I hope if I ever betray my country to a foreign enemy, break every path I’ve made, and sell out my country, that can just resign and live happily ever after.
Must be doing this to give him a way out. No deals.
Two possibilities if this rat fuck weasel is involved:
1 - The entire story is bullshit and meant as another distraction for the AZ audts coming out soon. Can you imagine how much a treason story would occupy the news cycle... and they already know we can't stand the woketard general, so setting him up to fall isn't even hard. We already had our pitchforks out, all they had to do was tar and feather him for us.
2 - Vinkle Dinkle Dick LIckerman is involved with this somehow and is trying to get ahead of the news cycle by being the first to lay blame and condemn. Then, when evidence he was involved comes to light he can say "No, I was against it the whole time!"
Why does Vindman always look like he is suppressing a fart.
because he is
This now makes me question the Milley stuff, because Vindman is such a traitorous snake. It'll be interesting to see what develops.
For sure, it looks like there is a faction fight we haven't figured out.
Pretty sure Trump said this is all a ruse.
Resign? He should be hung, right next to Vindman.
If Vindman is involved its a hoax. Not to defend Milley... But check out what Trump says about it.
I hope if I ever betray my country to a foreign enemy, break every path I’ve made, and sell out my country, that can just resign and live happily ever after.
Must be doing this to give him a way out. No deals.
Two possibilities if this rat fuck weasel is involved:
1 - The entire story is bullshit and meant as another distraction for the AZ audts coming out soon. Can you imagine how much a treason story would occupy the news cycle... and they already know we can't stand the woketard general, so setting him up to fall isn't even hard. We already had our pitchforks out, all they had to do was tar and feather him for us.
2 - Vinkle Dinkle Dick LIckerman is involved with this somehow and is trying to get ahead of the news cycle by being the first to lay blame and condemn. Then, when evidence he was involved comes to light he can say "No, I was against it the whole time!"
Both good points,but upvoted for the creative phrase "rat fuck weasel"👌
Am I the only one that thinks of Venkman from Ghostbusters when that dipshit's name is mentioned?🐸
Resign? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's cute
Resign? How about executed.
Two pasty-looking Soy Boys about to have a virtual cat fight.