Message for business owners and CEOs concerning Covid restrictions/mandates
🏡 Local WINNING 🏘️
If your company can afford it, here is an idea for you. Hire a doctor who will prescribe your employees a Covid kit that includes ivermectin and an antibiotic etc…. Make a deal with a pharmacy company and have them filled. No need for testing, masks, or jab status. If this were to happen, I think it would swing the pendulum completely.
Great idea, however the Doc's, Pharmacies, and Insurance Companies are in on it...Top Down..not all, but not enough on our side...
All we need are a few.
They have Frontline Doctors in here who can prescribe and also pharmacies that will actually complete the doctors scripts Just need to go here to do it:
^^^^ THIS = SOLUTION ^^^^
Not exactly. It is the despotic little communist boards. The medical boards & pharmacy boards that are threatening to strip doctors & pharmacies of their licenses.
Damned good idea. Stickied for discussion.
Thank you!
When our corrupt governor issued another (second) shut-down of restaurants (to take-out or delivery only) last December, I convinced my local lunch spot to defy the order and stay open. We were nervous at first, and I didn't want to see them get a big fine because I had convinced them, but it worked out better than great. As word spread through the community that there was a place that you could actually go and sit down and eat inside their business thrived (and still is). Even all the local police were eating there, during the shut-down.
My point is this: [They] want to hurt small businesses, and grow the mega-corporations (Walmart, etc). If a small business obeys all the tyranical mandates then there's a good chance they'll go out of business. So why not take the risk, defy the mandates, and do whatever needs to be done to keep your business afloat.
Good advice. Ivermectin is a multi-cure, not just covid. A business owner would be taking an active role in the health and well being of the workers and that's a win-win in anyones book. Well, except a Demoncrat.
and no one has ever died from taking ivermectin.
There's no needing for testing, because the tests are unreliable and have a very high false-positive rate.
There's no need for masks because they do not block viral particles (Notice how you can still smell food from across the room while wearing one?).
There's no need for a jab because there is no vaccine, only experimental gene therapy.
Ergo... don't even bother with "covid kits". If you're sick, stay home. If you're not sick, then who cares? I'm so tired of "sick until proven healthy" mindsets.
I like your thinking....
Or send someone south of the border to bring a shit ton of it back.
Been thinking about that.
Already on it...
It's a good idea but you're assuming that these CEO's and upper management are for free choice. Let me tell you, most are NOT. They're political animals and go with whatever they're told to do. CEO's of most hospitals are garbage humans who are in bed with dems, and they do whatever they're told to get political favors and no they themselves have not taken the jab that's for damn sure.
OH YEAH! That's the ticket!
not all employees will be down for this, employers shouldn't be making medical decisions for their employees, this is true for both the jab as well as these medicines, even though studies show that these medicines work.
Yes but it would be for anyone who wants to see the doc and get the meds, its not forced. That way there will be no mandates. If you don’t want to see the doc the company has you don’t have to. The point is no mandates and you will have a doctor willing to prescribe the meds to help if you get sick or want it as a prophylaxis if you want it.
I agree with this 100%
I can't imagine any company / ceo / business owner (not big companies anyway) are going to take the liability risk of doing something like this. If any of your employees caught Covid and took the meds you provided, without it gettingmainstream treatment - and dies - there will be lawsuits.
With the jab, whatever happens it's not on employers. They provide testing, mandate or not mandate vaccines, and that's as far as theyll go directly playing a role in people's health right now.
It's on individuals to do the research, tell friends/ fam about it, and make their own decisions.
The idea needs to evolve. And many great ideas started as crazy. There are companies that provide occ med to employees as well as executive concierge med services, health club memberships etc. Perhaps a few docs disgruntled with their professions could start a practice that offers medical service similar to what Frontline docs are providing for private citizens or businesses to give as a benefit (maybe not free but at a discount). I feel moving forward people are going to be seeking alternative less aggressive treatments. And didn't Trump give us the "Right to Try"?
I think if we just stopped testing asymptomatic “contacts” we’d see “cases” plummet