The OEM manufacturing and support networks are rapidly collapsing in the jet world. You will be shocked to find out people who twist wrenches aren't on board with mandatory anything but overtime. Small private MRO are hiring all the OEM and large chain techs and support people away. Parts are in massive shortage conditions in all stocking locations worldwide. AOG events have gone from same day to over a month now on even current model planes. People are walking away from our industry because of the mandatory insanity and aren't looking back. Private jet aviation is in free fall collapse on the inside while demand is higher than ever. The reason people like NetJets stopped stopped selling jets cards is they couldn't support the hours sold any longer and they are the biggest 135 operation in existence. There is an entire world of aviation nobody sees and it keeps the economy moving. FAFO
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Everything is about to grind to a halt. Then comes decision time. Great Reset or Great Awakening.
I wonder who is playing the role of John Galt in this movie we are watching?
I think the point of the Great Awakening is that we are all supposed to make that decision in our own corner of the world. It's our job as part of the Great Awakening to wake up and redpill as many people as we can so there is a maximum amount of people who decide against the Great Reset when the shit hits the fan.
They had the Great Depression in 1929, we're on pace for a Great Something soon too.
Thanks for the info - the world is going to be very different in a lot of ways.
Industries I'm predicting are also gonna die very soon:
I'd like to see public education on that list, too.
The 3.5T for infrastructure was for the infrastructure of their control scheme. I'm sure a very large portion will end up in the hands of those you've listed.
Imagine that the countermove of the Q Team is to make the cash worthless by bringing about hyperinflation. No more control.
These industries don't need to die. They need to stop being ran by woke leftists who push their adjenda above all else.
Add Finance to that list.
Patriots RISE. Some of us have lost loved ones. It’s time.
I live near Piper where they build the planes. They’re rarely hiring. Guess what they’re hiring. Prolly want jabbed. Lots not jabbed here.
I know some private pilots and someone at Jet Linx, will have to inquire about this. Seems like they’ve been busy as heck though.
They are and that is my point. It's on life support right now just barely keeping up with demand. This mandate bullshit is death to the industry.
It's an inside attack by the boards of these companies. They know what this will do, but they have investments that are about to pay off bigtime. Look at these people on the boards and they are deep state as can be. They are all colluding together for the Great Reset.
People for whom problem solving is an integral part of their day to day lives tend to carry with them this way of thinking and apply it everywhere rather than just at work, so no big surprise there...
Jets are fucking cool though. Besides some of our customers are based and on our side. The boards are corrupt as fuck though.