by xkgb
NeverTwitterer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glorious Expositon, Comrade

NeverTwitterer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Use your brower's "view as desktop site" option, then it won't upsell the mobile app. At least for Brave, just hit the '...' and choose "Desktop Site" checkbox.

NeverTwitterer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why particular hate for Microsoft?

Twitter, Apple, Amazon, FB, and Google are all far more evil.

I can't think of a stand out thing Microsoft has done to target MAGA? I'm sure theres some negative points, but with the rest of big tech is so obvious and intentional, between data collection and targeting, censorship/deplatforming, "fact checking", app take downs, etc.

In reality, many of the more based engineers work there for that reason.

Is it just because of Gates? He is long gone.

NeverTwitterer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did he follow that up immediately with "I'm a fraud and I resign?"

NeverTwitterer 37 points ago +37 / -0

Its obviously fake, at 2 minutes you can see the plane is empty besides where they are filming, lol

NeverTwitterer 4 points ago +4 / -0

So many selfish anti-chippers here. Don't you want Covid to end? The chip is safe and effective. So very, very effective.

NeverTwitterer 1 point ago +2 / -1

Its hard to ditch Amazon completely, their marketplace is just so complete. Lots of specific goods I really cant find elsewhere.

I shifted everything I could to local, try to buy direct from manufacturer if I can (use Amazon as the catalog only), and my family shares a prime account now (so 1 less subscription...)

I cut spending there by about 80%

NeverTwitterer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good News! The chance of a healthy child suddenly dying from heart attack has decreased in 2021 to 8%!

NeverTwitterer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its benadyrll, nyquill, etc. And the OTC sleep aids, because it makes you sleepy, too.

Your non drowsy allergy pills won't use it.

NeverTwitterer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Buy gifts from MyPillow or Stocking Mills Coffee... between those two based companies, there is something for everyone.

I just got a MyPillow weighted blanket. That thing is dope!

And of course many more choices.

NeverTwitterer 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the woke Fortune 500 companies have these now. Welcome to 2021.

And no I'm not kidding lol, search "chief diversity officer of <some company>"

Ironically, but not surpsiningly, the people occupying this role are always black and/or female...

NeverTwitterer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Might make sense.

Drone pilots looking for ARs. Spot Kyle, lock on, FBI give orderd to their antifa captain on the ground, goons attack Kyle.

They don't care about killing Kyle. The point is s guilty verdict in a clear self defence scenario, that is what makes an example, and insures the next riots have less resistance.

NeverTwitterer 1 point ago +4 / -3

Kyle was open carrying an AR. That might be the reason a drone was already locked on to him. They can just auto pilot and follow a person.

by gamepwn
NeverTwitterer 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was in Chapala last year, and Guadalajara. Indeed a very nice place!

Mexico has a stronger middle class than maybe even USA... at least you have a chance to afford a starter home with an entry level job.

by gamepwn
NeverTwitterer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Different type of corruption. Its like Russian oligarchy or the US of 20th century. Yes, very corrupt, but still country first.

This works out a lot better for the people that globalist corruption.

by gamepwn
NeverTwitterer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because Mexico isn't a shithole country anymore and they are very nationalistic. If the third worlders don't make it to US, they stay in MX, and they arent wanted there either.

by gamepwn
NeverTwitterer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Nah, for the Fedeale just waste their time. They want quick cash and then to harass the next person.

Just ask for your court date & ticket again and again and when they realize you arent a victim they just take off. Time is money.

At least id youre American, they won't actually fuck with you.

src: Have Mexican wife and frequently travel there.

NeverTwitterer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are they really dumb enough to have fraud wifi networks? Why not use ethernet?

NeverTwitterer 1 point ago +1 / -0

idk. ill check it out, thanks fren.

Hopefully you have luck out there. I go a range in Fall City area, that area seems far more based than further west.

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