98 Your Pork dollars at work (media.communities.win) posted 3 years ago by Qasef-K2 3 years ago by Qasef-K2 +98 / -0 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Can’t tell if that’s a Henry or a Helga all the way on the right
Both, depends on the mood that day.
Looks rather like the German Shot Putt entry in the Olympics.
Reminds me of Thurman Merman all grown up.
military grade equipment should never be allowed to be used on the public...This type of shit is insane....
Is this real?
I know, it looks like marvel shit
You are watching a movie.
judge dredd
Gadzooks! A person can’t tell Antifa Black bloc rioters from Capital police!
I bet if you put them on their backs they can't get up.
Were they perhaps ordered to comb the entire national mall?
Spaceballs ref... LOL
Can't they pick a happier looking design? I mean at this point we just have Stormtroopers.
Good news though is that stormtroopers can't shoot very well.
What a bunch of faggots. Talk about LARP.
Tell me you’re the bad guy of the movie without saying you’re the bad guy of the movie
Where the fuck was this when BLM and Antifa were burning down the country?
When you buy your body armor of wish
The Death Star has become fully operational.
What’s up with the black guy’s unprotected dick?
Waiting in line at Krispy Kreme.
2nd from the right with Robocop face...
All thinking, "worst riot ever"
When did they change the rainbow colors to this?
I keep coming back to your comment because it's hilarious.