They are also really good at reminding us that we need to be afraid of the invisible enemy. They also remind us that we need to be afraid of the people around us, that we need to be isolationists. Without the masks, its easy to forget we are supposed to be afraid of everything.
The increased death count from pneumonia that helps drive the overarching narrative is a bonus.
I taught patient care, including the proper USE of a mask. Let’s presume a mask can block 100% of viruses. (which it can’t). Does it KILL the viruses? No. Proper removal of the mask is essential. It must be carefully untiled from the back or the straps can be broken (if disposable). It must be discarded without touching the face of the mask. Otherwise the hands would become contaminated with the viruses. Of course one must never touch the face of the mask once donned. Basically, masks as currently used by the public become fomites and only serve to spread disease. All diseases. they also impair respiration, making us all more sickly and lessening our ability to reason.
Want to know if your mask works? We do the fart test. Put your mask on. Stick your face in my ass, and I blow a nice, juicy, wet one. If you can smell it, you can get covid
Thanks for the info-pic, fren! I need to bust through to some extreme pro-mask friends just how useless masks are for airborne viruses. Totally stealing and sharing.
Had a similar experience a few months back. Korean yellow dust season. Was told not to open the windows. Asked why, they said the dust particles are too small and go straight through the mask. I asked them, if they can't stop dust, how in the everloving fuck is it going to stop a virus? All I got in response was nervous laughter.
Masks are fucking pointless unless in a sterilized environment like a hospital. Cloth masks for viral protection have been known as useless for decades. It was settled science before the Plandemic. Which is why they fucking told you they were useless in the beginning.
right. there are different masks for different purposes. a gas mask is not the same as an oxygen mask (like firefighters use). A surgical mask will not protect you from cvid only a n95 or better will.
They are also really good at reminding us that we need to be afraid of the invisible enemy. They also remind us that we need to be afraid of the people around us, that we need to be isolationists. Without the masks, its easy to forget we are supposed to be afraid of everything.
The increased death count from pneumonia that helps drive the overarching narrative is a bonus.
They are good at causing extreme psychological torture to your children that psychopaths feed off of with glee
"Slaves embracing their chains". I totally get it now...
I taught patient care, including the proper USE of a mask. Let’s presume a mask can block 100% of viruses. (which it can’t). Does it KILL the viruses? No. Proper removal of the mask is essential. It must be carefully untiled from the back or the straps can be broken (if disposable). It must be discarded without touching the face of the mask. Otherwise the hands would become contaminated with the viruses. Of course one must never touch the face of the mask once donned. Basically, masks as currently used by the public become fomites and only serve to spread disease. All diseases. they also impair respiration, making us all more sickly and lessening our ability to reason.
Masks do offer protection against having to see the faces of ugly dumbass liberals who wear them.
Here’s the link
This link... you may have just unlocked the reason why California have so many wildfires.
Well, the masks from China contain Graphene there is that.
These people are stupid
But of course this does not apply to COVID. Even though... viruses are SMALLER than smoke particles!!!!
Want to know if your mask works? We do the fart test. Put your mask on. Stick your face in my ass, and I blow a nice, juicy, wet one. If you can smell it, you can get covid
good meme! this should get me banned off twitter once and for all lol
Follow the science, Joe.
Thanks for the info-pic, fren! I need to bust through to some extreme pro-mask friends just how useless masks are for airborne viruses. Totally stealing and sharing.
Had a similar experience a few months back. Korean yellow dust season. Was told not to open the windows. Asked why, they said the dust particles are too small and go straight through the mask. I asked them, if they can't stop dust, how in the everloving fuck is it going to stop a virus? All I got in response was nervous laughter.
Saliva drops are bigger than smoke particles.
For a infected person that sneeze or coughs, wearing a mask, the mask can reduce the risk of contamination with x%.
So masks are not always useless, but for healthy people, there’s no use in wearing a mask.
Masks are fucking pointless unless in a sterilized environment like a hospital. Cloth masks for viral protection have been known as useless for decades. It was settled science before the Plandemic. Which is why they fucking told you they were useless in the beginning.
right. there are different masks for different purposes. a gas mask is not the same as an oxygen mask (like firefighters use). A surgical mask will not protect you from cvid only a n95 or better will.
I never said a surgical mask would prevent you from getting COVID.
But it will reduce spread.
The same way sneezing in your armpit/elbow will.