posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +238 / -2

I'm not going to datefag or assume I know how any of this goes. Nor will I attempt to be a Q-spert and try to predict things that way. As far as I'm concerned, the resolution of all this is up in the air.

What I will say is we are not giving up. We are going to keep demanding audits. We are going to take back our schools and we are going to win. And by win I mean we are bringing justice. Gone are the days of spineless RINOs. They are not the Republican Party. Graham, McConnel, Romney and every other uniparty faggot, you are done. I hope it was worth it to you because if we find you did more than just capitulate to Dems, we're bringing the pain to you extra hard. Any of you faggot Republicans who try to get us to move on, we're done with you and you are done. Trump is the Republican party. He became the party when he won the election against both the Democrats AND the backstabbing faggot RINOs. We're not returning to your fake ass smiles and bullshit Christian family value upbringings that are nothing more than a front to fool us all. No more. Trump may be a jackass at times, but you know what, I know I can actually trust him to get the job done because, well... he did. No, he was not perfect and yes lost a lot of support from me endorsing Red Flag laws and attempting to ban bumpstocks. But since then I have learned he is a piece of a very important and calculated game of chess. A game, you, the establishment are going to LOSE.

Thank you for identifying yourselves, RINOs. Thank you for showing us who never to support. Thank you for submitting your crybaby resignation.

To everyone else, we fucking got this. Their media is fake. Their reality is a lie. The world is waking up and things are changing for the better. I know a bunch of fire and shit is hinted at in Revelation, but we really don't know how things will go down. This might be a dry run of Christ's return yet again or it's the real deal. I don't know. But what I do know is this evil cannot continue and I know each of us will not permit it to do so. Stay strong, stay vigilant and remember... someone out there loves you. Not me, but someone. I sort of joke of course. If anyone tries to come for you, I got your back as long as you didn't start it. May God protect you and deliver justice to those who need it. Sic semper Tyrannus, NCSWIC.