HAPPENING ....Police officers are leaving in masses....
More than 70% police officers have left the US city's police force....
What happens now?...
💥 B O O O O O M 💥

Please don’t call it a Civil War - we need to carefully and surgically exterminate the 1% ruling elite. Nothing more.
The problem is, they'll hide behind their sheep. The sheep would have to be moved out of the way. Hopefully that could be done without violence, but given how the sheep have behaved the last year, I can't say I'm hopeful for that.
Not sure exactly what you mean...
How far is President Trump going to let this go? I know a lot of people who will never wake up.
Should we continue to watch, wait and be wary? Is this part of The Plan?
Know you’re enemy before you do the work for them. They would love nothing more than us fighting each other. The great news is - it looks like the real police men and women will be on our side as they are leaving in droves! That was always one of my biggest concerns - what side they were on. Thank you law enforcement officers around the country for making it crystal clear. And to the scabs coming in to fill those positions......know which side you are on and ONLY follow constitutional laws and orders.
I'm trying to spread this message because EVERYONE is talking about "civil war"
That implies neighbor fighting neighbor, brother fighting brother, etc.
That's exactly what [they] want and the last thing we need.
Carefully targeted extinction of the entire existing government, lobbying class and the ultra-rich who fund and agitate for their satanic causes.
Let your inner sociopath loose people, but deploy it in a very precise, measured, and tactical approach. Know thy enemy!
Precisely. Killing is not bad; it depends on who exactly gets killed.
Target all media, most members of Congress and ALL ELITES!
I no joke look forward to when they start deploying actual brownshirts.
Literal foreign troops; doesn't matter if they claim to be NATO, UN, whatever; I don't give a shit.
They're all dead men walking.
Easy targets.
I’m hoping for UN purple camo myself - but that’s just one man’s opinion 😉
LMAO... I don't care what color they wear, as long as they are in some sort of uniform, which they will have to be.
The light blue they've always used is perfectly fine by me....
Doesn't matter WTF we call them.
Pretty much ALL of them are in bed with china.
Do you remember that photo dump of pretty much ALL the ruling elite taking photos with chinese officials????
I dunno man..... either a ton of shit is happening behind the scenes, or we're pretty well fucked as a country.
It is not a Civil War. The government has started an insurrection against the People of the United States.
Not quite but a good start. There's another 4-6% that will never overcome the brainwashing. They need to go, too. You'll never defeat a cancer by allowing a small portion to remain.
Well that's true too.
But first, we take out the demons in power, and those who fund them, and then those who truly believe and support them.
You are right.