Qlueless 2 points ago +3 / -1

You may think this is a win but let me tell you it's not. Audi designs shit like this


Those are timing chains.

They are on the transmission side of the engine.

This is but a paradigm for their engineering as a whole. They intentionally go out of their way to make things more complicated than necessary.

That's not to say the rest of the auto industry isn't doing the same, just that Audi has always been way ahead in making clusterfucks.

Qlueless 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can they be for someone leaching off our tax dollars getting to call all the shots? Those dollars have stipulations. If they don't agree with that then they should buy their liquid diabetes with their own money.

If these "conservative influencers" were working from a principled conservative position they wouldn't have made this mistake.

Qlueless 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah a couple of pot heads seen Pizzagate taking off and thought they could use that to gain custody. If anything this helped kill Pizzagate.

Qlueless 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the point of seeing a video with all context stripped if not to disseminate a known hoax for clicks?

Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0


She ruled that the youngsters' "fantasy" accounts of abuse stemmed from "relentless emotional and psychological pressure" by Draper and Christie who beat them into concocting stories.

Pictures today emerged of glamorous yoga teacher Draper and Christie, who has a criminal record including violence, dishonesty and drugs offences, cavorting semi-naked in a cannabis field.

Tests on Draper's son and daughter, aged eight and nine, showed they had both ingested cannabis in the months before being into taken care.

Qlueless 4 points ago +4 / -0

Order of the White Rose of Finland.

Established 1919.

You are showing an old version of the White Rose.

The swastikas of the collar were replaced by fir crosses in 1963.

Qlueless 9 points ago +10 / -1

Buy liquid diabetes with your own fucking money.

Qlueless -2 points ago +1 / -3

You don't need fucking shellfish toxin with something that can turn a cranium into vapor like that. A pellet doesn't have the mass or velocity to do that. This is the telltale signs of a pathological liar and probable Schizophrenic. If anything they let him run his mouth to muddy the waters.

"Jackline was trying to get away"

No she was trying to pick up bits of his brains.

Bill Cooper is full of shit.


For the down voting tards using potato footage.

cranium split open, forward>





They also reproduced the flight path (magic bullet) but I cant find the fucking video because youtube is full of retarded results.

Edit Edit:

This is it


Qlueless 4 points ago +4 / -0

Switzerland isn't going to join NATO. Their constitutional policy forbids it.

Co-operation and joint training exercises with Nato, of which Switzerland is not a member, was “absolutely necessary”, Pfister said last month, adding that while he was not pushing for his country to become a member, the defence alliance remained essential for Europe’s security.


On cooperation with NATO: In Pfister's view, cooperation with the NATO defense alliance is absolutely essential for Switzerland. He justified this with the security of Europe. NATO membership is not a goal, the Zug government councilor emphasized. However, it is important to utilize the opportunities for cooperation and training with NATO. "NATO is absolutely necessary for security in Europe."


Qlueless 13 points ago +13 / -0

The door at the Waco compound disappeared.

Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good fucking luck.

Green Cards / Student Visa's are not a protected right.

He can be deported for political activities.

Turner v. Williams, 194 U.S. 279 (1904)

Qlueless 5 points ago +5 / -0

Holy shit.

I thought Bill Murray kicked the bucket years ago.

Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0

How much of a pearl clutcher do you have to be? This is just typical SNL retardation.

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