The case had to do with flu vaxx, but court ruled that a vaxx cannot be required because it violates informed consent.
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And Canada.
And Italy
How does informed consent not apply to the testing, which is also a medical procedure?
That's awesome! Whenever you're ready to take a couple weeks off just swab a grapefruit and boom covid positive!
If you administer the test yourself, you are clearly complying, but is the compliance free of coercion?
That is the entire problem here. Many people have complied with the injection without informed consent (seemingly everyone since they are not forthcoming with information about adverse reactions), and many others have been coerced into taking it.
Informed consent free of coercion should also apply to the testing since it is an invasion of your body that puts you in contact with a chemical substance (it is not just a Q-tip they use to collect the sample)
I know, right? No one is going to sinus-fuck me with one of those damn vaulting poles with the cotton-and-spike-protein tip.
FYI - weekly testing is also illegal based on 2015 Federal law that protects a person's "genetic" information. PCR test uses genetic information.