And just trusting in God won't get you anywhere without action, good deeds. A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied
I must confess I find the existence of white hats, with any significant power in our government or military somewhat hard to believe. I just love this site however for it's optimism. The donald tends to spiral into self pity too often.
I do believe, however, that God can and will bring the evil cabal perp.s to justice. I just don't know what his mechanism will be.
Thats what this post is about, watch his videos and have faith that there are many people tirelessly working around the clock for this plan to work. We are at war, its a new type of war. Just think about it you knew we were at war while the US was over in iraq and afgan but you personally didnt see it, but you trusted that it was happening. if you say "yeah but i saw the news for those wars" this war has news all around you, you just arent looking for it. because in this war you cant trust the normal news to tell you what is really happening. This thought process is the biggest block you need to get around, once you do everything over the last few years will fall in to place and make so much more sense.
My primary proof of the existence of white hats is that Trump won in 2016. Only a clandestine operation could have subverted that rigged election. That's why Hillary was in shock.
Other proofs:
Trump or family haven't been assassinated.
Durham hasn't been assassinated.
The intended death toll of Jan. 6th was subverted.
25k Marines and NG descending on DC, Dems treating them with contempt.
If nothing else, I agree with you about Patriots. It's become a nasty cess pool these days. I just can't stand it anymore. I'm not sure this is where I belong, but it can't be any worse than over there.
I'm looking forward to checking out M4 in theatres. I haven't been to a movie theatre in probably seven years or more. I can't resist Keanu and Red Pills though!
You know how the Star Wars sequel trilogy just basically reused the story lines from the original trilogy, making the victories in Return of the Jedi meaningless? That’s what Matrix 4 looks like. It’s probably going to suck
I believe the storyline will be that the "real world" that Morpheus brought Neo and Trinity into was in fact another layer in the control Matrix. When Neo and Trinity "died" at the end of Revelations, they awoke into another layer of the Matrix.
Also, if you watch Majic Eyes Qnly's decode of the trailer, you will see that there are many layers of symbolism to do with Project Monarch, MKUltra mind control, and CONPLAN8888 (military zombie OP).
Even if the story does suck, you can't have a bad time watching Keanu...
I like Keanu and I appreciate the metaphor of the matrix = modern day mind control. But the wachowskis stole the premise of the first Matrix movie from a 1980s story, which is why the first movie is the best. The other two were pretty bad, as was Jupiter Ascending, which shows that the wachowskis don’t have much of their own inspiration. This 4th Matrix movie is them cashing in on the franchise, and on the current redpilling climate of the real world, but they don’t have new inspiration. Your description of Matrix 4 supports my Star Wars sequel trilogy comparison.
In the spring of 2003, as people just saw Matrix 2. a popular fan theory was that Neo escaped the matrix… into another matrix. That fan theory got shot down in favor of the muddled mess of Matrix 3. Now, it seems they’re trying to retcon that the “matrix within a matrix” theory was right all along. It’s really just an excuse to reboot. If Matrix 4 has Neo in a next level matrix, then he’s effectively in the same situation as he was in 1999 at the beginning of Matrix 1. Therefore, they can recycle story elements from the original. In Star Wars, it seemed like the Rebels defeated the Empire, but it was retconned that they didn’t. They just morphed into the Resistance taking on the First Order so that the same story could be told again.
I'll believe it when I see it. Label me whatever dumb shit you want, try to shame me with your blind arrogance, I don't care. Q said to question everything and think for myself. You don't get to go surprised Pikachu Face when I don't conform or agree with everything.
Dude I'm novice when it comes to the depth of Q. Listening to Majic explain his Law if War decodes scare me and excite me in a way I never believed possible!
Can someone help me rectify this mass illegal immigration and how it will/could be resolved in the end? How might that fit into the law of war and the plan and all that?
Means we have more internal enemies than thought of.....Deep state is in panic, and now bussing in tons of these assholes......wouldnt be suprised if Chy-na special ops shit is in here setting up shop either. The southern border is a joke....people go back and forth to get fuckin take out........
The ones being imported should worry......unlike the UK....our civilians are going to lay down like bitches.Unless they send the migrants to all soft leftist towns to target the more rich fuckers. That would be an interesting turn. What do all these low level celebs think is going to happen to them once the world goes to shit? Do these people honestly think they matter? Sports figures? Like really???
Look up Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, cleared out 100s of thousands of illegals in short order, and before the interstate highway system was finished, too... Now, if we have the will, those millions of illegals can be removed too.
Or, you know, just trust God. There's always that.
Yes trust God, that doesnt mean the Q plan will happen. God's plan does not mean life on Earth wont suck.
Trusting in God means that I believe He will deliver me AFTER suffering. Some of us may not live to see the other side of this conflict.
And just trusting in God won't get you anywhere without action, good deeds. A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied
Most excellent
Sorry yo. God is a fact.
This world is passing away. Search hard for Christ and you will find Him. Knock and the door will be opened to you.
You don't need anything in this world. God knows what you need before you ask for it. Trust in the Lord.
1 John 2:17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
Don't trust in this world. The wine of the wrath of God will be poured out, do not be drunk on it.
You can be at peace during this time but you have to do the work of seeking the Lord in your heart.
To your point, my favorite saying, “God helps those that helps themselves”! Pray to God and…do your research!
People here still have yet to let go of blind faith loyalty. Hopefully soon they figure it out.
I must confess I find the existence of white hats, with any significant power in our government or military somewhat hard to believe. I just love this site however for it's optimism. The donald tends to spiral into self pity too often.
I do believe, however, that God can and will bring the evil cabal perp.s to justice. I just don't know what his mechanism will be.
