pearlrevolver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not true. The Amish have their own doctors. My parents and husband have been to one. They don't take insurance and they are extremely affordable. Also, where is your evidence that they have a lot of retarded children? I live next to a huge Amish/Mennonite community and I have never seen one.

pearlrevolver 4 points ago +4 / -0

That woman is showing more foot than face. She best be careful otherwise a non-Mahran may see and have a sexual emergency with the closest animal.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't know if true, but I hear cuck porn is the most viewed kind in the UK.

pearlrevolver 1 point ago +1 / -0

That abomination is an insult to males.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

To resort to such methods, one must lack basic empathy for others and have a self-loathing for one's own DNA. It is antithetical to the human species to end the life of one's own offspring time and time again. It seems Blacks typically have little empathy for their own kind as they are the biggest perpetrators of violence against their own race. They also have the highest rates of corporal punishment. Blacks beating on their children hasn't done a thing to curb criminal behavior, but it may be the key element in creating a tide of sociopaths that in turn have no problem ending their own unborn children's lives.

pearlrevolver 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not defending genocide, I'm arguing with your definition of immigrant. If the Europeans wanted to join up with the Natives, then the word immigrant would be appropriate. Instead of trying to change its definition, why don't you use words like 'invader' or 'intruder'? The original pilgrims were not immigrants. They did not want to assimilate and integrate with the native population.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

immigrant: a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

The first European pilgrims came over in the 1400's and could not have been immigrants because America was not a country until 1776. They did not come to join up with the Native tribes living here. They came over and created their own towns. Sure, they traded with the Natives and learned about the land and crops from them, but that did not mean they were immigrants to the Natives tribes.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the whites in America were immigrants.

What about the whites who have been in this country from before its founding?

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Simple. There is no financial incentive to.

pearlrevolver 12 points ago +12 / -0

Homos should not be allowed to adopt kids. It's unnatural and I think damaging to the children, even if the homos are not pedos. Having 2 fathers or 2 mothers must psychologically change a developing child to some degree, we just don't know to what extent.

pearlrevolver 0 points ago +1 / -1

If that's truly the reason, what's your excuse for every other non-east Asian and non-European descended country in the world then? Is globalism or imperialism to blame for every low IQ country's failing? Unfortunately, Wakanda only exists in fiction.

pearlrevolver 7 points ago +7 / -0

The tax-payer funded body guard is doing a good job protecting her. While her constituents get no such protection, they do foot the bill for her safety. I'm sure AOC is in agreement with you and feels annoyed by people ambushing her with questions as well. I bet she would love nothing more than to continue living in her safe guarded bubble and never have to answer to us, the little people who pay for her protection and lifestyle.

pearlrevolver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you know how dysfunctional a person with that low an IQ is?

Yes, that's why Honduras is a hellhole with one of the highest rates of homicide in the world. Show me a high IQ population with a high violent crime rate or a low IQ population with low crime rates. IQ is the best predictor for a person's success in life. People with an IQ below 83 have such difficulty staying on task preforming even the simplest jobs that they often resort to crime to get what they need/want. I know it's a hard subject to talk about, but there are physical and mental differences between human races and not all types of people are compatible to live in civilized society simply because they are unable to understand the need for rules or to extend empathy to others.

pearlrevolver 19 points ago +21 / -2

Average IQ of Switzerland: 99

Average IQ of Honduras: 62

pearlrevolver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I think it's the dementia. That sort of fluctuation in mannerisms/personality is a characteristic of neurodegeneration.

pearlrevolver 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't blame them for being skeptical of all news outlets. It's a wise mindset to have considering the propaganda the Russian people had endured in the past and the propaganda currently being peddled in the west.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one can try to gaslight us on this one. September 2020, Trump says Biden is shot, he's got half of his head left.


pearlrevolver 5 points ago +5 / -0

This comment stood out for me:

He turned 45, but did this horrific crime in 2006, which means he was 26/27. He lived (well apparently) off the tax payer dime for 18 years in prison, 8 years longer than the entire life of this precious girl. He got 18 years to daily re-live his fetish. 18 YEARS!

pearlrevolver 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel like something like this happens every year and yet the same people I know always wait last minute to do Amazon Christmas shopping.

pearlrevolver 5 points ago +5 / -0

It looks like Pepe's got something funky going on with a couple of his digits. A mutation as a result of atrazine contamination perhaps?

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