Contrasts like this (and there have been many) seem to demonstrate that, to some degree at least, liberals have mastered the art of living in the moment, meaning they respond on the basis of how they feel about what's immediately in front of them and without any regard to historical context or greater meaning (kind of like cats). Or maybe it's just that they're just stupid.
I've known a few since we were growing up. I really don't think that's the case. I think it's propaganda, thediet, the near instantaneous transition from face to face conversation to a digital format, and much more.
Yes everything you said and more. Remember YOLO? They’re motto has always been be in the moment, follow your dreams, every feeling is valid. They’re also not principled people.
I think it comes from demoralization, which spurs a Machiavellianist view of the world. That spirals into narcissism and crap. It's why reIigion is ever so important, I think. Without it, there's nothing to check the idea of there being anything greater than the self.
The best cats I've known have always been the strays that wandered into my late uncle's farm, and subsequently adopted themselves to him. Cuddly and kind all of them.
My kitties always find me, not the other way round. Some have shown up in my barn, at my backdoor, at a parking lot or on the street and even once at a garden supply place. When they choose you, they're always cuddly and kind because they're exactly where they wanted to be.
I don’t think they were even taught the concept of principles, or the idea of the Platonic ideal. A principle is essentially the distilled Platonic ideal of an argument extracted from its specifics. We look at these individual social debates and remove the gays, the cake, the injection, all the details, and just look to the essence of what we are actually arguing and therefore actually believe. They do not do this. They ONLY care about the details, so for them it’s gay = good and conservative = bad. From their perspective, they ARE being consistent, because they consistently say the gays are superior and the conservatives are inferior, so where’s the hypocrisy?
Their inability to conceptualize the Platonic ideal is also why they go after things like the BMI and healthy fit Victoria Secret models. They think these things are acts of hate and discrimination because they don’t see the world the way we do. All of us are able to accept the concept of the ideal while also accepting that nobody fully achieves it (even Plato said the ideal chair could not be physically produced), and so the concept of the ideal is not hateful to us, but aspirational. For them, ideals are exclusionary, because (they claim) “The Man” decided those ideals for us. They don’t see that ideals are based on deep, universal human truths even as they themselves secretly believe in those same ideals (for example, the liberal man who will claim an obese Victoria’s Secret model, with rolls of fat hanging over her lace panties, is “just as hot” as the fit models, but when he’s alone flipping through the catalogue, he skips right past those same obese models). This also starts to get into the deranged solipstic idea liberals have that they are able to just think/speak new physical realities into existence, like if everyone believes together that a feminine penis makes a man a woman or a piece of cloth stops a bioweapon then it does.
Contrasts like this (and there have been many) seem to demonstrate that, to some degree at least, liberals have mastered the art of living in the moment, meaning they respond on the basis of how they feel about what's immediately in front of them and without any regard to historical context or greater meaning (kind of like cats). Or maybe it's just that they're just stupid.
Ya cats are much smarter than liberals
Could be, but I think I'm leaning towards what Star Lord said at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy "... a bit of both".
I've known a few since we were growing up. I really don't think that's the case. I think it's propaganda, thediet, the near instantaneous transition from face to face conversation to a digital format, and much more.
Yes everything you said and more. Remember YOLO? They’re motto has always been be in the moment, follow your dreams, every feeling is valid. They’re also not principled people.
I think it comes from demoralization, which spurs a Machiavellianist view of the world. That spirals into narcissism and crap. It's why reIigion is ever so important, I think. Without it, there's nothing to check the idea of there being anything greater than the self.
There's also the complicated matter of there being no present positive role model in peoples' lives.
This makes a lot of sense. I hate cats, so it makes sense that I would find cat-like people intolerable.
Name doesn't check out.
Beat me to it 👍🏽
Don't make my centuwions beat you wuffly to it, too.
Battlecat is different. He is a stone cold killer.
That's literally every cat in the world, wym?
I love cats and have always included some in my life. Knowing them so well is why I could make the comparison.
The best cats I've known have always been the strays that wandered into my late uncle's farm, and subsequently adopted themselves to him. Cuddly and kind all of them.
My kitties always find me, not the other way round. Some have shown up in my barn, at my backdoor, at a parking lot or on the street and even once at a garden supply place. When they choose you, they're always cuddly and kind because they're exactly where they wanted to be.
In summary: They're illogical.
They make our memes for us. Give a clown enough time and they'll pull their own pants down.
They have no principles.
They value free speech when they get to say what they want and question someone’s morals when someone says something they don’t like.
They want to force a baker to bake a gay cake then say stores can make their own rules regarding masks and vaccination status.
They protest/riot for human rights then support vaccination passports.
That’s just our liberal peers, not even the politicians who use double think and projection as a tool.
I don’t think they were even taught the concept of principles, or the idea of the Platonic ideal. A principle is essentially the distilled Platonic ideal of an argument extracted from its specifics. We look at these individual social debates and remove the gays, the cake, the injection, all the details, and just look to the essence of what we are actually arguing and therefore actually believe. They do not do this. They ONLY care about the details, so for them it’s gay = good and conservative = bad. From their perspective, they ARE being consistent, because they consistently say the gays are superior and the conservatives are inferior, so where’s the hypocrisy?
Their inability to conceptualize the Platonic ideal is also why they go after things like the BMI and healthy fit Victoria Secret models. They think these things are acts of hate and discrimination because they don’t see the world the way we do. All of us are able to accept the concept of the ideal while also accepting that nobody fully achieves it (even Plato said the ideal chair could not be physically produced), and so the concept of the ideal is not hateful to us, but aspirational. For them, ideals are exclusionary, because (they claim) “The Man” decided those ideals for us. They don’t see that ideals are based on deep, universal human truths even as they themselves secretly believe in those same ideals (for example, the liberal man who will claim an obese Victoria’s Secret model, with rolls of fat hanging over her lace panties, is “just as hot” as the fit models, but when he’s alone flipping through the catalogue, he skips right past those same obese models). This also starts to get into the deranged solipstic idea liberals have that they are able to just think/speak new physical realities into existence, like if everyone believes together that a feminine penis makes a man a woman or a piece of cloth stops a bioweapon then it does.