Central Registration Depository. Beware Bill Barr. Military Watching Biden NOT Central Bank.
By the way I wouldn't underestimate official message too:
As some of the anons said some time ago (I forgot was that you u/Qlueless or was that u/pearlrevolver - thanks to both of you anyway for doing your job): When they talk about climate they are talking about people,because WE are their climate. Cutting 94% of emissions means majority of their genocidal policies.
u/inquimous u/Precocious13 u/dty6 u/Lopeover u/ApplesOrangesLemons u/PlumberFag u/DigitSoldier u/slokill u/MudDog u/blacksmith21 u/MAGA_Patriot_1776 u/Phishhed44 u/NeverStopBelieving u/MariaGoretti0706 u/FuckCommies u/Wtf_socialismreally u/darkwinter_ u/NOTWOKE u/sun_wolf u/WinsAnon u/malooch u/TurdFergueson u/sun_wolf u/MAGAftwftp &all other anons not mentioned (sorry)
u/pearlrevolver : great job !
Maybe it is:
or not...
u/tactical_potato : OT or NOT ? Not Central Bank (anymore) ? or OT means something ?
u/Ehjax78 : hey ! Might be good too:
So alternative can be too:
u/Miztivin can be right about Bill Barr however.
so too can be:
By the way I wouldn't underestimate official message too:
As some of the anons said some time ago (I forgot was that you u/Qlueless or was that u/pearlrevolver - thanks to both of you anyway for doing your job): When they talk about climate they are talking about people,because WE are their climate. Cutting 94% of emissions means majority of their genocidal policies.
So look at this and think reverse too: https://mobile.twitter.com/CAPAction/status/1441413013651738625/photo/1
Also those:
there are no mistakes for sure. So is that also message that they are stepping back with their genocidal policies or something ?
Maybe we have 2 messages of the enemy or 2 messages combining into one ? Why not ? Why 2 channels wouldn't be equally important ?
Consider this too.
You're brilliant!
Me ? Excuse me - Actually many if not all anons are. All I had done here were basing on other anons work. And it still isn't enough. Also when I say:
I mean: You too. We all have potential greater than we can imagine. You too. And maybe Great Awakening is also about it ? :)
🙂 have a great day, fren
ThanQ! This is major work, and like many, I am so grateful! I will archive.
Wow...very nice. Whatta TEAM!! I hadn’t thought about Central Bank (dduuhhh)?!! Has Biden reappeared today? (Been busy all morning).
In case it wasn't known, Podesta owns the CAP Action account
He founded CAP Action. So everything tweeted there, you know he probably was involved