the seals clap then? I do so wonder...
Does anyone really watch his show? Like..whats his ratings?? I assume in the tank like most people on cable
Jimmy Kimmel always has been and always will be a cuck faggot, who's actually a closet pedo. Definitely the product of incest.
I hope he rots in hell, gets healed fully and it happens all over again.
I know that's not being the better person, but with that pedo creep irdgaf.
Nah im tired of tryin to be the better person....
Does anyone even want chbhia crap anymore? He wasn't funny on The Man Show, in his stand up routines, and he isn't funny now.
Rest in piss, you pedo POS
Mr. Red Shoes Club has a real nice hot spot in hell reserved for him.
I guess people forgot when he did black face and was on the man show dehumanizing women jumping on trampolines. But yes, let’s listen to this muppet. Adam corrola definitely went the other way than kummel
Well, he got the part about vaccinated people having a heart attack right. The rest of it is vile.
This gonna be interesting to observe the left how they take this. I actually think at this point most of them will agree with it.
the laughs are just edited.
he's such a pandering propagandist BITCH BOI. God, SEND THESE PEOPLE TO HELL! It cannot come soon enough.
And if he doesn't repent and change his ways, he will go to hell, we can all be sure of that.
I wonder how many people he's guilted into taking it?
God id love to to see this lil fag in public 1 day. Just 1 time