Thats what this post is about, watch his videos and have faith that there are many people tirelessly working around the clock for this plan to work. We are at war, its a new type of war. Just think about it you knew we were at war while the US was over in iraq and afgan but you personally didnt see it, but you trusted that it was happening. if you say "yeah but i saw the news for those wars" this war has news all around you, you just arent looking for it. because in this war you cant trust the normal news to tell you what is really happening. This thought process is the biggest block you need to get around, once you do everything over the last few years will fall in to place and make so much more sense.
Nah. Fuck that. I'm sticking to my plans in the event they fail.
My primary proof of the existence of white hats is that Trump won in 2016. Only a clandestine operation could have subverted that rigged election. That's why Hillary was in shock.
Other proofs:
Trump or family haven't been assassinated.
Durham hasn't been assassinated.
The intended death toll of Jan. 6th was subverted.
25k Marines and NG descending on DC, Dems treating them with contempt.
Blackhawks landing on the Capitol lawn throughout the summer, no one says why:
The massive Solarwinds hack. Anything blamed on Russia is white hat.
Given enough time to think about it, there are a lot more proofs.
Flynns brother leading the troops aligned against the Chinese.
I hope you are right. It's kind of like the pre-trib rapture. I hope it's right but prepare like it's wrong.
If nothing else, I agree with you about Patriots. It's become a nasty cess pool these days. I just can't stand it anymore. I'm not sure this is where I belong, but it can't be any worse than over there.
Dang son!
You got me to go check to see if Majic Eyes Qnly had a new video out. 🥺
It feels like Christmas every time that wonderful autist uploads.
He's apparently working on a follow up series on the Law of War.
Everyone should most certainly watch ALL of the Law of War. I'm assigning it as homework for Red October!
Did you check out his Matrix 4 videos?
Main channel:
Law of War Videos:
Those were excellent decodes indeed!
I'm looking forward to checking out M4 in theatres. I haven't been to a movie theatre in probably seven years or more. I can't resist Keanu and Red Pills though!
You know how the Star Wars sequel trilogy just basically reused the story lines from the original trilogy, making the victories in Return of the Jedi meaningless? That’s what Matrix 4 looks like. It’s probably going to suck
I disagree.
I believe the storyline will be that the "real world" that Morpheus brought Neo and Trinity into was in fact another layer in the control Matrix. When Neo and Trinity "died" at the end of Revelations, they awoke into another layer of the Matrix.
Also, if you watch Majic Eyes Qnly's decode of the trailer, you will see that there are many layers of symbolism to do with Project Monarch, MKUltra mind control, and CONPLAN8888 (military zombie OP).
Even if the story does suck, you can't have a bad time watching Keanu...
I like Keanu and I appreciate the metaphor of the matrix = modern day mind control. But the wachowskis stole the premise of the first Matrix movie from a 1980s story, which is why the first movie is the best. The other two were pretty bad, as was Jupiter Ascending, which shows that the wachowskis don’t have much of their own inspiration. This 4th Matrix movie is them cashing in on the franchise, and on the current redpilling climate of the real world, but they don’t have new inspiration. Your description of Matrix 4 supports my Star Wars sequel trilogy comparison.
In the spring of 2003, as people just saw Matrix 2. a popular fan theory was that Neo escaped the matrix… into another matrix. That fan theory got shot down in favor of the muddled mess of Matrix 3. Now, it seems they’re trying to retcon that the “matrix within a matrix” theory was right all along. It’s really just an excuse to reboot. If Matrix 4 has Neo in a next level matrix, then he’s effectively in the same situation as he was in 1999 at the beginning of Matrix 1. Therefore, they can recycle story elements from the original. In Star Wars, it seemed like the Rebels defeated the Empire, but it was retconned that they didn’t. They just morphed into the Resistance taking on the First Order so that the same story could be told again.
Nah! The original pill was yellow and much older than 1980.
1958! Noice
I found The 13th Floor pretty interesting with the virtual realities sequential..
13th Floor, Matrix, Existenz, and Dark City all came out in 1999 (and Fight Club)
Thanks for the links. Downloaded to plex and checking them out now.
That dude is seriously cerebral.
I'll believe it when I see it. Label me whatever dumb shit you want, try to shame me with your blind arrogance, I don't care. Q said to question everything and think for myself. You don't get to go surprised Pikachu Face when I don't conform or agree with everything.
What Q drop did he say that? I'm not saying those are bad things but this feels like a misquote
Sadly I suck with numbers. I could have sworn he said something about an army of independent thinkers and researchers.
Majic does have that fire Autism. God love him, no telling how many hours he has spent putting all of the information together.
Dude I'm novice when it comes to the depth of Q. Listening to Majic explain his Law if War decodes scare me and excite me in a way I never believed possible!
goddamnit do you mind? SIGH stickying ... this is quality and so true, LOL
Can someone help me rectify this mass illegal immigration and how it will/could be resolved in the end? How might that fit into the law of war and the plan and all that?
Means we have more internal enemies than thought of.....Deep state is in panic, and now bussing in tons of these assholes......wouldnt be suprised if Chy-na special ops shit is in here setting up shop either. The southern border is a joke....people go back and forth to get fuckin take out........
The ones being imported should worry......unlike the UK....our civilians are going to lay down like bitches.Unless they send the migrants to all soft leftist towns to target the more rich fuckers. That would be an interesting turn. What do all these low level celebs think is going to happen to them once the world goes to shit? Do these people honestly think they matter? Sports figures? Like really???
Look up Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, cleared out 100s of thousands of illegals in short order, and before the interstate highway system was finished, too... Now, if we have the will, those millions of illegals can be removed too.
Link to these videos?
Oh thanks for the reminder! He’s great to listen to!