PRO-TIP: When sending Tweets around to red-pill your friends 'n family, be sure to "trim" the URL to delete Twitter's embedded telemetry/tracking features. Basically, that's everything after the "?" mark. See how the GreatAwakening.WIN URL is embedded? Delete that! GIVE THEM NOTHING!

Use ClearURLs to automatically scrub urls of identifiers when copying links
Yep, came here to say this, Nitter.net is a fantastic service.
Also came to say this!
Thank you
Great tip. Same with Facebook etc..
The ?= Is passing the origin location or ?fbcid to track users and where they are getting info...
Then it would be easy to censor the info off their sites... Based on whole site content vs them having to work to censor each pic or story.
Thanks for the tip mate.
Based on reviews? Fauci's documentary is good based on reviews.
I've been using clearURLs for a long time with no problem.
I would rather they see it.
Let the CCP know there is a frog behind every blade of grass waiting for them
Crap!!!! Thanks for the tip.
Thanks for teaching an old Anon a new trick.
Yes, doing this makes it harder for them to map out how this information gets spread on different platforms
You have to clear it so they don't know where the red pill is being shot from. Q is "indoctrination" to the indoctrinated. Allow them no recourse but to accept reality.
Yep, that's a great pro-tip! Tweeted this out on twatter before I was banned the last time (Jan 21) during the great purge. Probably didnt help my case, but IDGAF.
And here I am sending direct links to the ga.win posts. Or sometimes I just send a screenshot. But this is good to know. Thanks
I do this too
Paging u/C and u/Doggos. I had mentioned this a while ago and they said they’d consider a link sanitization feature. I’m glad more people are catching onto this. For the uninitiated, when you see the ?utm parameters in the URL, it means the base URL is tracking source traffic via Google Analytics
Source: https://data36.com/how-to-create-utm-codes-track-your-urls/
I have diligently removed the utm URL parameters from Reddit and Twitter links I share to Patriots. It’s a nuisance, but it obfuscates the network traffic.